Christmas is celebrated throughout Africa and it is the most wonderful time of the year. You will remember any "fufu and chicken soup" you taste in Ghana on Christmas day and you will definitely turn Oliver Twist and ask for more "Eba and Egusi soup" in Nigeria on a Christmas day. Popular African Food to Celebrate Christmas Published: 5/06/2020 Updated: 5/06/2020 Christmas traditions do vary in each culture but nothing beats the fact that this celebration won’t be complete without a sumptuous array of holiday food shared with our … Unlike other parts of the world, there is no room for a cold, snowy Christmas in South Africa. Christmas daystarts with the opening of the presents followed by a heavy lunch which is also known as Braai. COURTESY. Egypt and Ethiopia follow the Julian calendar, so they celebrate Christmas on January 7th. In fact, Africa loves Christmas more than any other continent and we take Christmas to a whole new level. Enobong Paulinus Udoidiong - Rome, Italy. The most commonly prepared main dish consists of turkey, goat, sheep, or chicken, and side dishes range from fried rice to jollof rice, skewed beef (suya), and vegetable salads.Also, depending on what tribe a family is from, they will make meals from their trip. People who live in rural areas try their best with the available resources like food and electricity to be part of the Christmas celebration. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas when the wise men went to visit Jesus. Ghana is a small country compared to giants like Nigeria. Ghanaians however do not celebrate christmas any differently from the rest of the world although there are a few noticeable differences. These people like to have dinner on 25th of December and 24th of December. NigeriaChristmas is one of the most festive times in Nigeria, and it is time people spend with their families to show appreciation to their loved ones.One of the most exciting advantages of living in Nigeria is that you will get to observe both Christian and Muslim holidays since those are the two primary religions in the country. Though most friends and families do not exchange gifts, commu… all celebrate christmas in their own special ways. The numbers of customers on Christmas Eve have increased in shops. That means that January 5th was celebrated just as much as We would love to hear your comments. Burundians celebrate Christmas because, like Ugandans and to some extent Kenyans, they love partying at the first opportunity that presents itself but also because the population is largely Christian. With over 350 million Christians living in the continent, many Southern and West African countries celebrate Christmas with massive festivities, even those that are predominantly Muslim. ChadAlthough Chad is predominantly Muslim, they do celebrate Christmas. History of Christmas in AfricaHave you ever thought of experiencing an African Christmas? The mall’s owners have said they will investigate the incident. In South Africa there is no snow at Christmas time, so locals can only dream of a snowy Christmas. Church. How Hindus celebrate Christmas. After visiting the church, the celebration starts with a traditional Christmas dinner party. My view is that the full impact of COVID-19 on the African continent will take time before it is fully understood. We can go on and on. Also, most restaurants and shops will be closed since it is a national holiday, so most people do grocery shopping well in advance. Yes, it is true there is no snow for Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and Santa Claus to travel on but that does not mean Christmas is dead in Africa. For the dessert, people like to eat puddings like Lekker Pudding or Christmas Pudding. On the other hand, countries like Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Togo, Mali, Niger, Congo, Guinea and Gabon are Francophone (French speaking countries). Christmas remains one of the most festive periods on the African calendar and perhaps the best season to be a kid in Africa. To celebrate Christmas, decorate your home and do things to get yourself in the spirit. A. Mothers give out their best cooking skills on Christmas day. Usually, in South Africa, people eat traditional Christmas meals which include mince pies, yellow rice, turkey, suckling pig, etc. Catholics receive blessing during last years’s Christmas prayers at Rubaga Cathedral. We celebrate Christmas … However, you may be surprised to hear "Afishapa" which is just another way of saying "Merry Christmas" in Ghana. The big difference is that we are in summer when it is Christmas. So what do Africans eat on Christmas? Q. Is Christmas Day a Public Holiday? They also provide emergency food and essentials to hungry children and their families during the Christmas season. You will barely see any Christmas trees or fancy Christmas lights. Fun Facts about African Christmas Traditions. Matooke is an essential ingredient in the meals as in indigenous fruit that is steamed and mashed.Interestingly, children of Uganda don’t believe in Santa Claus, which is why they never expect gifts. They even decorate mosques with Christmas trees. Many people visit churches with their fanciest clothes that they bought by saving up money for months. To begin, yes, Africans celebrate Christmas and yes, we love Christmas. Almost everybody celebrates Christmas because Christmas in Africa is more than just the birth of the baby Jesus. There were children among those injured in the crush, and several were sent to hospital. These children usually receive gifts afterward. Coptic Christians in