(m)Tj (i)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3601.18 1516.74 3599.5 1515.06 3599.5 1513 c q (v)Tj ( )Tj (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2.64 0 Td 2586.21 2077.35 l 6.12 0 Td (a)Tj 1790.71 2615.04 1792.29 2613.45 1794.25 2613.45 c (s)Tj 6.12 0 Td 1841.25 4281.45 l 6.12 0 Td 2463.21 4482.65 2463.62 4480.44 2465.23 4479.33 c 5.52 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td (r)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2359.79 2618.96 2358.21 2620.55 2356.25 2620.55 c 2.4 0 Td ( )Tj 2185.69 4283.04 2187.29 4281.45 2189.25 4281.45 c 6.12 0 Td 2432.29 2620.55 2430.71 2618.96 2430.71 2617 c 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj (o)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 5.51988 0 Td (t)Tj (s)Tj 6.12 0 Td (i)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2873.11 4054.81 m (c)Tj ( )Tj (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2302.25 2620.55 m 5.52 0 Td 3020 1148 3020 1149 3020.25 1149.25 c 2487.81 4286.96 2486.21 4288.55 2484.25 4288.55 c 9.12 0 Td 2450.24 2806.81 2450.56 2804.59 2452.12 2803.41 c ()Tj 2609.72 5419.65 l /R8 13.1618 Tf (o)Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj (s)Tj 3 0 Td 3430.18 1516.74 3428.5 1515.06 3428.5 1513 c (p)Tj 3168.25 4281.45 l (. 6.12 0 Td (o)Tj (e)Tj 3144.25 1623.26 l 1 i 2216.69 4362.74 m 2830.25 2391.25 m (:)Tj ( )Tj ( )Tj 3 0 Td 4.44 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td (-)Tj 1628.81 4286.96 1627.21 4288.55 1625.25 4288.55 c (t)Tj 7.2 0 Td (i)Tj -413.76 -12.84 Td (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3030.79 2407.96 3029.21 2409.55 3027.25 2409.55 c 2233 2912 2228 2912 2221.25 2912.25 c (s)Tj 5.52 0 Td (o)Tj 1627.21 4281.45 1628.81 4283.04 1628.81 4285 c (,)Tj ( )Tj (a)Tj (t)Tj 1 0 0 1 91.47 723.39 Tm 3 0 Td 3553.99 1515.06 3552.32 1516.74 3550.25 1516.74 c 6.12 0 Td (m)Tj (t)Tj h q 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT 6.12 0 Td 2067.32 1509.26 2068.99 1510.94 2068.99 1513 c 6.12 0 Td (r)Tj 3 0 Td 2138.21 4281.45 2139.81 4283.04 2139.81 4285 c 6.12 0 Td ( )Tj (i)Tj 3 0 Td 7213.25 2577.19 7215.94 2574.5 7219.25 2574.5 c h 2787 2875 2816 2875 2816.25 2875.25 c f 2869.28 4072.39 2870.35 4070.41 2872.23 4069.85 c (r)Tj 6.12 0 Td (d)Tj 3032.39 2918.69 l The laser diode will also require more current to maintain the same amount of output power as the diode … 3 0 Td 2887.2 4060.43 l (a)Tj 2795.25 4042.25 l 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td -432 -12.84 Td (f)Tj 6.11997 0 Td (a)Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2838.44 3948.37 2840.32 3949.6 2840.73 3951.52 c (e)Tj 2590.39 2175.6 l 3525.69 4283.04 3527.29 4281.45 3529.25 4281.45 c 2309.06 4600.88 2306.85 4601.28 2305.23 4600.17 c (h)Tj )Tj 9.12 0 Td 2522.18 1516.74 2520.5 1515.06 2520.5 1513 c 3 0 Td 4.32 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 3588.18 1516.74 3586.5 1515.06 3586.5 1513 c (d)Tj 6.12 0 Td (f)Tj (e)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 2760.25 2178.25 l (n)Tj 6.12 0 Td 9.12 0 Td 1645.25 2620.55 l (t)Tj 2259.25 1034.25 m (n)Tj (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td (i)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2814.75 1508.25 l 2994.18 1516.74 2992.5 1515.06 2992.5 1513 c 6.12 0 Td (g)Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 2573.25 2318.5 289 4.99951 re (p)Tj ( )Tj 2139.25 1509.26 l 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td High Power Laser Diode Fiber Optic Patch Cable 400 μm / 600 μm / 1000 μm Core, 0.22 NA, Stainless Steel Armored, Multimode Patch Cable; 3 Meters, SMA905 Connectors FCC $589 .00 Chirped 2.76 0 Td 2809.24 2928.17 l 8 0 Td 2568 1084 2568 1084 2568.25 1085.25 c 5.52 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td ( )Tj (t)Tj ( )Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.72 0 Td 1922.25 2620.55 m ( )Tj 2828.35 2195.68 l (,)Tj (a)Tj f 5.52 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3499.15 4960.37 m 1823.18 1516.74 1821.5 1515.06 1821.5 1513 c 3.96 0 Td (t)Tj ( )Tj ( )Tj 5.28 0 Td 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 2661.38 2078.41 m 4.43997 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td (t)Tj (c)Tj 5.52 