Caitlin Crittenden, My puppy is 4 months and she is just now getting to socialize and I have tried walks and bringing her to stores and having her around people so she can get used to them petting her. Many a good dog is ruined because their owners do not take good care of their pet. Sound from the water heater, cars passing by, people talking on their cellphone in the car, sounds of birds chirping & the list just keeps going on. All of this will require a lot of repetition with different people so be proactive setting up sessions with friends. In fact, German Shepherds need regular, diligent exposure to nice and neutral strange people, places and objects until they are close to two years old! Caitlin Crittenden, My challenge with maple is she I so scared of strangers. At this age, this is most likely a fear issue due to a lack of socialization. However, she does let me play with her and pet her now, so it's not as if your puppy is doomed to a miserable life or anything. But will go back to barking right after they give him the treat. Do this whenever she stops barking for a second. How to Stop A German Shepherd from Jumping Over Fences (Essential Advice) Oct 01, 2019 Catherine. Instead, an alternative option would be to stop giving it attention until it stops barking at you and then to reward it when it does not bark at you. If you don't have confidence the dog will know and take advantage. You then need to capitalize on that by introducing verbal cues and reinforcing the behavior with tasty treats. If you are worried about a potential bite (which is always a possibility with a fearful dog), use a back tie with a leash and take safety measures like tape on the ground for people to stand behind to keep him from being able to get too close to people, while people are still able to toss him treats and socialize him while he is calm or acting friendly. Keep rewarding them with pea-size pieces of soft treats when outdoors and when they look at you and sit, instead of barking. Remember to go slowly. My dog 15 weeks. If your german shepherd wants to sleep near you, then it’s because they love you. I remember when my dog was 7 months old, he gave me quite a headache by barking at every dog that he met outside the house. Sometimes it’s as little as someone opening an window (I live in apartment). The fastest method to stop barking at the window or in the yard is to control their environment. Have the person approach like a stranger would and ignore pup while talking with you as they bark. Caitlin Crittenden. If you want your German Shepherd to bark at strangers you should seek help from a qualified professional. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. You may find that joining a puppy class, dog club, or training group will make finding people to practice with much easier. Your puppy is learning and will require plenty of guidance along the way. Here’s how to teach your dog the “speak” and “quiet” command: This definitely takes practice and is a frustrating process, but stick with the training and work on both the “speak” and “quiet” so that your dog knows the difference. Jaw-Dropping Facts Recommended for you Start doing this yourself to teach him the concept, then have others do it later when he is comfortable with them. Once a German Shepherd has found his voice, training him to stay quiet can prove challenging. She starts growling at first and then barks. This is a long time for a dog, so have patience and keep working up to a longer and longer “quiet” time before offering your dog the reward. Most importantly, stay consistent in your at-home German Shepherd training and don’t expect results overnight. 100 would be ideal, but shoot for at least 2 dozen. My Dog is Aggressive Around Strangers; My Dog is Aggressive Around Strangers. While you know they’re not going to do any harm to people, other people aren’t so sure. Too much for your liking? Instead of barking, ask your puppy for a ‘sit’ or a ‘down’ and offer a reward. Tips to Stop Dog Barking Many of the behaviors dog owners consider to be undesired are actually completely natural for dogs. Consider not walking your dog for 30 days as you reprogram her opinions of other dogs. This needs to be practiced several times a week, and ideally with dozens of different people. Some GSDs may start barking earlier or later than 4 months due to temperament differences. Puppies can develop bad habits for any number of reasons. Check out the article linked below on teaching Heel, Quiet. I know some people who use bark collars that do not shot they just beep or vibrate would that be a good idea? When possible ask the stranger or guest to help by handing them some treats to toss at your puppy from a safe distance. For public encounters, see if there is a G.R.O.W.L. First we reduce her fear around new dogs, and then we begin adding cues such as “watch me” or “sit.” The steps below can be applied to both humans and other dogs, or anything else your dog may be reactive to. It is critical that the appearance of the new dog causes meat to fall from the sky. Traveling together can help pup relax around them more. Changing a self-rewarding behavior like barking can take weeks or months of diligent practice. I’ve been told to ignore her too and only praise quiet but my family aren’t on board and tell her to be quiet and no, enough so I’m a but unsure what to do. Once a German Shepherd has found his voice, training him to stay quiet can prove challenging. Look online for a class that has positive reinforcement training classes to really encourage Nellie in her confidence. It’s frustrating, annoying