Ethiopia and Egypt celebrate Christmas according to the Coptic calendar. Christianity has been on the continent since the middle of the 1st century, and approximately 350 million Africans are Christian — so, they’ve had a lot of time to develop their own unique holiday traditions, like masquerade parties and dining al fresco. The date is traditional and is not considered to be the actual date of his birth. Instead of expensive gifts, people usually gift each other affordable items or services. Nigeria for example has about 550 different native languages which implies about 551 different ways of saying "Merry Christmas" in Nigeria. Combined with the fact that it is a public holiday, you will see a lot of people hanging out outside.Many families go camping in massive tents, while those staying in cities organise outdoor events like traditional barbecue (braai). Just as turkey reigns supreme during Thanksgiving in America, so chicken conquers all other favorites during Christmas period in my community in Africa. You can also see many decorations on indigenous poinsettia trees.The meals consist of chicken or pork with yellow rice. Everyone counts down to the end of the year, when all their pent-up party mood is released. The Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of four of the world’s major religions; namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Keep on reading!Since every African country has a distinct way of celebrating Christmas, let us take a closer look at some of these traditions.We all know the worldwide meaning of Christmas, on which people commemorate the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. African children will be celebrating Christmas in many different ways. In fact, Africa loves Christmas more than any other continent and we take Christmas to a whole new level. Do you know how Christmas is celebrated in African countries? In the Muslim world, Christmas is not celebrated publicly, except in the minority Christian communities in the Middle East, but in North Africa – none at all. On the other hand, an Africa Christmas does not have a lot of those characteristics but is nonetheless remarkable. Common Christmas traditions in AfricaGoing to ChurchDespite small differences among the ceremonies, going to church is a must at Christmas. Now that the holidays are in full swing, we thought we’d take a look at how different countries in Africa celebrate Christmas. That is not to say Christmas is taken for granted in Africa. Christmas is celebrated on December 25, but celebrations tend to occur from Christmas Eve through December 26, which is Boxing Day, and traditionally a day of relaxation and family time. Outdoor Christmas activities in South Africa. They usually have grandparents from the countryside to be part of this special day.In a larger family, one family member hosts the celebration, and kids, grandkids, parents, grandparents, friends and families, and people in the community are invited to come to have fun. In traditional churches in Nigeria, the church go on a short trip as a way to replicate the visit of the wise men. The supper is usually served with lamb or sheep. This includes the majority of African countries, and the beginning of the new year is celebrated across the continent in much the same way that it is in North America: … January 7th, is the day when the historically Ethiopian Christmas has been celebrated and Ethiopians are not the only ones who do so. The love feast is a ceremony where people come as they are to eat, drink, and be merry. When they get to the location, usually a park with a lot of open space, they start the love feast. How do Africans celebrate Christmas? You may hear "Melikam Gena!" In Nigeria, you may also hear "Iselogbe" which is just another way of sayin Merry Christmas in the Edo language. In fact, any family that fails to "assassinate" chicken during Christmas time, has broken perhaps one of the most important rules of Christmas and must be prepared to face the consequences (which include having to deal with the shame all year long). With more than 350 million Christians living in the continent, many Southern and West African countries celebrate Christmas with massive festivities, even those that are predominantly Muslim.Although these countries do not celebrate Christmas in a conventional like in the United States or Europe, the unique and distinct differences are worth noting. Among Lingala-speaking people of DR Congo, Congo-Brazzaville, Central African Republic and Angola, you may hear "Mbotama Malamu" which is just another way of saying "Merry Christmas" in the Lingala language. What religion doesn’t celebrate Christmas Do Indians celebrate Christmas. The US, perceived to be one of the world’s major democracies saw that stand tested on January 6 after pro-Trump supporters breached Capitol... How boxers have been sucked into the ‘dirty game’, US ‘troubled’ at Uganda closing civic space, Short on alternatives, fans trash Twitter's Trump ban - on Twitter, Police arrest FDC’s Amuriat in Mpigi town, Minister Karooro tells US to stop preaching democracy to Ugandans. Most Christian households go to church service is held on Christmas morning to celebrate the birth of Christ. Two chimpanzees have fun on African Christmas party in a rainforest. No matter how inexpensive a gift item is, everyone has to participate.You exchange your wrapped gift with your church family and friends and establish new friendships during the process. In South Africa, people celebrate Christmas in summer because December is one of the hottest months of the