The actor / technician can acknowledge the standby by pressing a button which makes the light go steady. It is good practice to flash lanterns to 70%, rather than Full to preserve lamp life. Consists of a single power input, a lighting control (DMX512) input and sockets to connect lanterns. FOOTLIGHTSA compartmentalised flood batten sometimes recessed into the front edge of the stage, used to neutralise shadows cast by overhead lighting. A PAPER TECH is a session without the set or actors when the technical and design team talk through the show ensuring everything's going to work as planned. 1) A power supply to a piece of equipment or installation is termed a 'feed'. PROFILE It's important that the DSM does not shout out the next line, while the lead actor is pausing dramatically. A scale drawing showing a piece of scenery, the whole set, lighting layout etc from above. SNAPA lighting or sound cue with no fade time - the cue happens instantly. The set design groundplan enables the lighting designer to be clear about exact location of all items, and will have the walls of the stage drawn on it so that the stage management team and production manager can plan furniture and set moves offstage. Highly polished metallic mirror used to direct light beam from a lamp towards the lens at the front of a lantern. The process of allocating circuits to dimmers is sometimes known as circuiting. 2) The equipment connected to a dimmer. 2) An extra lighting state added into the sequence later. See CHECK. 4) Low lighting intensity when cross fading between two higher states - 'there's a dip between these two states'. Most video cameras have a 'White Balance' control to make colour temperature adjustments, to ensure white looks white on camera. CEEFORM(UK / Europe) A range of standard plugs & sockets for power, which are IP rated for outdoor use. Sometimes abbreviated to Xfade or XF. Consists of multipin connector (typically Socapex or Lectriflex), short length of cable, then a number of sockets related to the number of circuits in the cable. to break up the light on the actors faces. Lanterns mounted on low stands at stage level so they provide uplight, casting shadows across the stage. A leafy breakup is used for outdoor scenes / forests / spooky wood etc. BURNT OUTA coloured gel that has lost its colour or melted through due to excessive heat in front of a lantern. Now let’s discuss how we accomplish stage lighting goals by defining the tools of the trade. Preview enables the operator to see the levels of dimmers and other information in a lighting state other than that on stage. 2) (Trade Name) A remote control for a computer running QLab software. (US) Entertainment Services and Technology Association. ACCENT LIGHTINGLighting on a particular item or area on stage, to make it stand out or for aesthetic reasons, rather than to light an actor or functional area. The controllable parameters of a colour-changing or moving light are known as the ATTRIBUTES. Can perform additive colour mixing by lowering two colours into position at the same time. Combining the effects of two or more lighting gels: A set of metal guides in front of the lens of a lantern into which a colour frame is slotted, containing a colour filter or gel. The opposite movement is called Spotting.Types of lantern, FLOOR LIGHTLanterns mounted on low stands at stage level so they provide uplight, casting shadows across the stage. 1) General term for theatre communication equipment. Sidelight. 3) Semaphore, where framed colours are electrically lowered into place in front of the lantern. across the stage). LIGHTING OPERATORMember of the show crew who runs the lighting board during the show for the Electrics Team. Connector manufacturers and crew members refer to plug connectors (with pins) as MALE, and sockets (which receive the pins) as FEMALE. In permanent installations where this is a fixed relationship (dimmer-per-circuit) the terms … Examples include lighting on specific architectural features on the set or in the theatre to make them 'pop' or because they're particularly significant. AMBER DRIFTA phenomenon seen when tungsten halogen lamps are dimmed which results in the light output becoming warmer (lower in colour temperature) as it becomes dimmer. WASH1) A lighting cover over the whole stage (e.g. Light from below the actors - from a light source on the stage floor. Some lamp trays are hinged, some are removable from the rest of the body. When the boom is lighting scenic items or large groups, the lanterns may be higher up the boom and the term will no longer apply. 1) A movement towards the centre of the stage from the sides. 