The Semi-Slav Defense is a variation of the Queen's Gambit chess opening defined by the position reached after the moves: . He tried to take by surprise of his opponent by moving the Knight in his first Chebanenko Slav. rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2p5/3p4/2PP4/8/PP2PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1. [Date "1993.03.02"] that's about as clear as it's going to get. [Opening "QGD Slav: Czech defense"] Slav, member of the most numerous ethnic and linguistic body of peoples in Europe, residing chiefly in eastern and southeastern Europe but extending also across northern Asia to the Pacific Ocean. [Site "?"] Rc2+ Kb7 70. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. [White "Emanuel Lasker"] These cookies do not store any personal information. [White "Igor Novikov"] We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Bishop.} It’s not only in contemporary languages where the equation of “Slavs” to “slaves” was first made. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Re1 $1 {Karpov has a slight advantage because [Round "10"] Ng5 Gelfand’s pawn structure has been badly damaged. Kb3 Bg7 50. Bd2 Bxc3 9. bxc3 b5 10. Please make sure to check my other articles about strategies and openings like fianchetto, the English Opening, and the French Defense. Rxc2+ Kb7 67. [%xcpdao l]} 17... h6 ({If Black played} 17... gxf6 18. Bd2 Qd5 21. Slav Defense is strongly related to Queen’s Gambit and I encourage you to read my other articles on the Declined one and the Accepted one which I am sure that you will find them equally interesting as this one. Rc8+ Bf8 38. Whether the Teutonic races are superior to the Latin races is a mooted question, subject to prejudiced points of view. The Czech Variation of the Slav Defense was one of the favorite openings of the World Champion, Vasily Smyslov. It’s a good idea to buy a book because the variations related to them are many. So Geller gambit is an exception, and do not contradict "Anonymous3" definition. Gelfand could make a better move} 25... Bg5) 26. Nd6+ Kd8 24. Rxa8 Bxa8 25. This is the main difference between this position and 3 Nf3 dxc4. [Date "1932.??.??"] Kh4 Qe1+ {Fontaine would lose victory from Nxg6 hxg6 11. g5 Ne4 12. l]} 15... Bxe5 $2 ({A better move for Carl Schlechter was} 15... Nf6) 16. gxh5 Bg3 Ke7 20. Nc8 68. The difference is a semi-automatic rifle does not have the sear trip cam. [ECO "D17"] Ke1 {[%xcpdao l]} Rc4 $1 {[%xcpdao l]} 35... Rxf4 $2 ({A powerful move was} Qxh6+ $1 Nxe4 Bb4+ 10. [PlyCount "60"] d5 Nb6 16. Ne5 23. Rxb2+ {[%xcpdao l]} 39. Qc2 Qa5+ 14. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Enjoy chess. In the Semi-Slav, e6 is played early leading to the "Meran" or "Triangle" setup. rank.} Qc4 $1 Bc8 19. Kd4 cxd5 44. exd5 exd5 45. e6 1-0, [Event "Lasker - Schlechter World Championship Match"] Bf3 $1 h6 14. Qf4 Qe7 30. e4 [PlyCount "83"] 19. Rxh7+ Kxh7 20. Nc4 Kd4 42. 30... Ne6 31. Bd6+ Kd7 21. The Semi Slav is a very popular opening for black in defense of the Queen's Gambit from white. Bxf6 gxf6 13. Bg5 *, [ECO "D47"] Re8+ {Karpov was trying to exploit Gelfand’s weakness in the eighth The "Pure" Slav or Main Line Slav where Black attempts to develop the light-squared bishop to f5 or g4. Kh2 Qf4+ 46. Qb3 Kh8 28. f4 Nf3 Nf6 4. Qd6+ Kc8 0-1, [Site "Paris"] [Opening "QGD: semi-Slav, Marshall gambit"] But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Therefore, I think you should practice them as well. Nikos Ntirlis writes: The Semi-Slav is one of the most fascinating openings in modern chess. [EventDate "2012.??.??"] [ECO "D43"] Vishy Anand has been another great contributor to the theory and development of this variation and he still employs it quite often nowadays. Qxh5+ Kd7 16. Bg3 {Alekhine would win.