year. Christmas is celebrated throughout Africa and it is the most wonderful time of the year. To define South African Christmas traditions are hard, because of our diversity as a nation, every race has it’s own ways in which they celebrate Christmas. Hindus in India do celebrate in December with a five-day holiday called Pancha Ganapati. They hoped peace will … African Christmas traditions by countrySouth Africa South Africa is in the southern hemisphere, so the country celebrates Christmas during the hot summertime of the year. The incident took place at the end of a marathon Christmas shopping event. In fact, there are about 46 native languages spoken in Ghana today which implies, there are about 47 different ways of saying Merry Christmas in Ghana alone. In the Ugandan cities, the churches became the centre of the celebrations with church bells and carols by candlelight. In fact, Santa Claus would be jobless in my community in Africa because our "Father Christmas" does not need snow to travel. Among the Swahili-speaking people of Tanzania, Kenya, DR Congo and Uganda, you may hear either "Krismasi Njema" or "Heri ya Krismasi" which are the two most popular ways of saying "Merry Christmas" in Swahili (one of the most popular native languages in Africa today). GiftsChristmas and gifting are two inseparable concepts, and Africa is no exception. A vital component of the love feast is a gift exchange. Every tribal group has its own languages so it depends on where you go. Boko Haram A number of Christians in a camp for internally displaced persons in Maiduguri north eastern Nigeria gathered to celebrate Christmas despite their woes. Recent years saw some technological advances like fake snow at store entrances. In Africa, Christmas is more than just a holiday and we celebrate it with passion. There are no Christmas dinners or reading of Christmas stories. In Africa, Christmas is more than just a holiday and we celebrate it with passion. Wherever the Gregorian calendar is used, New Year's Eve falls on December 31. Senegal does celebrate Christmas despite being a Muslim dominated country. To those of you that don’t know, South Africa is a country that falls in the Southern Hemisphere, which means, we celebrate Christmas in summer. What do Africans eat on Christmas? South Africans celebrate Christmas a bit differently in South Africa from other parts of the world, but the celebrations and festive spirit is similar.In short, Christmas in South Africa is all about the outdoors, food, friends and family. The 12 days begin on Christmas Day. When it comes to drinks to wash down, many people in my community prefer to go local on Christmas day. Christmas Day, celebrated on December 25 in Catholic, Protestant, and most Orthodox churches, is a public holiday in South Africa. Why Experience an African Christmas?Have you ever thought of experiencing an African Christmas? It is a gift every kid in my community receives from his or her parents whether rich or poor. Christians, Muslims, Traditional worshippers, etc. In other words, English is the official language in these 5 countries so it is not surprising to hear "Merry Christmas" anywhere in these 5 countries. It is the duty of every family to make Christmas joyous and it is the responsibility of every parent to buy "Christmas gifts" for their children. You can see a list of the most popular Nigerian food during the festive season.Community service is also a considerable part of an African Christmas in Nigeria. Christian communities both large and small celebrate Christmas throughout the African continent. Christmas in South Africa In South Africa, the people are mostly Christian. PHOTO BY MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI. Christmas is a holiday filled with good cheer, joyful decorations, and time with family and friends. Do Africans celebrate Christmas? Among the Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin, you may hear "E ku odun, e ku iye'dun" which is just another way of saying "Merry Christmas" in Yoruba. For Chadians, spending time with family is the most crucial aspect of Christmas, and they do that indoors, so you are less likely to encounter outdoor events. To a white Afrikaner in South Africa or Namibia, you can say "Geseënde Kersfees" which is simply "Merry Christmas" in Afrikaans. We inherited most of our traditions from other countries, including the USA and UK. Families can opt for making braai on the grill or cook more traditional South African dishes.Popular traditional dishes include turkey, duck, mince pie, roast beef, and pudding-like Plum pudding imported from the UK, and the locally invented Malva pudding.The streets in the Cape Town and central districts are decorated with lights and inflatables. How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Africa? With the traditional touch, each African country has its handmade decorative items. Almost every Christmas meal in Tanzania includes roast beef, turkey, mince pies, yellow rice, vegetables, and a pudding. Christmas in South Africa and Namibia. Those who can afford to give more help to poor communities by donating books, clothes, and toys to orphanages or churches. We celebrate Christmas in a whole new style. Going to church on Christmas Eve is very common, and families eat dinner in large community gatherings is commonly observed, especially outside churches.You will hear strangers saying Merry Christmas to each other in the Malagasy language. DecorationsWho needs snow for Christmas decorations? The churches hold ceremonies and events during the day. Yes, it is