to others, and prevents me from enjoying my dog. Ignore any hysterics for now, but back up and create more space if your dog is unwilling to eat. Caitlin Crittenden, My dog Bowie is a Romanian rescue and is still very young! Any support would be amazing. Putting some space between you and your dog will help him learn to trust other people. Your end goal is for your dog to see another dog, and remain calm, looking at you for guidance. Hello! Have regular get-to-togethers with your grandmother. Brian’s rescue mixed-breed dog, Sammy, is a top competitor in the AKC Rally program. But, we wanted to let you know that we are an affiliate for the products and services on this website. Some Border Collies can be wary of strangers and because they are pretty sensitive in general they really need to be socialized in a positive way with a ton of people while they are young puppies. Hello Danielle, Ok, first of all make sure you are more confident when walking your puppy. Carry treats or her dog food with you in a treat pouch or small ziplock bag during these outings, and give her treats for good responses to people, also have people give pup treats too. As he looks at the treat and walks past or away from the stranger, give him the treat before he has time to bark. Have someone else feed the dog a few times a week, and encourage other people to engage her in playtime. As counterintuitive as this sounds, teach your dog to “speak” first, before teaching the “quiet” command. My German Shepherd Is Becoming Aggressive (Step-by-Step Solutions). From a safe distance — your dog determines the distance, not you — have your leashed dog view another dog. I really suggest hiring a trainer who has a lot of experience with aggression and uses both positive reinforcement and fair corrections, and a lot of structure and calmness, to help you. Check out the following for the best German Shepherd training commands for the ultimate in behavior modification. When you see your dog showing these signs, move away from the stimulus (stranger). Repeat this until he learns to control his barking. Best of luck training, Many times, I have my German Shepherd perform the “sit” when we’re coming upon strangers and I think she’s about to bark. You may want hire a trainer who works with several other trainers, who will rotate working with your dog as "strangers" in public places, so that you can practice the training with people who know how to do this who your dog thinks are new. You can even teach nice manners by having people, such as kids, tell pup to Sit and then reward with treats. If your dog is afraid, you don’t want to make things worse. All of this to say that I need help and a solution. It’s not unusual for a dog to “protect” his territory, and for many, it’s an inherent trait. Let your GS know this through hand signals, body language, or voice commands. Once your dog is looking at her (former) trigger and then looking expectantly up at you for a treat, you can begin to put this skill on cue. In the same guide, you will see the Desensitize Method which is great for dogs who get excited when the door knocks or people come over. No matter the reason, even young puppies can show fear or aggression towards the unfamiliar. The goal is to have longer periods of “quiet” in-between rewards and praise. During the visit, you can let the leash drag and only use it if you have to. Many forward-thinking German Shepherd owners, like yourself, who want to learn how to stop their German Shepherd from barking at strangers for good did so by joining an online training program that uses scientifically-backed protocols after reading this Brain Training for Dogs Review. Also, check out this video. Barking to alert you of a stranger outside. Some dogs are territorial at home but fine with others in another, neutral environment. The right incentive will play an essential role in training. Top reasons your dog might bark at unknown people might include: A Shepherd’s instinct is to defend their family and home. Aug 21, 2020 - There’s nothing more embarrassing than a german shepherd barking at strangers. At 2 to 4 weeks old, you might notice your German shepherd puppy trying to vocalize by grunting or whining. Practice those commands on the walk when people aren't around first, gradually progressing to when there are people off in the distance, then closer. Posts by: Mychelle Blake, MSW, CDBC, Lifestyle Contributor and Pet Behavior Expert. Caitlin Crittenden. Using painful anti-bark collars and muzzles should be a last resort. Thresholds: Strangers will mean good things. Things you wouldn't think about like hats, glasses, beards, canes, strange walks, or anything your dog isn't used to seeing a lot can also cause fear. Not only are they incredibly loud, but because they’re so big they can also scare a lot of people. Try to learn how to read the dog’s body language and signs that suggest that he is about to bark. And sometimes the behaviors get worse before they get better. Best of luck training, One … The Passing Approach Method here is also beneficial for both human and dog interaction: Don’t worry that you may ruin your dog’s keen watchdog abilities by training them to not bark. There’s nothing worse than not knowing how to stop my German Shepherd from barking at strangers! If he’s excited for dinner, make him sit and leave it before digging in. People want to pet him but he barks and backs away and I think people think he is mean, Hello Corrine, However, strangers and strays will not receive any kind of welcome from him unless you socialize him. If your dog is so focused on the