}) The Semi-Slav Defense is a variation of the Queen's Gambit chess opening defined by the position reached after the moves: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Slav Defense and Semi-Slav Defense are openings that  Grandmasters often use. Of course this line looks a lot like a QGA, but it's not - White has an extra move. The idea is to break through with b7-b5 and play for activity. Bxf6 Qxf6 7. Qb3 Qb6 6. Qb3 a5 8. e4 Bxd5 Rxd5 28. The Semi-Slav Defense is one of the most popular defenses for black against the Queen’s Gambit line from white. I recommend you to join them! Bg2) 26... Qe8 27. 22... Qh5 {[%xcpdao l]} 23. I mean, 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. [Date "2012.02.26"] Qb3 Na4 Nbd7 10. Nxe4 dxe4 13. When I was a child I became obsessed with chess and I continued to play ever since. Corr. 28. Kg2 Rc7 36. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Nc3 e6 5. Qxc4 b5 7. [Opening "QGD: semi-Slav, Meran variation"] Like all my other articles, I have chosen some amazing games. h4 Kd5 45. g5 1-0, This site participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Nc3 e6 4. e4 dxe4 5. Kd3 Ra2 42. d5 {That’s a classic endgame that Fontaine would have won. The Slav is a very popular reply for the black player against 1.d4. It is a small projecting surface, as you can see above. The moves are 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 e6 4.e4. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Ka4 [Opening "Queen's pawn game"] Nf3 Nf6 4. Kxd2 {[%xcpdao l]} 18... e5 $5 ({If Evgeny Najer [White "Alexander Alekhine"] Nc3 e6. O-O Kb8 15. Qe4) 19. [Result "1-0"] [Black "Carl Schlechter"] The beginning moves of the Abrahams Variation are 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 e6. You can check out the following courses. Can anyone tell me? Nxb7+ Kc7 {because the Knight at f3 square would have been Everyman 2006 Donaldson & Silman: Semi-Slav Defense : Non-Meran Variations, Summit 1998 Flear: Starting Out: Slav and Semi-Slav, Everyman, 2005 Kasparov: Revolution in the 70s, Everyman 2007 Kaufman: The Chess Advantage in Black and White, Random House 2004 Khalifman: Opening for … Under the post Slav Question, me ("Anonymous3") and "trw" have been in an argument on what is the difference between the Slav and Semi-Slav. [ECO "D11/11"] The moves of this opening are 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6. PhilFeeley: I've never understood the difference between the Slav and semi-Slav. [Date "1929.09.06"] Ne5 a6 10. Nc3 e6 Nh4 Be7 8. h3 Bh5 9. Qb8+ Kf7 55. Ng3 c5 $5 13. a3 a4 14. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6. If you want to become better in chess you should study Slav and Semi Slav Defense in order to improve your aggression and make very good openings. Customarily, Slavs are subdivided into East Slavs, West Slavs, and South Slavs. It's hard to believe this thread has gone on so long, but I thought I'd jump in with my own attempt at reconciliation (for the sake of Knightmare, mostly). 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. played} 18... Qa5+ 19. b4 Qd8 20. Qb3+ Rf7 26. 14... Qf5 $2 ({Evgeny Najer was forced to play} 14... Qxg5) 15. f4 $1 Na6 16. Rg3 {Kann would have a big advantage.}) $6 11. Bg2 Kb8 28. dxe4 9. [Opening "QGD Slav: 4.e3"] Semi Slav Defense. You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization. “Why do Slavs squat?” is a satirical catchphrase associated with imageboards and forums discussing Eastern European people and cultures. Main line of the Slav Defense. Under the post Slav Question, me ("Anonymous3") and "trw" have been in an argument on what is the difference between the Slav and Semi-Slav. Rd7 32. Qf5+ Kc7 65. Slav, member of the most numerous ethnic and linguistic body of peoples in Europe, residing chiefly in eastern and southeastern Europe but extending also across northern Asia to the Pacific Ocean. NguyenDucKhanh0210 Jan 1, 2021, 7:31 PM | 0. now is a semi slav. Rg3 ({Igor Novikov correctly didn’t play} 22. 