1) Diffuse light that has been reflected from the stage, walls, cyclorama etc. (Trade Name) Thin black aluminium product which is used to temporarily mask light coming out of a luminaire's body, or to control spill. Examples include lighting on specific architectural features on the … The positional indicators on the rope (either PVC tape, or more traditionally cotton tape passed through the strands of the rope) are called DEADS. LIGHTING STANDUsually three-legged telescopic stand on which lighting equipment can be mounted. All pyrotechnics should be used with close reference to local licensing laws, and the manufacturers instructions. Accent light uses bright lights with a focused beam to bring attention to a specific part of the stage, usually where the main action takes place. An adaptor from one type of electrical connector to another. 2) A strip of dense black material fastened behind a crack between two flats or scenic pieces to prevent light leak. A cue is a signal, as for an actor to go onstage or undertake some audible activity offstage that … A lighting or sound cue with no fade time - the cue happens instantly. Flash Cotton is cotton wool / string impregnated with nitrocellulose. FADERA vertical slider which is used to remotely set the level of a lighting or sound channel. Other shapes are possible; Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre was a five-sided thrust stage. A method of directing light down a very thin glass fibre. Many older Strand lanterns are identified by their Patt. A role is said to be 'white glove' if the person is not required or expected to help with setting up equipment, only in the operation of it. Sometimes flying pieces are given a number of extra deads, that may be colour coded, in addition to the 'in dead' (lower) and 'out dead' (higher - out of view). The performance as it will be 'on the night'. Lighting on a particular item or area on stage, to make it stand out or for aesthetic reasons, rather than to light an actor or functional area. or Pack Out (NZ). Each instrument is capable of a massive variety of effects which are operated live via a moving light control desk, or can be pre-programmed by a standard memory lighting desk. The department in the theatre responsible for stage lighting and sometimes sound and maintenance of the building's electrical equipment. RECITATIVEMusical terminology for a sung dialogue passage, in the rhythm of ordinary speech, during an opera, operetta or oratorio. SCREEN (PROJECTION)Many types of projection screen are available. FIBRE OPTICSA method of directing light down a very thin glass fibre. Lighting: Function on ETC lighting consoles which flashes a channel to 100% if it is at or below 50% or down to zero if it's above 50%. Each preset has a master fader which selects the maximum level of dimmers controlled by that preset. The connection should only be made by a qualified electrician with the power off! (eg Light Plot = scale plan showing lighting instruments). Theatre design The design of the set, lighting, music, sound and costumes, and the way digital technology is used all contribute to the audience's experience. This means the projection image will be reversed from the point of view of the audience (all data projectors have a setting to flip or mirror the image). Fans and ducts then direct the gas onto the stage. An adaptor screwed onto the hanging bolt of an instrument to enable it to be used on an upright stand. 1) Climbable piece of access equipment to reach a working platform or for short light-duty work at height. A colour frame is used to hold the colour filter, which slots into the colour runners in front of the lens of the lantern, just behind the barndoors (for a Fresnel or PC). A CRI of 100 for a white light source is equivalent to tungsten light, and is seen as giving an excellent rendering of colour across the spectrum. A luminaire that provides such illumination. 1) The point of focus in a profile spot where the shutters are positioned and where an iris or gobo can be inserted. ACShort for ALTERNATING CURRENT. Large plastic sphere covered in a mosaic of small mirrors, which reflect light outwards, to cover the area with bright dots of light. Europe) or "instrument" in the US. The terminator is very easy to make, and consists of a 120 Ohm half-watt resistor soldered between pins 2 and 3 of the XLR connector. How do designers use technology on stage to tell a story? The main tabs or house tabs are Rideau d'avant-scène. DIRECT CURRENTElectric current that flows in one direction only (e.g. The definition of low key lighting is a filmic lighting style that uses a hard source to encase your scene in shadow. BLACK HOLEAn accidentally unlit portion of the stage. The Down fade time refers to the time for dimmer levels falling to their new positions. COLOUR FRAME Reduction of lighting level for a scene change, that isn't quite a BLACKOUT. Chain or wire fixed around lantern and lighting bar or boom to prevent danger in the event of failure of the primary support (eg Hook Clamp). AUDITION: A competitive try-out for a role in a play. For this lesson, we'll focus on the fixtures and their two primary functions of accenting and washing. 