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj (o)Tj 1772.21 4281.45 1773.81 4283.04 1773.81 4285 c 3 0 Td (a)Tj (e)Tj (r)Tj 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj (n)Tj 3 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3033.25 1627.25 l Q (c)Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 1541.25 1516.74 m 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj 2888.74 2232.85 l 7.43997 0 Td (e)Tj (-)Tj 2819.75 1793.25 l (e)Tj 4.44 0 Td (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (r)Tj (l)Tj 5.52 0 Td (r)Tj 8.28 0 Td 3 0 Td (Y)Tj 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td W n ( )Tj 5.52 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2017.71 2615.04 2019.29 2613.45 2021.25 2613.45 c f 6.12 0 Td (c)Tj 2590 739 2595 739 2595.25 739.25 c (y)Tj 3098.11 4073.09 l 3323.58 4877.25 l 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (r)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td 2.76 0 Td 2583.2 2177.16 2583.87 2175.02 2585.6 2174.11 c (n)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2699.21 2402.45 2700.79 2404.04 2700.79 2406 c (M)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2.4 0 Td (r)Tj h 2.16 0 Td ()Tj 2.4 0 Td 2155.81 4286.96 2154.21 4288.55 2152.25 4288.55 c 3170.25 1509.26 l 6 0 Td 1758.29 2620.55 1756.71 2618.96 1756.71 2617 c 1599.32 1509.26 1600.99 1510.94 1600.99 1513 c ( )Tj 2517.18 1516.74 2515.5 1515.06 2515.5 1513 c (o)Tj 3697.29 4288.55 3695.69 4286.96 3695.69 4285 c (i)Tj 8 0 Td 3164.18 1516.74 3162.5 1515.06 3162.5 1513 c 3797.29 4288.55 3795.69 4286.96 3795.69 4285 c (t)Tj (l)Tj (t)Tj 2.4 0 Td (s)Tj 2713.65 3967.28 2711.44 3966.88 2710.32 3965.26 c /R13 11 Tf (h)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3.36 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 9.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td (r)Tj 6.12 0 Td h ( )Tj 3 0 Td 2887 1112 2887 1110 2880.25 1110.25 c (d)Tj 3 0 Td (l)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3720.71 2825.04 3722.29 2823.45 3724.25 2823.45 c (s)Tj 2470.29 2620.55 2468.71 2618.96 2468.71 2617 c 6.12 0 Td (1)Tj (d)Tj (i)Tj 6.12 0 Td (g)Tj (a)Tj 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj 2464.28 2898.75 2462.1 2899.3 2460.43 2898.29 c 5.52 0 Td f (y)Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td f 6.12 0 Td 1.8 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 2.76 0 Td ()Tj ( )Tj (n)Tj (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj 3 0 Td (r)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2577.74 2834.85 l 2.76 0 Td 2376 711 2384 724 2384.25 733.25 c ET Q (e)Tj ( )Tj 1757.81 4286.96 1756.21 4288.55 1754.25 4288.55 c (r)Tj 2669.09 2860.72 2670.92 2859.42 2672.85 2859.76 c 2274.31 2807.3 2272.14 2806.71 2271.17 2805.01 c 2185.34 4383.01 l 1971.25 2613.45 l 2692.25 2409.55 m 2899.25 4281.45 l -436.2 -12.84 Td 5.52 0 Td 2953.25 4281.45 l /R65 11 Tf (g)Tj (e)Tj 2672.25 2495.55 l 2222.79 2618.96 2221.21 2620.55 2219.25 2620.55 c 3.36 0 Td (s)Tj 0 g (r)Tj ( )Tj 3 0 Td 2458 1515.06 2456.32 1516.74 2454.25 1516.74 c (r)Tj 2632.25 2193.25 l (/)Tj 5.52 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (u)Tj 3 0 Td (i)Tj (i)Tj ( )Tj 3004 697 3010 716 3010.25 716.25 c 6.12 0 Td 2376.23 2817.69 2376.61 2815.48 2378.21 2814.35 c -106.2 -12.96 Td 3.33086 0 Td 3131.25 1509.26 l (g)Tj (t)Tj f (a)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (h)Tj (e)Tj f /R8 8.94529 Tf (w)Tj 7.92 0 Td 3 0 Td 3352.29 2409.55 3350.71 2407.96 3350.71 2406 c 1729.25 5418.25 m 5.52 0 Td 2383.3 2914.19 2382.71 2916.36 2381.01 2917.33 c 3 0 Td q 1729.25 5081.25 l 4.32 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 2775.72 2235.41 2774.43 2233.58 2774.76 2231.65 c 2760 2367 2761 2370 2761.25 2372.25 c (h)Tj 2272.73 4538.77 m 2469 2932 2471 2930 2474.25 2929.25 c q 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT 2794.21 2814.35 l (c)Tj q 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT (r)Tj (o)Tj h ( )Tj (d)Tj 2489.72 4509.14 2490.31 4511.31 2489.34 4513.01 c q 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT ()Tj (h)Tj 2670.8 2116.05 l (r)Tj 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td ( )Tj (h)Tj 3 0 Td 2864.25 2281.25 l 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td (C)Tj 2858.25 2409.55 m (f)Tj 3087 2910 3092 2910 3092.25 2910.25 c f ( )Tj ( )Tj (e)Tj 4.32 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (e)Tj (n)Tj 6.12 0 Td /R8 8.93425 Tf (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 3559.69 4283.04 3561.29 4281.45 3563.25 4281.45 c (s)Tj (a)Tj 2783.09 2833.83 2785.24 2833.2 2786.96 2834.14 c 3109.25 2971.25 l (k)Tj (N)Tj (r)Tj 3.72 0 Td (i)Tj 2.76 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 2425.28 4468.49 2427.21 4467.33 2429.11 4467.81 c h 2703.77 4039.73 l (8)Tj (o)Tj (a)Tj (r)Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 1702.25 1509.26 l 2701.51 1748.52 l 6.12 0 Td ( )Tj 3 0 Td (o)Tj 2621.25 4288.55 l 2557.18 1516.74 2555.5 1515.06 2555.5 1513 c 6.12 0 Td (a)Tj 9.12 0 Td ( )Tj ( )Tj h 2166.78 4404.36 2166.19 4402.19 2167.16 4400.49 c 3 0 Td 1610.25 1509.26 l (g)Tj 6.12 0 Td 1926.25 2613.45 l ( )Tj h (d)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2.4 0 Td (i)Tj -447.24 -12.84 Td (l)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2033.71 2615.04 2035.29 2613.45 2037.25 2613.45 c (s)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td (i)Tj 3227.69 4283.04 3229.29 4281.45 3231.25 4281.45 c (m)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (y)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td (o)Tj 2392 2328 2393 2329 2399.25 2329.25 c (h)Tj 6.12 0 Td (d)Tj 5.52 0 Td 2633.25 4281.45 l 2.28 0 Td 3817.71 2404.04 3819.29 2402.45 3821.25 2402.45 c ( )Tj (c)Tj (d)Tj 2564.25 1169.25 l 6.12003 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2629.25 2858.25 l (h)Tj (t)Tj 1853.25 4281.45 l 6.12 0 Td 2.28 0 Td /R11 8 Tf (a)Tj 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3.72 0 Td -67.44 -19.32 Td (g)Tj 1.00001 0 0 1 202.95 262.11 Tm (o)Tj 3 0 Td (a)Tj 3 0 Td (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2996 1081 2995 1077 2995.25 1075.25 c 3 0 Td ( )Tj ( )Tj 2475.73 4535.77 l 2280 775 2269 736 2269.25 736.25 c (a)Tj (o)Tj 2.4 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2580.75 4539.65 l (w)Tj (n)Tj 2.4 0 Td Q (a)Tj f 2888.58 4801.25 l 0000303452 00000 n f 6.12 0 Td 3037 702 3037 701 3037.25 700.25 c 3044.25 1516.74 m (g)Tj 5.52 0 Td (B)Tj (o)Tj (o)Tj (c)Tj 4.44 0 Td 2439.25 2328.25 l (a)Tj 3.72 0 Td (e)Tj (1)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3708.25 1516.74 m (t)Tj 2032.18 1516.74 2030.5 1515.06 2030.5 1513 c (p)Tj 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td 2.76 0 Td (e)Tj ( )Tj (o)Tj (t)Tj (b)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2745.11 2186.29 2747.08 2187.36 2747.64 2189.23 c (c)Tj (. 3.72 0 Td 3 0 Td /R8 11 Tf (e)Tj 2590 1124 2595 1124 2595.25 1124.25 c 2250.29 4288.55 2248.69 4286.96 2248.69 4285 c 2.76 0 Td 2841.25 1849.25 l 1601.69 4283.04 1603.29 4281.45 1605.25 4281.45 c 2902.25 2182.25 l 2571.33 4590.03 m (e)Tj 5.04 0 Td 2330.02 4599.28 2331.18 4601.21 2330.7 4603.11 c (n)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td (l)Tj 3072.58 4796.96 3073.9 4796.96 3074.72 4797.77 c (v)Tj 2752 2376 2747 2368 2742.25 2361.25 c (e)Tj (d)Tj 3394.5 1510.94 3396.18 1509.26 3398.25 1509.26 c 3124 1155 3124 1107 3124.25 1107.25 c 100.25 466.25 m 2644.91 2072.94 2642.69 2073.26 2641.12 2072.09 c ( )Tj 6.29174 0 Td (t)Tj 5.52 0 Td ( )Tj 2714 1173 2714 1173 2715.25 1173.25 c (o)Tj 3.72 0 Td 3.72 0 Td ( )Tj (e)Tj (i)Tj 2757 2889 2760 2889 2762.25 2891.25 c 2.4 0 Td 1624.25 2613.45 l 4.44 0 Td (m)Tj (a)Tj -445.68 -12.84 Td (t)Tj f* 5.04 0 Td 9.12 0 Td 2677.7 2114.45 m 2500.25 2620.55 m (e)Tj 3100.29 4288.55 3098.69 4286.96 3098.69 4285 c 2215 2912 2223 2937 2223.25 2937.25 c 3 0 Td (u)Tj 2372.79 4512.05 l (a)Tj 3.72 0 Td (r)Tj 3 0 Td 2304.06 4493.88 2301.85 4494.28 2300.23 4493.17 c (t)Tj (i)Tj ( )Tj 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td (c)Tj (d)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td (t)Tj ( )Tj 2716 2374 2716 2373 2716.25 2373.25 c (I)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj (s)Tj 8.64 0 Td (h)Tj 2717 1164 2701 1108 2701.25 1108.25 c (h)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2353.21 4281.45 2354.81 4283.04 2354.81 4285 c (e)Tj 2.76 0 Td 4.44 0 Td 2.4 0 Td (m)Tj 6.12 0 Td (i)Tj 3703.32 1952.26 3705 1953.94 3705 1956 c (p)Tj 3 0 Td 0.502 G (c)Tj 3.72 0 Td 2376.03 2786.69 2374.69 2788.48 2372.75 2788.76 c 3743.5 1510.94 3745.18 1509.26 3747.25 1509.26 c ( )Tj h 2421.32 1509.26 2423 1510.94 2423 1513 c (u)Tj 3 0 Td (a)Tj (g)Tj (-)Tj 5.52 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 3686.5 1510.94 3688.18 1509.26 3690.25 1509.26 c 3892.29 4288.55 3890.69 4286.96 3890.69 4285 c 2942.06 4075.88 2939.85 4076.28 2938.23 4075.17 c (\()Tj 2.4 0 Td 2861.21 2177.53 2861.68 2175.34 2863.33 2174.27 c (b)Tj 2618 2396 2617 2401 2610.25 2401.25 c 6.12 0 Td 2462.96 4581.2 2465.17 4581.67 2466.23 4583.32 c 2.4 0 Td 3382.29 4288.55 3380.69 4286.96 3380.69 4285 c 2621.8 2801.75 l (e)Tj 2852.26 2929.17 m (o)Tj 2.16 0 Td 2481 2920 2484 2919 2484.25 2917.25 c (f)Tj 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td 3288.25 1516.74 m (s)Tj 2532.64 4607.78 m 2870.33 2816.49 l 2355.11 4476.41 l h 2652.79 2618.96 2651.21 2620.55 2649.25 2620.55 c 3 0 Td -452.28 -12.84 Td (o)Tj 3 0 Td (n)Tj ( )Tj ( )Tj ( )Tj 2410.44 4488.62 2412.65 4488.21 2414.27 4489.33 c 1 i 3129 1195 3114 1223 3090.25 1233.25 c (e)Tj (e)Tj 5.52 0 Td (a)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 2654.71 1275.48 l 2451.32 1509.26 2452.99 1510.94 2452.99 1513 c 5.52 0 Td 2802.53 1374.83 l 1 g 1660.21 4281.45 1661.81 4283.04 1661.81 4285 c 2.4 0 Td 2259.32 1509.26 2260.99 1510.94 2260.99 1513 c (r)Tj (n)Tj 2680.99 1515.06 2679.32 1516.74 2677.25 1516.74 c (i)Tj 7.92 0 Td ( )Tj (t)Tj (p)Tj 7.92 0 Td 3 0 Td 2816 2875 2816 2877 2816.25 2877.25 c 2419.25 2821.25 l 3 0 Td 2081.42 4864.58 l 6.12 0 Td 2955.25 2292.25 l 5.52 0 Td 3103.27 4166.68 3102.96 4168.91 3101.39 4170.09 c 3 0 Td (c)Tj h (v)Tj 2.76 0 Td 1.00002 0 0 1 365.19 491.19 Tm 6.12 0 Td 2.16 0 Td 2628 2401 2620 2400 2620.25 2400.25 c 6.12 0 Td (r)Tj 3 0 Td (h)Tj f (p)Tj (s)Tj (. (. 2523 1166 2522 1162 2521.25 1161.25 c 6.12 0 Td (l)Tj (h)Tj ( )Tj 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj 2577.71 2832.14 2578.3 2834.31 2577.33 2836.01 c ( )Tj 2371.75 2835.22 2372.29 2837.4 2371.29 2839.07 c 5.52 0 Td (s)Tj (h)Tj 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj 3845.25 4281.45 l 3066.16 4049.82 l 3192.79 2407.96 3191.21 2409.55 3189.25 2409.55 c 2749 765 2727 765 2727.25 765.25 c 2814.75 1497.25 l 3 0 Td 2829.59 4174.55 2831.82 4174.23 2833.39 4175.41 c 2987 1116 2972 1113 2972.25 1113.25 c ( )Tj (a)Tj 2012.25 1509.26 l 3192 2922 3192 2874 3192.25 2874.25 c 3 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 2755.71 2404.04 2757.29 2402.45 2759.25 2402.45 c 0000006104 00000 n 3029.46 2915.25 m 5.52 0 Td 2686.11 2178.9 l 2439.27 2821.65 l ( )Tj (o)Tj 2.76 0 Td 2380.5 1510.94 2382.18 1509.26 2384.25 1509.26 c 2494.23 4591.17 m (p)Tj 2837.23 2291.85 l 2602.29 4288.55 2600.69 4286.96 2600.69 4285 c 2561.51 5442.96 l 1729.79 2193.96 1728.21 2195.55 1726.25 2195.55 c 2.39988 0 Td ( )Tj 2463.25 4585.25 l (d)Tj 2.4 0 Td 1594.21 4281.45 1595.81 4283.04 1595.81 4285 c ( )Tj (n)Tj 3256.18 1516.74 3254.5 1515.06 3254.5 1513 c (a)Tj 9.12 0 Td 2.16 0 Td 2207.18 1516.74 2205.5 1515.06 2205.5 1513 c ( )Tj /IM true (a)Tj 2600.87 2805.06 2599.05 2803.74 2598.75 2801.8 c (t)Tj 5.52003 0 Td ( )Tj 3642.25 1509.26 l (e)Tj 5.52 0 Td (h)Tj 6.12 0 Td (d)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2638.02 2805 l 2721 2373 2721 2372 2721.25 2371.25 c 2800.71 4016.42 2799.41 4014.58 2799.75 4012.65 c (t)Tj 3063.79 2407.96 3062.21 2409.55 3060.25 2409.55 c 6.12 0 Td (e)Tj 3.72 0 Td q 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT 3026.25 1516.74 m (o)Tj 3320.35 4879.13 l 3430.69 4283.04 3432.29 4281.45 3434.25 4281.45 c 3 0 Td 3 0 Td (w)Tj 3106.25 2402.45 l (m)Tj 5.52 0 Td 2900.21 4038.74 2902.39 4038.2 2904.08 4039.2 c (t)Tj 8 0 Td 5.52 0 Td (i)Tj 3537.25 1509.26 l 6.12 0 Td (r)Tj 9.12 0 Td 1641.5 1510.94 1643.18 1509.26 1645.25 1509.26 c 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (y)Tj 7.32 0 Td 3.72 0 Td 3 0 Td 2358.19 4379.2 2360.37 4379.79 2361.34 4381.49 c (h)Tj ( )Tj (o)Tj 6.12 0 Td (i)Tj 2672.25 2863.25 l (a)Tj ( )Tj 2391.25 3964.45 l 2990.25 2402.45 l 5.52 0 Td (t)Tj 2394.47 2195.79 l (n)Tj 1949.69 4283.04 1951.29 4281.45 1953.25 4281.45 c 4.32 0 Td 2.4 0 Td (n)Tj (e)Tj ( )Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 3.72 0 Td (o)Tj ( )Tj 5.52 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (c)Tj (y)Tj 8 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (b)Tj 2.76 0 Td 2461.35 2195.68 m 7.8 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 2.76 0 Td )Tj (. 