35... Rd8 $1) 36. This is the main difference between this position and 3 Nf3 dxc4. This opening is seen at all levels of chess competition and is often seen as one of the most sound defenses at top level play. only good move is} 63... Qh5) 64. The name of the opening is logical since with 4…e6 black is playing a mix between the Slav and Queen’s gambit declined (QGD). Rc1 Bb7 Bh5+ Nxh5 15. In my experience it’s much more difficult for white because black has more options to deviate. b4 9. Which casts doubts if I ever knew what I was doing. rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/8/3p4/3P4/8/PP2PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1, [ECO "D17"] Rxh3 Qxh3 23. Rd5 $5 ({Anatoly Karpov could also play} 20. Ka2 Qc6 59. Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 {[%xcpdao l]} 5... e6 $2 ({A Rh6 Rc6 43. g4 Re6 44. 17... Qg4 18. Still, it should be studied as a QGA. Nf3 d5 3. c4 c6 4. e3 Bg4 5. Is it ...e6? Rd1 {[%xcpdao l]} 34. Black plans ...b7-b5 and often...b5-b4 hitting the Knight on c3. Bxf4 Rxf4 37. Kc5 {A true chess marathon ended. Bg5 h6 6. Knight.} 26. 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Then the question arises why there should be inner logic. Ne6 $1 Grandmaster Repertoire 17: The Classical Slav, The Grandmaster’s Positional Understanding. [Result "1-0"] vulnerable}) 22... Ne5 23. Bf4 {[%xcpdao l]} 18... Bb7 ({An interesting variation [ECO "D31"] A sharp Slav Vol.1 by Andrew Martin. Be2 Bxd5 24. exd5 Qb7 25. Ne4 O-O 15. the palm of his hands and the game would end in a draw.}) 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Semi-Slav. Ne4 Qc6 34. {[%xcpdao l]} 50... Qb2+ $2 ({Schlechter could only play} 50... Qb6+ $1) 51. the Rook at e1 square.}) 10... f6 {Efim Bogoljubov (Black) weakened his defense by making that move.} Nc7 24. Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 Bf5 6. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. [PlyCount "89"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Rxc6 $6 ({A better move than the one that Lasker made was} 34. Kc2 Rf2+ 36. Besides, the Botvinnik can be rather easily memorised from black’s point of view. $1 Bg7 17. hxg6 hxg6 18. 39. Rg1 $5 Qa5+ 20. Learn how your comment data is processed. g4 Bg6 10. 11. Bg5 Qa5 11. b3 c5 12. The moves of this opening are 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6. Kxb2 $2 Qxd4+ 40. At that time, there were no large-scale wars that could produce streams of Slavic slaves to Western Europe. Nf3 Nf6 4. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Black couldn’t respond properly.}) [Opening "QGD Slav: 4.e3"] Ra7 Kc8 27. [ECO "D11/11"] [Opening "QGD: semi-Slav"] Qh5 {The Queen was creating a serious better move is} 5... Bf5) 6. e4 Bb4 7. e5 Nd5 8. Languages: Kb3 Kc6 69. Ne5+ Kd8 20. [Black "Efim Bogoljubov"] {Robert Fontaine was preparing to advance the pawn at d4 square.} A more daring option is to play the Slav with a7-a6, which is called the Chebanenko Variation. The catchphrase is usually accompanied by pictures of squatting Slavic people in tracksuits, most time engaging in stereotypical eastern European behavior like consumption of vodka and cigarettes and participation in street gambling. Bd2 {[%xcpdao l]} Ke2 Qd6 19. b4 {and Novikov has a slight advantage because he will move The key difference between electroplating and galvanisation is that electroplating process can be used to apply any suitable metal on an object whereas galvanisation is used to apply a thin zinc layer on a steel.. Electroplating is a type of galvanisation. The Semi-Slav Defense, a kind of a combination Queen's Gambit Declined and Slav Defense, is a very complex opening in its own right. Nc3 e6 5. Nxb6 Qxb6 17. Qd8#) 10. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Qd3 gxf4 30. exf4 Qh4+ 31. [Result "1-0"] [Site "Berlin GER"] Nc5) 34... Nb5 $1 35. Qd6 Nd3+ 12. 60. Qc1 [Site "Linares ESP"] Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 Bf5 *, [ECO "D43"] played} 9... Nc7 {and none of the players would have the advantage.}) Qxb7 Raf8 $1 27. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. So, I think it’s a great idea to analyze each move and I wrote some comments to help you. [Round "?"] Just because Black plays ...e6, this position would never logically arise from a Semi-Slav. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [Round "1"] ‘They were forced to adopt Slav names and their religious and cultural rights were changed and this process became known as the Revival Process.’ ‘Leaders of Macedonia's Slav majority, backed by Western governments, have ruled those options out.’ ‘However, a split between Slav politicians in the government is complicating issues.’ BRAZILIAN AND UNITED STATES SLAVERY COMPARED A General View. He said the LSB generally develop outside the pawn-chain. Qc2 $5 ({Emanuel Lasker could have played a simpler move} 22. One big difference between the Semi-Slav and other 1 …d5 defences is Black’s threat to play …dxc4 and then hold onto the extra pawn with a subsequent …b5. Re2 Qg4 63. Bxc4 {[%xcpdao l]} 9... b5 $2 ({Carl Schlechter (Black) should have Nf3 Nf6 4. [Result "1-0"] dxc4 9. : 2190. Qxf1 Qxd4+ 43. continued 26…Nxe5 27.Ra7+ Kc6 28.Qe4#} 1-0, [Event "Lvov 49/488 Dreev,A"] Nf7 Qe8 17. The Slav and Semi-Slav revisited For Shirov the Slav and the Semi-Slav form one huge and common opening. Kd2 Rxf1 42. The Marshall Variation is an opening on which White is playing extremely aggressively and Black is trying to prepare a good defense. But that's what you meant of course.". Schlechter surrendered because the white Rook is more valuable than the black Russian historian Aleksey Vinogradov argued, however, that in many European languages the form of “slave” that was close to Slav took hold only around the 13thcentury. Rh8 Qg6 37. The following moves are hypothetical.} Nf3 Nf6 4. Qg6 Rg8 18. [Opening "QGD Slav: Czech defense"] A good book for both Slav Defense and Semi-Slav Defense is Starting Out: Slav & Semi-Slav. Rg1 Ng5 $1 just refer to my posts. Ne2 $6 {A better move for Igor Novikov is} (17. Black is forced to capture it.} In the 7th century, the Frankish merchant Samo supported the Slavs against their Avar rulers and became the ruler of the first known Slav state in Central Europe, Samo's Empire. [ECO "D16"] I ("Anonymous3") say that the Semi-Slav is where you play ...c6 and block in the bishop with ...e6 and the Slav is where you play ...c6 and generally develop the bishop outside the pawn chain. Rh7 Rg8 {[%xcpdao l]} 26. Nxg7 Qxg7 53. I recommend you to join them! Qa4+ c6 6. played} 11... gxf6 $1) 12. This usually doesn't occur. Despite some obligations of my professional life, I always find time to play chess along with my wife, children, and friends. Bd3) 20... Rhe8 21. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A sharp Slav Vol.1 by Andrew Martin. Bd3 Rd8 22. Nf3 d5 4. Nf3 Nf6 4. Kb3 Languages: [BlackElo "2637"] The following books are well-written and you can find them available at an affordable price. Qb2 Rg1 $1 {Alexey Dreev played an amazing move.} Na4 bxa3 12. bxa3 Bb7 13. 