And while they excel with obedience, Rottweilers are known for having a superb guard dog instinctive IQ and a top-of-class canine adaptive intelligence. Rottweilers are predisposed to certain types of cancer, such as: Lymphosarcoma, which is cancer arising from the lymphocytes in the lymphatic system, and Osteosarcoma, which is the most common form of bone cancer in dogs. Rottweilers are very smart and very people-focused and eager to please. Bonus fact: A Rottweiler named Wynd is the recipient of this year’s AKC Humane Fund ACE Award in the Therapy Dog category. Just check out this Rottweiler in action: The last dimension of dog IQ is adaptive intelligence. Or at the least, another set of eyes to keep them away from trouble. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2020. The only thing I would stress to someone who is researching to see if this breed is right for them – is really that you need to give them loads of socialising as a puppy to everything and everyone so they understand what is acceptable and what is not. Rottweilers are smart When I came back from the grocery store my 10 week old Rottweiler was on the front porch of my house. Rottweiler’s are an intelligent breed and—except for their stubborn streak—are fast learners. What questions should you ask a breeder? Having another dog around will definitely keep them entertained.”, 2. They are so smart, they sometimes have the idea that they really don’t need your input. Let us know what you think in the comments section below! Equally impressive, Rottweilers are able to obey a known command on the first attempt with a 95% success rate (or higher). For first-time Rottweiler owners and first-time dog owners in general, it can be wise to enroll your Rottie puppy in dog obedience training classes right away. In fact, they’re the 9th smartest dog breed according to obedience and working intelligence. The Rottweiler is a solid muscular dog that is generally regarded as being a large breed. Rottweilers are often very protective of their children and should be supervised when with a group of children. If you think this breed is right for you, check out the AKC Marketplace for Rottweiler puppies. Make sure that you not only physically exercise them but also that you stimulate their minds with puzzles, toys, and regular training. Now that we know Rottweilers are exceptionally quick learners and obedient dogs, what do Rottweiler owners think? Rather, he had the help of 199 obedience trial judges for the research and trials. However, adaptive intelligence can vary greatly amongst individual dogs. Learn more about the breed here. This dog breed is a wide dog with a thick broad skull and a short muzzle with teeth that meet in a scissor bite. The best breed hands down with their skill sets in terms of obedience / training being outstanding and their hilarious side that comes out is also just too adorable not to love. Most “average” dogs are just more stubborn and strong-willed than higher performers. Keep in mind: individual dogs within the same breed have relatively the same instinctive intelligence. That’s okay. She will bark when someone or something new is around but I feel like she can sense if I am accepting of that person and if she needs to step in. In other words, the average dog needs at least 5 to 8 times more repetitions to learn a command when compared to the Rottie. Perhaps the only benefit of owning a breed like the Rottie is the ability to learn quickly. Rottweilers love to work and will happily compete in virtually all dog sports from obedience to herding and weight pulls. For example, a dog with “average” intelligence is able to learn a new command with just 25 to 40 repetitions. Often, intelligent dogs get into trouble because they need something to do. Smart, playful and loves there peeps more than any pup I have ever been around.“, 11. They really are more human than dog.“. Are Rottweilers Smart? Though measuring how fast a dog can learn may correlate with high intelligence, it doesn’t tell the full story. Even Coren will be first to admit this. However, we can gauge this type of intelligence from the stories of these dogs. 5 With a dog as powerful and intelligent as the Rottweiler, this is a recipe for disaster. He literally smiles when he hears “good boy”! Unless you’re looking for a breed with a specific skill set for a complicated task or job, you’ll be okay with just about any dog breed. This breed is considered to be in the top 10 breeds of dogs. Denniepie says Yes: “Training a rottie is a two-edged sword at first. They’re some of the best at it. Rottweiler Information The Rottweiler is a medium-large breed, slightly longer than it is tall and robust with a powerful, substantial build. Most of them are big and vicious dogs. 20 Best Rottweiler Memes of All Time #1 Will Smith. They are ranked number nine in ease of training and overall intelligence. Rottweilers are smart. In other words, they’re smart enough to accurately interpret who is a threat and who isn’t. It combines the abilities necessary to drive cattle for long distances as well as serve as a formidable guard dog — jobs that entail great strength, agility and endurance. Stanley Coren did not do it all himself. They are popular police dogs and therapy dogs because they will happily perform the same task over and over. Rottweilers are large, powerful dogs and require extensive socialization and training from early puppyhood. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. That’s right, they’re clever—here and there more brilliant than … They require a calm, stable, and firm ‘pack leader’ or they will assume that role for you. Video Of Funny Rottweilers This compilation of Rottweilers is priceless. ×  As wonderful as Rottweilers can … After all, they need to assess the situation. Yes, Rottweilers are loyal. They were not taught this ability and need little human intervention. They respond well to training and is encouraged to get them the proper training needed to be a companion dog. Header image: Michele White/AKC Family Dog Photo Contest, Theglorybox says Yes: “They’re very smart, and very loyal. And while they excel with obedience, Rottweilers are known for having a superb guard dog instinctive IQ and a top-of-class canine adaptive intelligence. But what make Rottweilers arguably the best is a great understanding of the environment. Rottweilers were originally “drovers,” meaning their job was to protect cattle and other livestock. Rottweilers aren’t just bulky, they also think to be big lap … Yes they are smart. For reference, popular dog breeds in this category include the Siberian Husky, Australian Shepherd, Boxer, Great Dane and Dachshund. 4. It refers to the ability of the dog to learn for itself. Poodles not only are very clever, but they're also pleased, energetic dogs, with the added advantage of being hypoallergenic. With such a performance, the Rottweilers scored among some of the “smartest” dog breeds in the dogdom. How We Measure a Rottweiler’s Intelligence, Other Reasons Why Rottweilers Are Intelligent, my Rottie can open the latch on his crate. Many are pretty much what they seem to be: Greyhounds are fast. We sell only healthy, attractive and vet-checked puppies that are made available with a health guarantee for one year. If anyone in my family plays rough with me she steps in to protect me yet she is smart enough to know she needs to be gentle with other family members. Dreamsofglasswolves says Yes: “Rottweilers are indeed very intelligent and there’s no reason you couldn’t train him to the same standard…”Â, 10. Rottweilers are the 9th smartest dogs out of 138 qualifying breeds. Again, learning from past experiences is a clear indicator of high adaptive intelligence in Rotties. Rottweilers Are Not Aware of Their Size. Despite their tough appearances, Rottweilers are actually very affectionate dogs. But how did we come up with this ranking? Rottweilers are naturally born to guard. As long as they know who is the boss (you) they’re amazing dogs.”, 6. Learn more about Wynd’s incredible work helping those with PTSD, the elderly, and school kids. And because you can never have enough Rottie pics, check out these beauties. And, we have plenty of “evidence” suggesting that most Rottweilers have high adaptive intelligence. A_cat_farmer says Yes: “They are so smart! If you think about it, this is quite amazing! My second girl is a therapy dog for school / work and she is honestly far too smart I have needed to be really consistent and fair with her training to ensure she understands work and play. If they get bored they will break stuff!“, 3. Jnnytoronto says Yes: “We’ve had [our Rottweiler] for only 5 days and he sure is smart, a little stubborn, mischievous, but an awesome dog!“, 5. Download this e-book for guidance on these questions and other important factors to consider when looking for a puppy. If the dog is outsmarting you, you need to seek a dog trainer immediately to train YOU in how to re out smart the dog. Make no mistake, there are many great guard dogs in the world.  This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Rottweilers are quite smart, and mental stimulation is very good for them. .hide-if-no-js { That’s how clever they are. So now that we’ve confirmed the common perceptions, here are five things you may not have known about this big, beautiful, family dog: Photo: Holly Granito/AKC Family Dog Photo Contest. If you’re planning to bring home a Rottweiler, then there’s a lot of things you’ll need to consider. We understand that these are just two examples. Instinctive intelligence refers to the ability or special skill that the dog breed was bred for. Plus, many of them performed at an exceptional level. Given the international recognition of the Rottweiler and the immense popularity of these dogs, they had no problems qualifying. For instance, Australian Shepherds were bred to be herding dogs. He weighs 130lbs but he thinks he is the same size as my Shih-Tzu and Chihuahua. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. As owners we must create a socialised well mannered canine to undo their bad image. A thickly muscled hindquarters powers the Rottie’s effortless trotting gait. Rottweilers (a.k.a. Puppy vaccinations, diet, training, temperament, among other things are important. Your friend is an idiot. Additionally, they can be sensitive and highly intelligent. Once the officer came and saw him he asked if I’d consider selling him. I love how they always keep an eye on you. But if you asked any Rottweiler owner, they would likely have plenty of stories just like these. With these things, you will have a wonderful companion.”. When we grab our doggie bags, he patiently waits next to the leash because he knows we’re going for a walk. There was certainly a lot of controversy and debate surrounding his methods. The fact that Aussies are able to instinctively push and drive livestock requires instinctive IQ. Jacktomothy says Yes: “I have had 3. Through years of experience, Emerson’s Rottweiler was able to figure out the “hints” that led to the different situations that commonly happen. Monoxide211 says Yes: “I’ve had them my whole life and have enjoyed everyone of them. Clear but firm boundaries is a must. He is a bit more needy than my small dogs but he is eager to please. Based on Coren’s test criteria, the Rottweiler performed extremely well. The Rottweiler today is still considered among the world’s smartest dogs. 3. Are you worn out from all that playing? Rottweilers are smart and cute. As many others have stated this is a dog so smart you have to let them know you are in charge or they will take over. Just be careful, because they will also try to outsmart you! How do you know what breed is right for your family? Because they were originally developed to be drovers, or protectors of livestock (cattle), they have an inner instinct to protect and defend. They just want to be part of the team.”, 4. The way he conducted his trials on dog intelligence was not perfect in identifying true canine IQ. All were very quick to pick up the potty training process. He's always working with animal shelters and dog rescues because of his passion for all dogs. They are far too big to be allowed to do what they like. Rotties) are strong, powerful, intelligent dogs … It’s why they develop such close attachments with owners. So much so, that Rottweilers tend to develop separation anxiety.