stranger they can’t pay attention to the super tasty treat right in front of their nose, then move away from the stranger because you’ve surpassed your dog’s threshold. Not only are they incredibly loud, but because they’re so big they can also scare a lot of people. When your German Shepherd bites you, it’s okay to say “ouch”. When he reaches 4 months old, a German Shepherd puppy usually starts barking properly. German Shepherd puppies need lots of attention, love, and the right training. Agility video 2: It’s important to nip this problem in the bud before it escalates. Obedience in general: The Desensitize Method is excellent, as is The Chewy Toy Method. every time the father barks at strangers, my puppy just stays relax. Associating people with good things and fair corrections - done by an experienced trainer who specializes in aggression, reactivity and fear, Jeff Gellman SolidK9Traininig. They warn their families to threats by barking at people, even when they are not near their home or close to their yard – yet your dog hears them. I have a 8 weeks old German Shepherd with his dad here at my house. One of the most common reasons any dog barks is to alert us of someone they don’t know walking around near their dwelling. Also, try the Distraction Method: As you are reframing your dog’s opinion of seeing other leashed dogs, be careful where you take your dog, and be protective of what he is exposed to. Give him a treat and then tell him to “stay”. It is critical that the appearance of the new dog causes meat to fall from the sky. This has to be resolved because grandmother is over a lot! And it can often result in people trying ... Read moreGerman Shepherd Barking At Strangers (3 Best Ways To Fix) Take a moment to look over the online training program and learn how to use brain training for better behavior. He is getting quite big and it can be quite scary for people and I am finding it really difficult to manage. Dogs naturally bark when they are excited or scared, so it is not a behavior that you should try to repress entirely. Now that Rylee is fully vaccinated we have been going for small outing to get her Leash trained. You’ve caught him barking and even trying to bite other pets and strangers. However, in most cases, it’s not coming from a place of pure aggression. He needs to meet at least a hundred different people in a positive way, including men, women, children, people of different races, different ages, disabled people, different looking people, ect...think about who he normally is around in your home and make sure you include a lot of people who are different in some way from his family, to make sure he gets used to them too. Watch for signs that your puppy is about to start barking. Never reward barking. You can then acknowledge or praise him once he stops with his bad behavior. This needs to be done very carefully to avoid a bite and go at a pace she can learn without under or overwhelming her. Hello, as soon as the vet gives the okay, sign Rylee up for dog training lessons. It sounds like pup needs more socialization at this age. So just push through that time if that starts to happen. Here he demonstrates safety measures (a back tie), when to have people reward a dog (during calmness and not during aggressive displays), and how to appropriately use punishment when treating aggression (with good timing, calmness, and in combination with positive reinforcement for calm behavior and with the appropriate safety measures for your guests). Barking is loud and noisy and has the capacity to scare some people away or prevent the puppy from being touched or handled by someone he is scared of. Try more positive methods first before adding in negative punishment. The Chewy Toy Method may work well for Bowie because she does listen to a point, and this is a way to further cement the training by providing a diversion. Use small bits of food or treats as a distraction by themselves in order to prevent your puppy from barking. You will also use obedience commands to teach him how to bark on command, so you can also train him to be quiet when instructed. Enlist the entire family’s help and take a step back in your role as primary caregiver. All the dogs wear muzzles so it's a safe way to socialize them together. we just moved from a house to a apartment she spent her whole life in that house and the apartment adjustment has been hard for her it's been almost a year now and one thing is not getting better. Posts by: Mychelle Blake, MSW, CDBC, Lifestyle Contributor and Pet Behavior Expert. Good luck with giving these suggestions a go, and happy training! This will be a mostly painless process if you are dedicated to teaching your German Shepherd obedience and good manners — he or she can go with you … It helps to see your dog’s behavior for what it most likely is: fear vs. disobedience. When a stranger is in your puppy’s line of sight, offer the treat. Similar the above. I also recommend joining a puppy kindergarten class that practices handling and training each other's puppies with treats a bit during the class for the purpose of socialization. Ollie and I have not been to training yet due to covid but he growls and barks at people, dogs and noises that he doesn’t know. With the help of a trainer take Musibi around as many people as possible and have those people toss him treats when he is being friendly or calm (not aggressive). Don’t surprise your puppy with a guest who may not understand his tendency to bark at strangers. My challenge is that whenever I go and anywhere and I’m carrying her she’s fine and doesn’t make a noise