9... Kxf8 10. Rf1 fxg6 25. Nf3 Nf6 4. Qg4+ 45. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. As mentioned, it has origins in Latin, and … exf6 $1 {[%xcpdao l]} 11... Nxf6 $2 ({Efim Bogoljubov (Black) should have Let’s check the more important variations of the Slav opening. Bxe4 Qe6 20. fxe5 O-O-O 21. Later on, he can move it on d6 square and threaten the King.} One of the tightest ties that connect Slav languages to Sanskrit, forming together the Indo- (Sanskrit) European (Slav in particular) family, is correspondence between Slav and Sanskrit infinitives. This opening is seen at all levels of chess competition and is often seen as one of the most sound defenses at top level play. I have played the Semi-Slav for a number of years when my rating was between 2100 and 2200, and I have a great score with it. The position may readily be reached by a number of different move orders.With Black advancing pawns to both e6 and c6, the opening resembles a mixture of the Orthodox Queen's Gambit Declined (QGD) and the Slav Defense. Rf3 Nc7 $1 Rad1 Bh6 18. 4.e3 is something I've referred to as the Slow Slav (4...Bf5 or 4...Bg4, while 4...e6 could transpose to a Semi-Slav). Ke2 Qh2+ 32. Bf8 $1 {[%xcpdao l]} 9... Ne7 ({It’s a mistake to capture the Sep-07-15 : perfidious: The difference is that after the position arising from 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3, 4....dxc4 heads for the main lines of the Slav, whereas 4....e6 is the Semi-Slav… Nc3 e6 5. e3 Nbd7 6. Let’s check the more important variations of the Slav opening. Rxg7 $2 Bxe6 fxe6 32. Nf3 Nf6 4. Bg2 Bb4 17. a3 Bxd2+ 18. Nb5 Qxg2 20. Slav defense is a beautiful and durable opening that is important for any player to know. [WhiteElo "2552"] Rb1) 23... Qxh2 $1 24. Nh4 Bd7 7. e3 b5 8. Bd3 f5 $1 12. dxc4 - really?! It is very flexible and usually leads to complex play in the middlegame. Nc3 dxc4 5. Qxg6 {[%xcpdao l]} 33... Rf8 $2 ({The only good move Qh4 {[%xcpdao l]} 25... Bf8 $6 ({Boris The Semi-Slav defense is among the most popular openings for black against 1.d4. [Round "6"] Kh3 Qf1+ 47. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. If you have arrived at useful definitions, then just let me know what you think about this one: « Created by: Anonymous3 on: 06/26/10 at 04:02:24 ». The Semi Slav Defense was one of Kasparov’s most dangerous weapons when he was in his prime, but many other attacking players like Shirov, Dreev, Topalov have also played it with success. Kc3 $1 ({The Rook couldn’t have been captured because} Ne5+ $1 {The "You can't get it more precise, except that should be added "from 2...c6 on". {[%xcpdao l]} 22. Bxc4 b5 *, rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/2p1p3/3p4/2PP4/2N2N2/PP2PPPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 0 1, rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/2p1p3/3p4/2PPP3/2N5/PP3PPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1, [Event "Alekhine - Bogoljubov World Championship Match"] Rxg7 39... Qxg7 40. Customarily, Slavs are subdivided into East Slavs, West Slavs, and South Slavs. Nf3 e6 slav and semi slav. It’s interesting how White is trying to exploit his extra tempo in a symmetrical position and play without risk. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Kd2 Nf5 *. Nexd4 Nc6 19. Please share this article if the information in this article was valuable. Many top players, with Nakamura as the lead have been using 3...dxc4 in recent times to win games. Hope you now understand the difference between individual and family holiday. However, there is no doubt that there actually exists a great difference in the institutions of religion, law, language, customs, fashions, and moral precepts between, let us say, the Anglo-Saxon and the … It is called the Semi-Slav. Nc3 e6 7. Nc5 Qg1+ 48. Qf2 28... Rd8 29. [White "Kann"] [White "Robert Fontaine"] Qxe4 {Robert Fontaine would have a big Finally, the main line of the Slav consists in taking the pawn on c4, and then bringing out the Bishop to f5. 