true there is no snow for Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and Santa Claus to travel on but that does not mean Christmas is dead in Africa. For example, Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Liberia are Anglophone (English-speaking) countries. What is Africa’s Christmas traditions? There are no Christmas trees or decorations. BBC Africa visited schools in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania to find out … Meats are roasted, gifts are exchanged, and people travel far and wide to visit family. Christmas Day in South Africa Christmas Day, on December 25, is one of the most festive Christian holidays in many countries around the world. It celebrates Jesus' birth. What makes Christmas so special? Among the Fulani-speaking people of Niger, Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Togo, Guinea and Sierra Leone, you may hear "Jabbama be salla Kirismati" which is the most popular way of saying "Merry Christmas" in Fulani. Christmas in Kenya is considered a public holiday. During the holiday season is a great time to visit Africa. Ashanti is not the only native language spoken in Ghana. Also, among the Hausa-speaking people of Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, and Togo, it is very common to hear "barka dà Kirsìmatì" which is another way of saying Merry Christmas in Hausa (one of the most popular native languages spoken in Africa today). Turn on the TV or the radio, and you will not find Christmas programs. If this statement sparks your interest, you are in the right place. Compared to the previous countries on the list, Chad has the least westernised Christmas traditions. People celebrate Christmas in Tanzania by visiting one of the nearby churches for Christmas mass which is followed by a lavish dinner with family and friends. On this day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Christmas meals are usually slow-cooked one day in advance. South Africa is a country with a great affinity for outdoor activities, so it’s no surprise that thousands of people celebrate the holiday season with visits to Kruger National Park. Instead, flowers are in full bloom, beautiful butterflies, bees and other insects are abundant, and the sun is always shining. in Ethiopia which is just another way of saying Merry Christmas in the Amharic language. Hundreds of shoppers were fighting for the balloons which were stuffed with prizes. Whether you are celebrating a secular or religious Christmas, it is a day for fun, love, and happiness. Cakes or desserts are made of lychees that commonly grow in Madagascar. Christmas, Tanzania-style Nearly one-third of Tanzanians are Christian, so Christmas in Tanzania is a big deal – but it’s not so much about the buy buy buy frenzy that occurs elsewhere. Soon the holidays will be in full swing , we thought we’d take a look at how different countries in Africa celebrate Christmas.Christianity has been on the continent since the middle of the first century, and approximately 350 million Africans are Christian — so, they’ve had a lot of time to develop their own unique holiday traditions, like masquerade parties and dining al fresco. Christmas was long-declared a public holiday in Africa, so all the family members can attend the dinner on this special day.The type of meal depends on the country, which we will cover in the next section. So how do people say "Merry Christmas" in Africa? Here is why!The vast majority of African countries are entering the hot season of the year. If you’re spending Christmas in Ethiopia, you’ll have to wait a little longer than December 25, as most people follow the ancient Julian calendar and celebrate the holiday on January 7. The people of South Africa celebrate Christmas day on the 25thof December every year. In my community, Christmas is so special to us because it is one of very few holidays we get in a year. Despite the abundance of sheep, goats, and cattle in my community, chicken remains the "chairman" of Christmas and has perhaps the best "personality" when it comes to Christmas dishes. DinnerChristmas dinner is a perfect opportunity for family gatherings, so African communities take it very seriously. The earliest signs of Christian belief were found in Egypt in the 1st century AD. It is also considered the celebration of the winter solstice in some countries. Among the Zulu-speaking people of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Swaziland, you may hear "UKhisimusi omuhle" which is simply "Merry Christmas" in Zulu. Let's eat, drink, help the poor and the needy, make new friends, play safe, and enjoy Christmas. Combined with the fact that it … It certainly looks different in South Africa though! In some countries, churches can organise parades as well.No matter what country you visit, you will notice the significance of the church in Christmas celebrations. South Africa South Africa is in the southern hemisphere, so the country celebrates Christmas during the hot summertime of the year. Decor. Church congregations play a crucial role by organising events to visit the orphanages, adult family, and homeless homes, to visit the families and children.The church members come with gifts, food, and drink, and the choirs will perform Christmas songs in many languages like Yoruba, Fulani, and Igbo. Christmas in Ghana is fun and relaxing at the same time but there are a few fun facts about the festivities in Ghana. Several injured in sydney ballon accident A balloon drop at Westfield Parramatta mall in Sydney went awry, when several people were injured in the chaos. "Jollof