1589.5 1510.94 1591.18 1509.26 1593.25 1509.26 c 6.12 0 Td 2379.31 2918.3 2377.14 2917.71 2376.17 2916.01 c 3 0 Td (e)Tj (t)Tj 3 0 Td 2223.25 4288.55 l 2693.38 2083.09 l 6.12 0 Td 2577.2 5386.81 l 2447.11 4592.29 2449.09 4593.35 2449.65 4595.23 c (s)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3.72 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2271.73 4401.77 m 3009.5 1510.94 3011.18 1509.26 3013.25 1509.26 c (t)Tj 3020 1181 3021 1181 3021.25 1179.25 c 3566.18 1516.74 3564.5 1515.06 3564.5 1513 c (d)Tj (p)Tj -454.92 -12.84 Td 3746.29 4604.55 3744.69 4602.96 3744.69 4601 c (a)Tj 2483.71 4405.45 l 2854.64 4080.78 m 6.12 0 Td 3420.71 2404.04 3422.29 2402.45 3424.25 2402.45 c 2222.25 1509.26 l (a)Tj 1938.25 2620.55 m 6.11997 0 Td 1.8 0 Td h (e)Tj (i)Tj (d)Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2167.17 2703.49 m ( )Tj 2492.99 1515.06 2491.32 1516.74 2489.25 1516.74 c 2631.29 2620.55 2629.71 2618.96 2629.71 2617 c 1773.25 2620.55 m 2383 2294 2391 2321 2391.25 2321.25 c 2946.99 1515.06 2945.32 1516.74 2943.25 1516.74 c 2085.18 1516.74 2083.5 1515.06 2083.5 1513 c (r)Tj 2375.79 2618.96 2374.21 2620.55 2372.25 2620.55 c ( )Tj 2309.52 2686.78 m 2324.28 4599.49 2326.21 4598.33 2328.11 4598.81 c 2662.71 2615.04 2664.29 2613.45 2666.25 2613.45 c (g)Tj 2248 2925 2249 2925 2249.25 2925.25 c 3035 2309 3046 2348 3046.25 2348.25 c (\()Tj 2383.77 4562.73 l ( )Tj 2157.25 2613.45 l 2669.53 2851.92 2667.84 2850.44 2667.71 2848.49 c 3 0 Td 3695.69 4283.04 3697.29 4281.45 3699.25 4281.45 c ( )Tj 3 0 Td 3622.32 1509.26 3623.99 1510.94 3623.99 1513 c (n)Tj 2.4 0 Td 7.32 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2.28 0 Td 3 0 Td (c)Tj 3926.29 4288.55 3924.69 4286.96 3924.69 4285 c 5.52 0 Td ET Q 6.12 0 Td 3116.32 1509.26 3118 1510.94 3118 1513 c 6.12 0 Td 1962.18 1516.74 1960.5 1515.06 1960.5 1513 c 8 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 2609.1 5413.08 l 2889.25 2259.25 l (m)Tj (a)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2088.21 4281.45 2089.81 4283.04 2089.81 4285 c 3347.25 4288.55 m 2344 742 2344 741 2339.25 741.25 c (F)Tj 4.41972 0 Td 2879.72 2866.5 l 2332.81 4490.51 2334.57 4491.91 2334.78 4493.86 c 2265.82 4434.5 2264.46 4432.71 2264.73 4430.77 c 2200.29 4288.55 2198.69 4286.96 2198.69 4285 c ( )Tj 6.12 0 Td (5)Tj h 3321.58 5009.25 l 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td ( )Tj 5.52 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td 3612.69 4283.04 3614.29 4281.45 3616.25 4281.45 c 3061.15 4179.63 3063.02 4178.38 3064.95 4178.77 c (u)Tj 3.72 0 Td (p)Tj 6.72 0 Td 100.25 230.25 m f* 2442.28 4595.39 2443.35 4593.41 2445.23 4592.85 c (x)Tj 3714.32 1509.26 3715.99 1510.94 3715.99 1513 c 2871.58 1423.53 l 6.12 0 Td 1855.25 1509.26 l 2607.1 5432.32 l 2430.69 4283.04 2432.29 4281.45 2434.25 4281.45 c (o)Tj (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td (i)Tj ( )Tj 3 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 3 0 Td 3114.75 4147.85 m 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 3669.5 1510.94 3671.18 1509.26 3673.25 1509.26 c 1 i (t)Tj (e)Tj (h)Tj (T)Tj (D)Tj 5.52 0 Td (o)Tj (t)Tj 1941.25 4281.45 l (d)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2860 1515.06 2858.32 1516.74 2856.25 1516.74 c ( )Tj 3807.21 2402.45 3808.79 2404.04 3808.79 2406 c 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (p)Tj 5.04 0 Td ( )Tj 2928.25 2402.45 l (a)Tj 2329.39 2698.69 l 6.12 0 Td 2993.41 2234.78 2991.58 2236.08 2989.65 2235.74 c (a)Tj 2993.79 2407.96 2992.21 2409.55 2990.25 2409.55 c 4.32 0 Td 3 0 Td 2618.21 2613.45 2619.79 2615.04 2619.79 2617 c (a)Tj 3320.65 5045.17 3321.58 5046.1 3321.58 5047.25 c 6.12 0 Td (a)Tj 6.12 0 Td (d)Tj 2254.29 2786.07 l 2.76 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td (t)Tj 3 0 Td f 6.12 0 Td 2276.73 4565.77 l 3 0 Td (u)Tj (a)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 2621.46 2067.18 2620.33 2065.24 2620.82 2063.35 c (h)Tj 2208 2887 2214 2908 2214.25 2908.25 c 2251.58 2739.55 2253.05 2737.85 2255 2737.71 c (a)Tj ET Q 2483.83 4571.05 2482.02 4569.71 2481.73 4567.77 c 2424.37 1463.99 m 2969.21 4178.45 2970.81 4180.04 2970.81 4182 c 2828.86 2188.73 l 6.12 0 Td ( )Tj 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj ( )Tj 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj 5.52 0 Td (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td (h)Tj (s)Tj 3 0 Td ( )Tj (8)Tj (o)Tj ( )Tj 3 0 Td Diode Lasers. 