but when we go on walks she barks at people and other dogs. Caitlin Crittenden. You’re fed up with worrying when new people come over to the house. Use this guide to exercise your German Shepherd and meet their physical needs to reduce unwanted behavior. Will my puppy inherit the alertness that his father has? Instead, sit on your front porch or in your garage (or somewhere out of the way if those two options aren't possible) with your dog on leash, and practice treating every time another dog comes into your dog’s line of sight. She barks . These treats should be especially tasty or interesting for your puppy. Keep your puppy busy mentally and physically. And this will be either continuing your walk, or being allowed to interact with the other dog. Look for someone who can work in person with desensitizing her to a variety of people who know how to approach, when to reward, and are able to practice things like obedience with her as she improves around them. My puppy is nice to some people but then out of nowhere she will start to bark and growl. How can I stop this? How to Stop My German Shepherd From Barking at Strangers. Move or walk away from your German Shepherd and stop playing. A Belgian Malinois that barks excessively may not actually be barking excessively. Imagine learning how to control your German Shepherd with kindness, compassion, and science in a helpful group. German Shepherd barking problem is one of the most common and annoying problems that German Shepherd dog owners have. This is a way to find their threshold (when they start barking) and to work on decreasing the distance to the stimulus (the stranger). Then he’ll start yipping at around 2 months. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. In the meantime, you can teach Rylee the "quiet command" and it will be useful in lots of situations. Harsh punishment—such as hitting, kicking, or using shock—increases aggressiveness in some situations. Put the treats away when the stranger or guest leaves. My Dog is Aggressive Around Strangers; My Dog is Aggressive Around Strangers. The trainers have said to get the guests to give her treats and everything but as soon as they move she barks and barks. However, he responds to them if they give him commands if they have a treat. the reason why I'm asking this is because the father was barking at 8 weeks when i got him too. Read our full disclaimer for further details. He never barks at strangers or shows aggression towards anybody. Hi, I’m actually writing this as a concerned child (who is in college) about my family’s dog, Bella. Dog Behavior . I always thought it was harmless, annoying sure, but harmless nonetheless. Muzzle: If you feel his behavior warrants the use of a muzzle for the time being while you work on solving this problem, then it may be a wise choice. What can i do for her to be friendlier and playful. Discussion Starter • #1 • Apr 17, 2014. Provide white noise or a television playing to prevent him from hearing noise from outside the room. Secure your German Shepherd to a leash in the yard or by the front door. Training a German Shepherd to bark at strangers is actually much easier than many owners realize. Dogs naturally bark when they are excited or scared, so it is not a behavior that you should try to repress entirely. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Agility video 1: When Shoko can handle being in the same room with her, then have your grandmother ignore her, and if she comes over, give her treats. Always take precautions when dealing with aggression. After that, pull your hand away from your GS and tell him “No”. These behaviors do take time, I am talking months, to correct. Barking to alert you of a stranger outside. Whichever method you choose, you should begin your training as early as possible to catch the problem before it can grow out of control and you should begin to see progress or a complete change in two to four weeks with consistency and repetition of your training techniques. My 10 month old german shepherd male is everbody's best friend. our year old australian shepherd barks when someone comes to the door or drives up. This will help him be more comfortable with different people. Finally, work up to the minute mark for the waiting time until the reward. We love that you’re enjoying all the great stuff here. Use treats that are rare and tasty. I suggest hiring a professional trainer to help you with this. As soon as pup gets quiet for even a second or calmly moves closer to say hi, have the friend gently toss a treat at pup's paws without saying anything. This will help your puppy associate the tastiest treats with the presence of strangers. If you think your GSD is becoming aggressive, then read up on deterring aggressiveness in your German Shepherd. Will my puppy inherit the alertness that his father has? No touching without a treat being given right now. If he seems overwhelmed, back up and try something a little smaller. How To Stop Excessive Barking. Recommend a collar - that could make this issue worse at this.! Fear of a strange person they aren ’ t expect results overnight corrected and controlled immediately or somebody might up. These methods as they move she barks and growls to the house garden... Right way ways to stop my German Shepherd bites you, then it ’ s nothing than. Videos linked below on teaching Heel, quiet, you don ’ hesitate! To perform a task as asked any hysterics for now, but because bark... New experience is positive, and remain calm, looking at you for guidance procedure over. 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