Rice and fried chicken" also reign supreme on Christmas day in Africa. Of course, there are several variations to celebrating an African Christmas, depending on if you are single, have a family, or the elderly.Typically, smaller families can celebrate Christmas day with other families. Read more about Christmas traditions in Africa, e.g. "Christmas clothes" has become a tradition in my community and tradition must go on. In my community, Christmas without chicken is considered a "dead Christmas". "Afishapa" (more correctly, 'Afenhyiapa') means Merry Christmas (or Happy New Year) in the Ashanti language. In my community, Christmas has become  a tradition and tradition must go on. What to do on Christmas day: Christmas in South Africa is celebrated right in the middle of summer, so there is no such thing as a white Christmas. Christmas on the African continent is festive, colorful and loud! In some communities even non-Christians join in on holiday festivities. Traditionally referred to as Ganna, an Ethiopian Christmas typically begins with a day of fasting, followed by church services and a feast that includes stew, vegetables and sourdough bread. In many African countries, it symbolises the birth of African God Ra (Osiris). Festivities are marked with many decorations. So, when African people decorate trees during this period, they are sending regards to ancient times when Ra’s birthday was celebrated. In the olden days Christmas wasn’t just a one-day event – it was actually celebrated for 12 days.This began on Christmas Eve, December 24, and was celebrated every day up until the Epiphany. This is unarguably the most popular holiday in all of Africa, and Christians – who are the originators of Christmas – are not the only ones to celebrate the birth of the Christ. Unlike Santa, Father Christmas can travel even on horses and horses are way faster than reindeers. Fr. That means that they believe in Jesus Christ and celebrate in much the same way we do, with gift-giving, delicious meals, and a general atmosphere of merriment and charity. There are dance and singing performances, competitions and football matches all over the city. Christmas is often associated with North America and European countries showcasing glowing Christmas light shows, winter markets, parades, and picturesque views of snow-capped mountains. Once again, that depends on where you go in Africa on Christmas day. On Christmas Day carols are sung from Ghana to South Africa. However, in many countries the celebration is very different than it is in North America or Europe. Other activities during love feast include singing, dancing, Bible recitation. Christmas Day in South Africa is celebrated on December 25th each year and celebrates the birth of Jesus. In the evening, large dinner parties are organised, especially for the poor who can’t afford many meals in daily life. Well, that is a very big question. As you know, Africa is a very big continent with more than 2000 different languages. Also Among the Igbo-speaking people of Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea, you may hear "E keresimesi Oma" which is just another way of saying "Merry Christmas" in the Igbo language. MadagascarThe African Christmas tradition in Madagascar is more traditional than in South Africa. Although there is no special dish for Christmas, anything you taste on Christmas day must feel good in your mouth. So instead of Merry Christmas, you can say "Joyeux Noël" which is the most popular way of saying Merry Christmas in French. Although the majority of the continent cannot afford a luxury lifestyle, gifting remains a common tradition. This means that although they celebrate on December 25, … Palm trees are also ideal for decorating with lanterns and bells. Although historians are debating about the actual date of his birth, the overall accepted date is December 25th.African history has an additional layer to the worldwide known account of Christmas. The best part however is that, almost every Nigerian knows and understands "Merry Christmas" because English is the official language of Nigeria. You will encounter not only the vibe of the holiday but also the culture and heritage of the country.If you could choose a country to visit during the holiday season to experience an African Christmas, which one would you choose and why? For the season, here you can get a window in to the Christmas traditions observed in … This means, you get your presents on time. A balloon drop at Westfield Parramatta mall in Sydney went awry, when several people were injured in the chaos. How can an African continent plagued with so much suffering celebrate a joyous moment such as Christmas? In fact, the local "palm wine" replaces fanta, coca cola, and most other foreign drinks on Christmas day in my Community. That is not to say Christmas is taken for granted in Africa. Either way, Christmas is a time for family and merrymaking. Then the people sing Christmas carolsfollowed by the Christmas dinner. There are 1 billion people living on the continent of Africa in 54 countries and approximately 350 million are Christians. The church ceremonies consist of carols, nativity play, and dance performances.In some countries like Malawi, children dance and sing while other children play traditional instruments. Although these countries do not celebrate Christmas in a conventional like in the United States or Europe, the unique and distinct differences are worth noting. Ugandan traditionsThe proper name for Christmas in Uganda is Sekukkulu. 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