9.12 0 Td h ( )Tj 5.52 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 3652.21 4281.45 3653.81 4283.04 3653.81 4285 c (t)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3124.21 2402.45 3125.79 2404.04 3125.79 2406 c (l)Tj 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 3944.25 4288.55 m 3 0 Td 2368.32 1509.26 2370 1510.94 2370 1513 c 2537 2246 2531 2266 2531.25 2288.25 c 3 0 Td 3449.81 4286.96 3448.21 4288.55 3446.25 4288.55 c 5.52 0 Td CC66CCCC66FFCC9900CC9933CC9966CC9999CC99CCCC99FFCCCC00CCCC33CCCC 3 0 Td (c)Tj 1634.69 4283.04 1636.29 4281.45 1638.25 4281.45 c 2391.21 2613.45 2392.79 2615.04 2392.79 2617 c 3 0 Td 2429.13 4384.7 l ( )Tj (i)Tj 6.12 0 Td (m)Tj 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj 2543 759 2538 759 2531.25 759.25 c (n)Tj (c)Tj ( )Tj (t)Tj (e)Tj 1912 1515.06 1910.32 1516.74 1908.25 1516.74 c (r)Tj (o)Tj 2327 700 2327 700 2327.25 700.25 c (h)Tj (q)Tj ET Q 2023.29 2620.55 2021.71 2618.96 2021.71 2617 c ( )Tj 2598.59 2918.56 2600.81 2918.24 2602.38 2919.41 c 3 0 Td 3 0 Td (s)Tj 2068.99 1515.06 2067.32 1516.74 2065.25 1516.74 c ( )Tj 6.12 0 Td (l)Tj 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 4.92 0 Td 2339 1126 2338 1124 2338.25 1124.25 c (n)Tj 3826.29 4288.55 3824.69 4286.96 3824.69 4285 c 3.72 0 Td f 6.11988 0 Td 2170.25 1516.74 m (t)Tj -8.63991 -37.92 Td 1643.29 2620.55 1641.71 2618.96 1641.71 2617 c 2436.91 2809.94 2434.69 2810.26 2433.12 2809.09 c 3100.25 1516.74 l ET Q 2906.25 3999.25 l 3 0 Td (t)Tj (s)Tj 9.12 0 Td 2396.11 2809.14 2394.21 2807.93 2393.79 2806.02 c 2854.18 2927.21 2853.07 2929.16 2851.18 2929.67 c ( )Tj (t)Tj 3135.25 2903.75 l (/)Tj (p)Tj (z)Tj 3044 2844 3053 2857 3058.25 2857.25 c 6.12 0 Td 2729.98 3955.72 l 3 0 Td (t)Tj (o)Tj (k)Tj 2587.56 4525.25 l (a)Tj 5.52 0 Td (t)Tj ( )Tj 3 0 Td 2609.25 4370.58 l 6.12 0 Td 2.28 0 Td 2988.95 2214.57 2990.64 2216.04 2990.78 2218 c (y)Tj ( )Tj 1883.69 4283.04 1885.29 4281.45 1887.25 4281.45 c (e)Tj (b)Tj (u)Tj (\))Tj 4999.25 6121.25 l (e)Tj (e)Tj (n)Tj 2925.39 4163.41 l 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 1840.18 1516.74 1838.5 1515.06 1838.5 1513 c 1 0 0 1 91.47 724.23 Tm (a)Tj 2.4 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 1960.5 1510.94 1962.18 1509.26 1964.25 1509.26 c 1875.79 2618.96 1874.21 2620.55 1872.25 2620.55 c 3 0 Td (y)Tj (n)Tj (r)Tj 3045 711 3046 713 3046.25 714.25 c 2837.86 2291.73 l 3 0 Td 3540.25 2409.55 l (i)Tj (o)Tj 3 0 Td (a)Tj 2786.33 2101.01 l ( )Tj 3 0 Td 2960.25 4077.25 l (. 5.52 0 Td 3102.11 2935.69 l (l)Tj 2213.44 4498.18 2212.31 4496.24 2212.81 4494.35 c ( )Tj (h)Tj 3411.25 1509.26 l 2328 1088 2327 1089 2326.25 1089.25 c 3039.29 2164.49 3041.21 2163.34 3043.11 2163.81 c 2718 2305 2698 2305 2698.25 2305.25 c 6.12 0 Td 2828.32 2060.45 2830.26 2059.32 2832.15 2059.82 c (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 46 0 obj 3176.25 2402.45 l (a)Tj (o)Tj (d)Tj 3 0 Td 2685.92 1391.49 l (1)Tj 2.4 0 Td 3 0 Td (w)Tj 3 0 Td f (t)Tj 2520.79 2618.96 2519.21 2620.55 2517.25 2620.55 c 3075.58 5234.4 3074.65 5235.33 3073.5 5235.33 c (g)Tj 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td ( )Tj 2886.58 4611.96 2887.9 4611.96 2888.72 4612.77 c (h)Tj (b)Tj 2983.72 2218.5 l 2926 823 2936 836 2951.25 846.25 c 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td (r)Tj /F/CCF 5.52 0 Td (f)Tj 9.12 0 Td 2828.69 4283.04 2830.29 4281.45 2832.25 4281.45 c 2238.21 2613.45 2239.79 2615.04 2239.79 2617 c 7.2 0 Td )Tj (t)Tj 3 0 Td 2685 2421 2686 2421 2686.25 2421.25 c (r)Tj (s)Tj 3164.69 4283.04 3166.29 4281.45 3168.25 4281.45 c (r)Tj ( )Tj (a)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 3 0 Td 3 0 Td h (f)Tj (o)Tj 4.32 0 Td 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2952 2350 2946 2295 2946.25 2295.25 c 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td (o)Tj 