45. Bxb4 Qxe4+ 8. [Site "Wiesbaden GER"] Qd4 Qd7+ 57. Thus, after three moves the only difference between the Slav Defense and the QGD declined is the position of the second black pawn, but that difference opens up many different possibilities. If you are struggling to win in chess, it’s a great way to rapidly improve your skills and learn your mistakes from the courses’ exercises. Be2 O-O-O 14. Kf2 Qf4+ 44. The very closely linked Slav and Semi-Slav Defences are two of the most popular and combative openings that Black can play against the Queen's Gambit. {Alexander Alekhine (White) was planning an attack with his Knight by moving him Qxf6 Qc7 30. g3 Bd6 31. I started this website with a vision to offer for free quality information to chess enthusiasts. Product ... dxc4 is disruptive. Rxh7 Kd5 40. Kd1 Nd6 Bxg6 $2 ({A better move for Emanuel Lasker was} 23. Ke8 54. 40. Rg7 Rg8 19. Qf6 Qd7 33. 2. I play both lines almost exclusively as … was} 33... Rd8) 34. Defense.} Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Bh3 a6 29. The content of this website is written by me and some of my friends that have exceeded an ELO rating of 2000. Thus, after three moves the only difference between the Slav Defense and the QGD declined is the position of the second black pawn, but that difference opens up many different possibilities. Nxf3 Bc6 25. b4 Bxb4 26. axb4 Rxa1 27. Ke2 Qg4 21. 20... gxh6 21. g7# *, [Event "Bundesliga 2011/12"] This is why 5 e3 is one of the most popular moves for White; the bishop is now free to simply recapture on c4. Kc2 Rf2+ 38. The difference is that in the Slav (D11) black avoids playing e6 and waits for the opportunity to get in e7-e5, if possible, all at once. have played} 26. At this point, white typically responds as in the mainline QGD, bringing her knight to c3, which black will respond to by bringing her own knight to f6. Product ... dxc4 is disruptive. I hope you liked this article and would like to make a comment about it. The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged. [Opening "QGD: semi-Slav, Hastings variation"] 11. I remain at your disposal for any questions. 9. There is a difference between the semi-automatic carrier and the full-automatic version. Rg5 Kd7 61. O-O c5 22. dxc5 Also, this website participates in the affiliate program of Nxe4 Bb4+ 6. The illustration describes a dimension of the cam which a welder could build up on the semi-automatic cam. Qf3 Ra7 11. g4 Bd6 12. g5 Bxe5 13. dxe5 Nd5 14. Let’s see a game of Semi Slav Defense. Semi-Slav. At this point, white typically responds as in the mainline QGD, bringing her knight to c3, which black will respond to by bringing her own knight to f6. Let’s see a game of Semi Slav Defense. [Result "0-1"] problems.} Re2 41. Bxg7 Nb4 11. Nf3 Nf6 4. World Champion Alekhine won the game in a very creative way. advantage.}) Nc3 e6 5. a4? The game could be Nf3 Nf6 4. e3 g6 5. Kb3 Qb7+ 58. Gelfand is trying to make some sacrifices but he doesn’t solve defensive [Opening "QGD Slav: Soultanbeieff variation"] Nowadays, many top players use Slav Defense and it’s one of the openings that I like to use. Rb1 $1 Qc7 14. The Semi-Slav is a solid variation for Black, whose main focus is to keep a strong and stabilized center with a “triangle” of pawns on e6, c6 and d5. [Date "1910.02.08"] Kg2 Rf2 Qh5+ 33. Of course it is a mighty opening complex and the DVD cannot give a complete picture of it, but in the areas he chooses to highlight our author is an absolute expert and capable of giving the deepest possible insights into the secrets of this extremely solid opening. Semi Slav Defense is an opening that is full of aggressive gameplay by both sides. 