Â. Why Are Rottweilers Loyal? Dog owners are encouraged to get their Rottweilers the right training to become the great companion that this dog could be. All rights reserved. Plus, they could protect both humans and other animals. Laichas says Yes: “They’re very smart, my Rottie can open the latch on his crate (simply because he saw us do it). Rottweilers are one of the ten smartest dog breeds. Wrath4771 says Yes: “Rotties are great with other breeds…They’re an intelligent breed that likes to keep busy. Just take a look at the internet and you’ll hear many more like these too! He has broken a few leashes and went walking up the street so the police have been called. Unlike pastoral breeds, such as border collies and German shepherds, they are not as mentally agile. Who knew Rottweilers were this obedient? A huge part in forming a wonderful bond is having good communication. He got one so huge the other dog couldn’t carry it so he wouldn’t steal it. However, Rottweiler puppies can be rambunctious and often do not know their own size or strength. Willful is a term often used. Well-bred, well-socialized Rotties are playful, gentle, and loving to their families. I couldn’t imagine my life without one. As a matter of fact, there are three dimensions to dog intelligence. … Psychology professor Stanley Coren is largely credited for this. And they are those things. I knew I had left him in the back yard and it kept … I knew I had left him in the back yard and it kept … Yes Rottweilers are very smart. They make you feel secure. They respond well to training and is encouraged to get them the proper training needed to be a companion dog. Yes, Rottweilers are extremely smart dogs. Smart, protective, highly trainable and loyal! With that said, obedience and work intelligence is just one component of a dog’s true IQ. Not only do Rottweilers learn much faster, but are also able to recall and obey known commands with a higher rate. For the most part, they respond well to obedience training and will happily learn commands and tricks to show off. If you’re big on obedience, Rotties aren’t a bad choice. They are extremely smart dogs, and you have to treat them with both respect and leadership. So, we think this may be the best method of gauging a breed’s true intelligence. For this reason, they were bred to be some of the most feared guardians in all of the dogdom. To understand the true intelligence of Rottweilers, we first must examine the criteria in which Coren used for his trial tests.Â. Currently, there’s no objective way to measure adaptive intelligence. So well, that they’re in the best class for canine intelligence – the top 10! However, what about the Rottweiler’s intelligence and ability to learn? There’s nothing wrong with being average intelligent. Yes, Rottweilers are extremely smart dogs. It’s a celebrity Rottweiler’s life! To quote the American Kennel Club, “Rottweilers are known to be powerful, protective, and loyal, famous for their instinct for guarding.” From this, we can infer that they care about their territory and the people that inhabit it- and that this personality trait is innate. You May Not Know This About Rotties Rottweilers are beautiful dogs and can be great companion animals if trained properly. Nearly all dogs are capable of providing you with what you need. Ideally, a rottweiler will be exposed to other pets, including dogs, right from the start, and also to children. American Water Spaniels love the water. Key Characteristics of Rottweilers. Does it really matter if you have a smart dog? Yes there is such a thing as too much training. }. So, are Rottweilers smart? At the end of the day, you’ll want a dog that can fit your needs. If this is what you’re looking for, then I would definitely recommend the Rottweiler. Like humans, intelligence may differ on an individual level. Given how all those dogs play such a vital role in police work, herding, search & rescue and other various canine jobs – being grouped with this class is nothing to scoff at. Unfortunately, this eliminated many breeds from the list. The Rottweiler is a natural guard dog with a mellow disposition who is successful not only in police, military, and customs work, but also as a family friend and protector. Some of the most popular dog breeds in the world are considered to be in the average class. According to Stanley Coren’s intelligence trials, Rottweilers are fantastic leaners and very obedient dogs. Again, being average is okay! Rottweilers are smart and will be able to understand what their owners want. Rottweilers are well known to be powerful, protective, and loyal, famous for their instinct for guarding. Don’t let the “experts” tell you how intelligent your dog is. So much so that the American Rottweiler Club is clear that, “owning a Rottweiler carries a great deal of responsibility and commitment,” and that “it is not a dog for everyone. Rottweiler (a.k.a. My rottie is super sharp at figuring out what we’re doing. Learn more about Wynd’s incredible work helping those with PTSD, the elderly, and school kids, check out the AKC Marketplace for Rottweiler puppies, iy_2021; im_01; id_10; ih_17; imh_01; i_epoch:1610326877450, py_2020; pm_12; pd_13; ph_22; pmh_58; p_epoch:1607929080138, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Sun Dec 13 22:58:00 PST 2020; pn_epoch:1607929080138. Dog as powerful and intelligent as the Rottweiler certainly is. world’s smartest dogs up! 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