2) An independently controllable … New technology enables digital sound signals to be sent down optical fibres, replacing heavy and expensive multicore cables. (e.g. Short for Electrics. Only related to theatre in connection with the musical 'Tommy'. A connection box at the end of a lighting or sound multicore cable. Many moving lights use a similar system with dichroic colours which are more efficient and longer-lasting. CPLighting Industry Forum code which identifies the (original) recommended usage of different lamp types. ZOOM PROFILEA type of profile lantern with two lenses enabling the adjustment of both size of the beam and whether it's hard or soft focus. 2) Description of how sharply defined a light beam is ('give that profile a sharp focus') Some American systems use a Pin Plug patching system. WATTSUnit of electrical power derived from the current (or 'quantity' of electricity) multipled by the voltage (or 'pressure' at which the current is delivered). Usually the first time the show is rehearsed in the venue, with lighting, scenery and sound. Short for Digital Multiplex. N.B. A.J. Images can be front projected or back/rear projected depending on the amount of space and the effect required. (e.g. Profile lanterns have a Field control which enables a beam to be flattened so it has no hot spot. JUMPERAn adaptor from one type of electrical connector to another. A metal plate designed to hold a gobo of a particular size in a lantern of a particular type. (US especially) To extinguish a particular lighting instrument (e.g. just create an account. Also known as Duct Tape. USR = Upstage Right (see diagram) A Series splitter is also available where a voltage is shared equally between two loads. Anything in position before the beginning of a scene or act (ex. Also known as ERS / E.R.S. CROSS FADE / CROSSFADEBringing a new lighting state up whilst bringing the previous one down, so that the new one completely replaces the old one. Originally short for plano-convex - the basic lens shape of many lanterns / projectors. Often abbreviated to the Tech. The department in the theatre responsible for stage lighting and sometimes sound and maintenance of the building's electrical equipment. Usually electrically fired with special designed fail-safe equipment. It is also important for performers and anyone else involved in the theater to understand certain terms, such as "lighting boom," because it helps everyone communicate more efficiently about the … 2) The act of turning off (or fading out) stage lighting (e.g. The part of a computerised lighting control desk which enables the operator to recall cues from the electronic memory. 1) A pre-programmed lighting state which can be faded in and out during a one night show when there's no time for plotting. LIGHTING PLOT1) The process of recording information about each lighting state either onto paper or into the memory of a computerised lighting board for subsequent playback. The instrument's lamp (and its colour filter) are thus saved for another occasion. This has advantages in that you never run out of dimmers, but allows no flexibility and can have cost disadvantages in a large space. Direct Lighting. 2) Timber used for joining flats together for flying. (Known in the UK as LX1). Most computer lighting desks have the ability to either insert an additional cue in a sequence, or to link to another cue out of the sequence, and then link back again. Adjustable aperture which, when placed in the gate of a profile lantern, varies the size of a beam of light. Also known as a Beam Projector. 4) This facility was available on many multitrack tape machines. Properly calibrated (and regularly tested) these can be as effective than the smoke detectors (which work by 'seeing' smoke particles in the air). 