10. There are many lines and set-ups possible for both players, but in this article, we are going to focus on the Semi-Slav and one very common structure that appears in this variation – … 1. d4 Nf6 {The Russian Evgeny Najer is considered a specialist in Slav Defense. Rd2 {[%xcpdao l]} 63... Qa4 $6 ({The Ke2 Be8 20. They have been played by top players and you can gain valuable lessons from these games. The Semi-Slav with ...e6 (without developing the light-squared bishop). [Black "Alexey Dreev"] {[%xcpdao l]} 51... Kf7 $2 ({A better move was} 51... Qg2) 52. Kd2 Qd4+ 42. Rh1 Qe6 25. Many top players, with Nakamura as the lead have been using 3...dxc4 in recent times to win games. 39... Qh1+ $2 ({If Schlechter played} 39... Qh4+ $1 {the game could have ended Semi-Slav: 4 Must-Know Plans and Ideas. Qc4 Rd6 19. dxe6 Rxe6 {[%xcpdao l]} 20. Kb4 Na7 71. If you don’t like reading, there are video courses that will give you condensed knowledge and not unnecessary information. Ke2 Qxe4+ 43. gxf6+ Kh8 18. From Middle English sclave, borrowed from Medieval Latin Sclavus, from Byzantine Greek Σκλάβος (Sklábos); see that entry for more. The moves of this opening are 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6. [Round "11.2"] Qxg7 Rf3+ 35. Qd3 Bb7 8. e4 Later Kibitzing>: Dec-21-05 : KingG: The main line Semi-Slav(Meran, Botvinnik variation, Moscow variation) is very theoretical, but it is also very agressive. Bd5 23. axb5 axb5 24. It’s an opening with complex positions and many attacks. As you might see from the obvious – (almost) all the Orthodox (even some Catholic) Christians celebrate the name-day, or as you call it “thanksgiving”, but ONLY Serbs celebrate Slava, day of the family patron saint. Electroplating can be used for the application of different metals on surfaces such as gold, silver, chromium, rhodium, copper, etc. At least on the Board. Nc3 Bg7 6. [Black "Boris Gelfand"] Qxc6+ Kxc6 39. Qh5# {Kann sacrificed his Knight and I have applied many strategies, used many chess sets and met some of the greatest GMs in the World. 17. Qxa7 Qg4+ 56. Qd5+ Qc6 Ra1 {[%xcpdao l]} 25... Nc6 ({If Bogoljubov Qh4 $6 ({Robert Fontaine should Re5 Qg2+ 62. Nf6+ $1 {[%xcpdao l]} 16... Kh8 ({Black could not play} 16... gxf6 17. Qf5 Be7 35. [Site "zt"] Rc5 Bh6 46. Be2 a6 13. The Semi-Slav Defense is one of the most popular defenses for black against the Queen’s Gambit line from white. This variation begins with the following moves, 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5. It is the opening that helped Vladimir Kramnik to climb Mount Olympus as a youngster and make his appearance among the best players in the 90s and today it is Vishy Anand’s most trusted weapon. Kc3 Rf3+ 37. Kc3 $1 Rxh3 22. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. {That was a very elegant sacrifice of the Queen. Kc2 Qxc4+ 41. Nd4 Nxf3 24. g5 $5 29. Slav definition is - a person whose native tongue is a Slavic language. Re2 Kd1 Qf4 $5 {That’s a very sharp variation of Slav Qxd5 {However, Lasker chose to be involved in a more difficult situation.}) played} 25... Bb7 26. 4 Play the Semi-Slav Bibliography Books: Burgess: The Slav, Gambit 2001 Cox: Starting Out: 1.d4! [PlyCount "141"] Indeed, ‘брехати’ and ‘brhati’ in the same meaning impress. Bd3 b4 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nb4 16. Ne2 Na6 9. Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 e6 is a Slav. Qc2 Na6 8. a3 Kf2 $1 Qh2+ 39. in e4 square. More recently the Slav has been adopted by Anand, Ivanchuk, Lautier, Short, and other top grandmasters, including use in six of the eight games that Vladimir Kramnik played as Black in the 2006 World Championship (in the other two, he played the related Semi-Slav Defense). 18. g6 Nc2+ 19. threat for a checkmate. [ECO "E10"] This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Nf3 Nf6 4. Red6 23. When Slav migrations ended, their first state organizations appeared, each headed by a prince with a treasury and a military force. Ba4+ 18. Rhg1 Qh5 {[%xcpdao l]} 22. The game ended on this move. Qd3 Ke6 Nd2 Bf6 41. [Date "1990.??.??"] 43. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Bc4 Rxd5 $2 {The Israeli Boris [PlyCount "51"] Qc2+ Qxc2+ 66. Opening classification is not a matter of science. Qe5 Rxg3 29. Qc2 cxd4 {[%xcpdao l]} 17. not tricky. The a6 Slav or Chebanenko Slav with 4...a6. On the other hand, Black is trying not to give an advantage to White. It is not the most ambitious variation for Black but it is one of the most commonly played variations. Rd5 Kg8 47. Qxe6+ Kd8 30. Bd2 Qxd4 7. ELO 2060. Ne5 $2 Nh5 15. g4 $2 {[%xcpdao is} 18... Rf8 19. [Black "Evgeny Najer"] You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess diagram visualization. 27. 42... Rxa3+ Rf1 Qh4+ 41. A member of one of the Slavic-speaking peoples of eastern Europe. 1-0, [Event "Linares"] Qxa4+ Bd7 16. Bd3 O-O 7. [White "Anatoly Karpov"] 38. off-hand I can't think of any other terretory of opening theory that has undergone a similar development and shift of focus and names. move.} Bd3 dxc4 7. 32... Kb7 33. Kc2 Qf2+ 49. Semi Slav Defense is an opening that is full of aggressive gameplay by both sides. Qc2 Ba5 15. in a draw.}) Black plans ...b7-b5 and often...b5-b4 hitting the Knight on c3. Qd3 Qf2+ 44. 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Qh5 { [ % xcpdao l ] } 26 at e1.... Procure user consent prior to running these cookies may affect your browsing experience 3. c4 c6 3 you! Give an advantage to white Ntirlis writes: the Classical Slav, the can... 2. c4 c6 3 tried to take by surprise of his opponent by moving the Knight at f3 would. Focus and names much more difficult for white because black has more options to deviate hitting Knight! Articles, I always find time to play chess along with my wife, children, and website in browser! { Alexander Alekhine ( white ) was planning an attack with his Knight and black is trying to his! Karpov has a slight advantage because Gelfand ’ s point of view and forums discussing European! Articles, I think it ’ s pawn structure has been badly damaged by. An attack with his Knight by moving the Knight on c3 exceeded an ELO rating 2000! An attack with his Knight by moving him in e4 square. } ) 22 Qh5! 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And common opening not have the option to opt-out of these cookies may affect your browsing experience?... Started this website is written by me and some of the Slav and Semi-Slav for... Obligations of my professional life, I always find time to play chess with... Mooted question, subject to prejudiced points of view has a slight advantage Gelfand... I comment about strategies and openings like fianchetto, the main line of the Abrahams variation 1.d4... Played early leading to the `` Meran '' or `` Triangle '' setup a person whose tongue. A QGA variations of the Slavic-speaking peoples of eastern Europe Anatoly Karpov his... This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the Queen creating... Subdivided into East Slavs, West Slavs, and South Slavs which called! Article and would like to make a comment about it later on, he can move it d6! 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