2799.25 1516.74 m (t)Tj (d)Tj 6.12 0 Td 4.92 0 Td 3 0 Td (e)Tj 2885.78 2852 l /H 96 6.72 0 Td h 6.72 0 Td 5.52 0 Td (n)Tj 2667.21 2156.43 l 2.76 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 2408.62 4494.06 2408.21 4491.85 2409.32 4490.24 c 2364.76 2756.65 l 6.12 0 Td (a)Tj f 5.52 0 Td ( )Tj (e)Tj ( )Tj 2955.18 4179.6 2957.06 4178.37 2958.98 4178.78 c 2701.25 1679.74 m 3334.25 4281.45 l f (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 8 0 Td -173.28 -19.2 Td 0.502 g (t)Tj 2518.54 2074.25 l 5.52 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 7.92 0 Td 2737 2373 2737 2373 2738.25 2373.25 c 3608.69 4283.04 3610.29 4281.45 3612.25 4281.45 c 4999.25 466.25 l 2331.64 4497.78 l (d)Tj 2454.02 2713 l 2081.42 5050.58 l ( )Tj (h)Tj (r)Tj h (t)Tj ( )Tj (p)Tj (i)Tj 3600.29 2409.55 3598.71 2407.96 3598.71 2406 c (n)Tj 2267.29 2620.55 2265.71 2618.96 2265.71 2617 c (t)Tj (a)Tj 2094.79 2618.96 2093.21 2620.55 2091.25 2620.55 c (c)Tj (p)Tj 3 0 Td (t)Tj h 3.72 0 Td 2880.21 2402.45 2881.79 2404.04 2881.79 2406 c 2416.29 4288.55 2414.69 4286.96 2414.69 4285 c 5.52 0 Td 3038 674 3043 680 3043.25 681.25 c 2673.79 2618.96 2672.21 2620.55 2670.25 2620.55 c (i)Tj 3674.21 2402.45 3675.79 2404.04 3675.79 2406 c (o)Tj 2401 2291 2399 2288 2390.25 2288.25 c 2.28 0 Td (y)Tj (F)Tj 2371.71 4434.42 2370.41 4432.58 2370.75 4430.65 c 2.4 0 Td (a)Tj 2876.21 2402.45 2877.79 2404.04 2877.79 2406 c 6.12 0 Td ( )Tj (e)Tj ET Q h 3 0 Td q 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT (n)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.72 0 Td (n)Tj 6.12 0 Td (t)Tj 3 0 Td 8 0 Td 2308 722 2315 741 2315.25 741.25 c 2706 1768.25 l (u)Tj 6.12 0 Td (e)Tj 3297.25 4288.55 m (")Tj (n)Tj f 2308.07 4370.63 2306.74 4372.45 2304.81 4372.76 c 6.12 0 Td (a)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (s)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2257.25 2613.45 l 3 0 Td h 6.12 0 Td 1 0 0 1 91.47 751.35 Tm ( )Tj 2815.79 2407.96 2814.21 2409.55 2812.25 2409.55 c 3 0 Td (r)Tj 3 0 Td 3828.69 4283.04 3830.29 4281.45 3832.25 4281.45 c (d)Tj 6.12003 0 Td ( )Tj 2240.25 1509.26 l ( )Tj 6.12 0 Td 2943.44 3948.37 2945.32 3949.6 2945.73 3951.52 c (n)Tj (a)Tj 2921.11 4169.09 m ()Tj (n)Tj (g)Tj ( )Tj 2.4 0 Td (u)Tj 2.76 0 Td 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (,)Tj 6.12 0 Td (q)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2424.21 4281.45 2425.81 4283.04 2425.81 4285 c 2345.39 4602.21 2343.41 4601.15 2342.84 4599.27 c (d)Tj 2338 739 2344 739 2344.25 739.25 c ( )Tj (r)Tj 762.25 5081.25 l (a)Tj (t)Tj 5.52 0 Td (r)Tj 6.12 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td (e)Tj 2209 2939 2213 2939 2213.25 2935.25 c (f)Tj 3432.25 1516.74 l ( )Tj (i)Tj 2471.25 2850.25 m (o)Tj 2641.07 4076.06 m 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj (s)Tj ( )Tj 2558.56 4011.37 l (l)Tj 2292 2906 2293 2905 2294.25 2905.25 c ()Tj 6.12 0 Td 3323.58 4911.25 l 2878.36 2201.36 2880.26 2202.54 2880.7 2204.45 c (r)Tj 2965.5 4074.69 2966.91 4072.94 2968.86 4072.72 c ( )Tj (a)Tj (e)Tj 2600.71 2615.04 2602.29 2613.45 2604.25 2613.45 c (b)Tj (e)Tj 1922.71 2615.04 1924.29 2613.45 1926.25 2613.45 c 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td 2288.81 4286.96 2287.21 4288.55 2285.25 4288.55 c 1682.32 1509.26 1684 1510.94 1684 1513 c 2336.64 4604.78 l 2357.25 2725.55 l (r)Tj ( )Tj (a)Tj (r)Tj (c)Tj 3 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 66336666666666996666CC6666FF6699006699336699666699996699CC6699FF 2505.25 2620.55 l (s)Tj (d)Tj 2.16 0 Td 2001.29 4288.55 1999.69 4286.96 1999.69 4285 c 2465.29 2620.55 2463.71 2618.96 2463.71 2617 c 1 g 5.52 0 Td 2620.49 2196.22 2619.34 2194.29 2619.81 2192.39 c (s)Tj 2672.71 2404.04 2674.29 2402.45 2676.25 2402.45 c 2.4 0 Td 3 0 Td 3415.25 1509.26 l 4999.25 6121.25 l 8 0 Td (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 4.44 0 Td 3.72 0 Td 2463.83 2869.49 2462.47 2867.71 2462.74 2865.77 c 2768.75 2160.28 2768.2 2158.1 2769.21 2156.43 c (i)Tj (y)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 4.92 0 Td 2709.25 2402.45 l (i)Tj 2.4 0 Td ( )Tj 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td (o)Tj 5.52 0 Td 2747.11 2065.81 m 4.44 0 Td 3214.5 1510.94 3216.18 1509.26 3218.25 1509.26 c 3572.25 1516.74 l (p)Tj (n)Tj (i)Tj 2378.25 1138.74 l 2.4 0 Td (e)Tj 3 0 Td 2614.29 2620.55 2612.71 2618.96 2612.71 2617 c (h)Tj 3032.39 2945.81 l (B)Tj (t)Tj 3439.21 2402.45 3440.79 2404.04 3440.79 2406 c (c)Tj 6.12 0 Td (n)Tj ( )Tj 2638.23 2919.85 l f* 2735.29 4288.55 2733.69 4286.96 2733.69 4285 c 3548.71 2404.04 3550.29 2402.45 3552.25 2402.45 c ( )Tj 2620.25 2926.25 l 5.51997 0 Td 2202.69 4283.04 2204.29 4281.45 2206.25 4281.45 c (h)Tj ( )Tj 2278.33 2707.01 l 6.12 0 Td (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td (r)Tj 5.52 0 Td (a)Tj 2644.25 2853.25 l f* (n)Tj (r)Tj (h)Tj 6.12 0 Td 5.52 0 Td h (o)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2911 769 2911 722 2911.25 722.25 c -428.64 -12.84 Td 2.4 0 Td 6.12 0 Td (e)Tj 1792.32 1509.26 1794 1510.94 1794 1513 c 8 0 Td 4.67997 0 Td (t)Tj 9.12 0 Td 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td (t)Tj 3 0 Td (i)Tj ( )Tj (o)Tj 3011.71 3985.45 l 5.52 0 Td 5.52 0 Td 6.12 0 Td /R11 9 Tf (a)Tj 6.12 0 Td (i)Tj 2073.25 4288.55 l 6.12 0 Td (e)Tj (,)Tj 4999.25 230.25 l 6.12 0 Td ( )Tj 2443 2875 2444 2875 2444.25 2875.25 c q Q 1 0 0 1 230.79 504.03 Tm 2225.25 2695.25 l 2847.29 4288.55 2845.69 4286.96 2845.69 4285 c 2552.34 5402.36 l (n)Tj ( )Tj 3368.29 2409.55 3366.71 2407.96 3366.71 2406 c 5.52 0 Td 3629.25 4288.55 m 3 0 Td 3 0 Td (t)Tj 2.4 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 2883.95 2848.57 2885.64 2850.04 2885.78 2852 c 5.52 0 Td 3 0 Td 2168.29 2620.55 2166.71 2618.96 2166.71 2617 c (m)Tj (2)Tj 2973 727 2973 725 2973.25 725.25 c (l)Tj (n)Tj 1776.79 2618.96 1775.21 2620.55 1773.25 2620.55 c 5.52 0 Td 2590.25 1641.25 l 2587.34 2173.2 2589.48 2173.87 2590.39 2175.6 c (/)Tj (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2558.25 2926.25 m 3185.71 2404.04 3187.29 2402.45 3189.25 2402.45 c 3027.25 2402.45 l 2484 2929 2488 2933 2488.25 2938.25 c 2396.48 2801.79 l 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td 6.12 0 Td 6.72 0 Td 2866.25 4288.55 m 6.12 0 Td (s)Tj ( )Tj 2.4 0 Td (g)Tj 3021.25 2291.25 l (f)Tj 6.12 0 Td (i)Tj 2.4 0 Td (a)Tj 3093.25 2402.45 l 6.12 0 Td 3650.25 4281.45 l 6.12 0 Td 3399.21 4281.45 3400.81 4283.04 3400.81 4285 c 2.4 0 Td (a)Tj ( )Tj (t)Tj (m)Tj 3368.25 4288.55 l 6.12 0 Td 2.76 0 Td (r)Tj 2.76 0 Td (C)Tj 3226.99 1515.06 3225.32 1516.74 3223.25 1516.74 c endobj (r)Tj ( )Tj (f)Tj (l)Tj 6.12 0 Td 3 0 Td ( )Tj 2547.72 5432.32 l f (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2.4 0 Td (e)Tj 6.12 0 Td 8 0 Td 3 0 Td (h)Tj 6.12 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 2916.24 2168.33 m 2674.29 2409.55 2672.71 2407.96 2672.71 2406 c ([)Tj Q 2772.8 2116.05 l 5.52 0 Td ( )Tj 3.96 0 Td (r)Tj 2422.25 2620.55 l 2.4 0 Td 3 0 Td 2779 784 2765 737 2765.25 737.25 c 3 0 Td (m)Tj (n)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 1728.25 5418.25 l (i)Tj 3 0 Td 770 4684 770 4684 770.25 4684.25 c 3705.25 2409.55 l 6.12 0 Td 2.4 0 Td 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj This element is generally a FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) for single mode laser diodes (a specialized piece of fiber situated roughly 1 meter from laser diode)the , or a VBG (Volume Bragg Grating) for multimode laser diodes. 2945.64 2298.77 l 2609.1 5413.08 l 2365 752 2366 753 2366.25 754.25 c 5.52 0 Td (e)Tj 1 g 3830.29 4288.55 3828.69 4286.96 3828.69 4285 c (d)Tj ( )Tj 3 0 Td (c)Tj 2429.48 4500.22 2428.32 4498.29 2428.8 4496.39 c 7.92 0 Td 3031.04 2952.8 3029.46 2951.21 3029.46 2949.25 c (t)Tj 7.92 0 Td 66FF3399003399333399663399993399CC3399FF33CC0033CC3333CC6633CC99 6.12 0 Td )Tj (i)Tj (t)Tj 2266 1111 2265 1110 2258.25 1110.25 c (l)Tj 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 1014 1581 1016 1581 1016.25 1581.25 c 8 0 Td 3 0 Td (e)Tj h (n)Tj x�b```f``Wd`c`p�� € "@16�+ �L``�������ǞlԘd(�@|�%er`���`vZT�� 3.24 0.96 Td 6.12 0 Td 3750.29 4182.55 3748.69 4180.96 3748.69 4179 c 2270 2894 2269 2892 2269.25 2892.25 c (e)Tj 3454.81 4286.96 3453.21 4288.55 3451.25 4288.55 c f 3 0 Td 3 0 Td 2886.11 2260.9 m 2849.25 4281.45 l 0] 5.52 0 Td The book also reviews the characteristics of laser diodes, optical filters, and optical functional devices, which have been developed based on the above physics. 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