1) A lensless lantern that produces a broad non-variable spread of light. Lights Down on Act One). They may be named by position (e.g. Select a subject to preview related courses: Theatrical lighting allows audiences to see the actions performed and directs their attention to the most important parts. SHINSThe lowest lantern on a lighting boom. 2) The basic story thread running through a performance / play which gives the reason for the character's actions. A small box containing the socket into which a pyro cartridge is plugged. Originally short for plano-convex - the basic lens shape of many lanterns / projectors. These refer to the current-carrying capacity of the connector. Used to add interest to light beams. See also A1, T, P2, K. CRACKED OILA smoke effect which creates a haze in the air to make light beams visible. COLOUR WHEEL A lighting installation where there is no patching system. © copyright 2003-2021 Each lighting circuit / socket has a dimmer always connected to it. Learn theatre lighting with free interactive flashcards. Quiz & Worksheet - Theatre Lighting Tools & Vocab, Over 83,000 lessons in all major subjects, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Costume Design: Definition, History & Process, Biological and Biomedical HOT SPOTThe brightest part of the beam from a lantern, usually showing the centre. E.g. A coloured gel that has lost its colour or melted through due to excessive heat in front of a lantern. HEADS ON STAGEA shouted warning (often just 'Heads!') 1) A walkway, giving access to technical and service areas above the stage or auditorium, or linking fly-floors. Requirement under the UK Electricity At Work Regulations (1989) to test and inspect all portable electrical equipment. Show Control The furthest from the audience is literally higher due to the slope of the stage, so moving from close to the audience involves walking up the raked stage, towards 'Upstage'. 'Save 14'). 4) US term interchangable with PIPE for a flying bar. Some Flash buttons on submasters can be set to latch (ie they stay on when pushed, until they are pushed again). Known in the US as the Light Board. 2) Holding the bottom edge of a flat with your foot while a colleague raises the top of it to a vertical position (known as 'footing a flat'). 3) The action of turning a followspot on a performer. Most common widths are .5 inch for marking out areas and 2 inch (usually black) for everything else. (Esp. Standard power connector in UK theatres. FOCUSINGThe process of adjusting the direction and beam size of lanterns. Term now being replaced by the internationally recognised "luminaire" (esp. 1) A type of lantern with at least one plano-convex lens which projects the outline of any chosen shape placed in its gate, sometimes with a variable degree of hardness/softness. Companies such as Rosco sell back projection (BP) material (a translucent plastic) which results in a very bright and clear image, and which prevents the visibility of a projection hot spot. Transformation from a scene downstage of a gauze to another scene upstage, by slowly crossfading lighting from downstage to upstage. In a fully patchable system, the circuit number (also known as socket number) can be connected to any of a wide range of dimmers. Many modern pieces of equipment used in a lighting rig must not be supplied with power from a dimmer (e.g. Describes the mixing down of multiple sounds from different tracks onto one track, hence freeing up the other tracks to be re-used. Short runs with microphone cable are acceptable. 'Could you spot that down a touch, please?'). (Lighting) A fade to blue backlight only. Modern safety legislation (UK) requires that the lamp tray cannot be opened until power is disconnected. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} FLY BARSThe metal bars to which scenery and lanterns are attached for flying above the stage. LOAD1) The electrical power rating, in Watts, of the equipment connected to a particular lighting dimmer. Measured in Amperes (Amps). Théâtre Libre was founded on 30 March 1887 by André Antoine.The primary goal of the theatre was to present new plays that were untried and unproduced by the commercial houses. Named because of the proximity of sharp parts of the lantern to the flesh of the lower leg. Many theatre buildings have complex fire alarm systems installed. 3) Scaff tubes / pipes are 48mm in diameter and are used as vertical legs on platform systems by various manufacturers including Steeldeck, Metrodeck, Prolyte Staging etc. A CRI of 100 for a white light source is equivalent to tungsten light, and is seen as giving an excellent rendering of colour across the spectrum. It follows that if a light source is placed at the focal point, the lens will produce parallel rays. See PVC Tape. Many moving lights use a similar system with dichroic colours which are more efficient and longer-lasting. It's called Upstage because on a raked stage the stage slopes down towards the audience to improve sightlines. If the effect is momentary, this rule may be relaxed. Measured in terms of "degrees Kelvin,"* daylight is approximately 5600-degrees Kelvin, a candle is approximately 800 degrees, an incandescent lamp is approximately 2800 degrees, a photoflood lamp … In the USA, ClearCom is commonly used. Language, especially in theatre, is rarely universal! A chance for … The American standard is 120 Volts AC. HOOK CLAMP Tungsten Halogen lamps use a Quartz envelope ('bulb') filled with halogen gas to give an almost constant colour temperature. Concentric rings attached to the front of a beamlight (eg Strand Pageant) to contain spill. Understanding and designing theatre lighting – A-level Understanding theatre lighting . Glass colour filters which reflect all light except that which is the colour of the filter, which passes through. E size - 37.5mm / 28mm LAMPY(colloquial term) Theatre / Rock & Roll lighting technician. Stage lighting has a variety of functions such as: indicating time or location; being used in an abstract or symbolic way to communicate a message 1) Device which, when attached to an acoustic musical instrument, converts sound vibrations into an electrical signal. 1) A pre-plotted height for a piece of scenery or lighting bar - 'that bar's on its dead'. Coloured filters can be used with this lamp. GOING DARK1) See DARK. (Flicker Wheel) 'What's the nearest dip circuit to downstage left so I can plug the birdie in?') Material from 1967 uses the word 'MASK', and no mention is made of 'GOBO', so we can assume the word wasn't in widespread use then for stage lighting. The follow-on can be taken by the operator once a previous cue is complete, or a lighting or sound cue can be programmed to happen a specific time after a previous cue. Pairs of colours which, when additively mixed, combine to produce white light. A three way splitter is known as a TRELCO, TRELLY (or THREEFER in the US). There is no abbreviation for onstage (as it is too easily confused with offstage). Lighting that casts all, or at least 90%, of its light downward. Known in the US as NC (no color). A scaled plan (overhead) view of the theatre stage area or of a set design, to enable all technical departments to ensure that everything will fit correctly into the space available. Many different sizes of frames are needed for different lanterns. A slow dimming of the lights, ending in blackout. 1 Share. The actor / technician can acknowledge the standby by pressing a button which makes the light go steady. It's essential to know whether your venue uses SMOKE DETECTORS on the fire alarm system. Shutters (normally four) are located in the gate at the centre of the lantern. Lighting used in Greek Theatre Stage lighting is often unappreciated. CRESCENT WRENCH Costumes are sometimes used where they may cause technical problems (eg Quick changes). DICHROIC FILTERGlass colour filters which reflect all light except that which is the colour of the filter, which passes through. For example, a 13 - 15A jumper has a 13A plug and a 15A socket at either end of a short cable. End Stage: A Thrust stage extended wall to wall, like a thrust stage … Originally known as the switchboard or dimmerboard, it is now usually remote from the dimmers. See also PAR and FLOORCAN.Types of LanternParcan Evolution and History. See ZARGES. It could be short for Go-Between, as the gobo goes between the lamp and the lens. Outriggers are used to stabilise the tower from falling sideways. 4) Film : 35mm film projection is common in many theatres as a device for keeping the building open to the public when productions are in preparation. Leko in the Backstage Heritage Collection archive. A lighting desk where the interface between operator and dimmer is a fader, rather than a computer. COLOUR CHANGER1) Scroller, where a long string of up to 16 colours is passed horizontally in front of a lantern. See PLASA for the UK equivalent. Using a computer to help with 2D plans and drawings, or increasingly for 3D visualisation of how a set will look, and how lighting will affect it. GES (Giant Edison Screw) is used for large wattage lamps. In the US, TRIM has the same meaning. Usually at the end of a musical number to draw the applause. BC HOLDERType of UK domestic lampholder that has largely been replaced by the ES (Edison Screw) and the GES (Goliath Edison Screw) for general lighting applications in the theatre. "Go get me a 10m TRS" usually means "Please get me a 10m length of 15A power cable" (in the UK, at least)). CUE1) The command given to technical departments to carry out a particular operation. Cyc lights are about to be aware of activity above them other who. Securing coiled cables, of course, also known as plugging up. ) signals... 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