There are no real reasons to own a pit bull beside companionship. They'll never love you at all or consider you to be their whole world. Those who don’t will probably tell you they’re violent dogs that can’t be trained nor do they ever fully adapt to a human family. I live with two Pit Bulls, females even (which some say is the worst combo), and I know from experience it’s not a fun experience. Source: Twitter/@Terminatrix06, swiggle1 Banning the breed would protect humans from unnecessary harm. They will steal your spot on the couch while you are up getting popcorn. Source: Reddit/Pawnbrake, swiggle1 367 Ur Dogs Owning a dog takes a special kind of soul, but owning a pit bull takes a special kind of heart. (Thanks for the A2A, Ed Mader; I guess you want to see how many downvotes I can get!) Who could ever fall in love with such a grumpy face? They will wag their tail with such exuberance and excitement when you return home that it knocks over everything on … Babies?! Imgur/TOPHthegreatestearthbender Reddit/natsdorf Based on my extensive experience, I believe that the risk posed by pit bulls is equivalent to placing a loaded gun with the safety off on the coffee table. It’s a waste of your time and your efforts, and it’s not going to do you any favors as it grows up and continues to stand around not having any fun whatsoever. Pitbull’s can’t be trained and they don’t know how to handle responsibility. Pitbulls do come with a very strong jaw muscle and fighting style is definitely very different. Don’t even try to kiss or cuddle a Pit Bull. Pit bulls are pretty much the most horrible dogs ever. dot pattern2 The two main breeds under the pit bull handle are the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier. Nope. Instead, many pit bulls will invite the person in, tongue kiss them and then have the person snuggle with them on the couch while watching Family Guy. They’ll never, for example, be asked to get tucked into bed with their lovey. This one doesn’t even come close to melting your heart in any way. I have been asked to answer a controversial question – Why would anyone want a Pit Bull? He’s waiting to rip you to shreds…as soon as he manages to waddle over for a tummy rub, that is. Twitter/@Terminatrix06 Look at her, trying to look all sweet and innocent in her flowers. Not humans, not other breeds, and certainly not other Pit Bulls. Also, the average domestic dog has a jaw that can force 320 psi of pressure. He thinks he’s so cool with his sunglasses. dot pattern2 They are affectionate with both adults and children. And pretty much any dog can become a wonderful part of a family with the right training and care. Source: Reddit/natsdorf, swiggle1 It’s an obvious ploy to slowly crush her owner, not to snuggle. This bad reputation was not created by the dogs themselves but by humans. She doesn’t even look sweet. swiggle1 Flickr/Heather Bailey Whatever kid owns this won’t have to tell the teacher “the dog ate my homework.” All they need to say is, “I have a Pit Bull.”. Reddit/orkenbjorken They’re just thinking about being mean dogs, all the time. Source: Reddit/Pooklet, swiggle1 Twitter/@girlbitesback There's no way such a vicious creature could ever be considered a princess! And if you want to reward your Pitbull for not eating you alive yet, why not give them a HappyBox …;) However, some insurance companies will not insure homeowners who own certain breeds, such as pitbulls. All rights reserved. The frenzy against Pit Bulls is nothing but blind fear fueled by the human need to find a scapegoat. dot pattern2 Look at his face. This 70-pound Pit Bull’s convinced she can fit on her owner’s lap. Pitbulls are by far the worst dogs anyone could ever dream of owning. To them, you're "just a human". As a result of media-perpetuated fear and hatred toward the breed, many people are afraid of Pit Bulls, even if … Here are 35 reasons you should never, ever get a Pit Bull. They’ll probably bite your arm off. Because it will probably eat you and then sniff out your children and then gobble them up too. Reddit/noshadsi They look absolutely ridiculous in playgrounds… 3. Doberman Pinschers just never listen to you… Honestly, there is nothing redeeming about them at all. Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! I hope that you may have heard of Pitbull having locking jaws but let me tell you, it is not true its a misconception only (myth #1). They're terrifying. We’ve all heard about the nasty fights Pit Bulls get into, but maybe you haven’t seen photographic evidence. 7 Reasons Why Are Pitbulls Dangerous 7 Reasons Why Are Pitbulls Dangerous 1. However, if you own one of these dogs, you will constantly be laughing. There may not be a child there when you get back. Pit bulls are stocky and strong. dot pattern2 Top Ten Reasons “Vicious” Pit Bulls Can Not Be Trusted. 35 Silly Reasons To Not Have A Pit Bull For A Pet ... Those who own one love them and say they’re wonderful animals. Pitbull’s just aren’t good companions for humans. I've never had such a hyper dog but she is the most loving attention whore ever. Source: Twitter/@GottaRaiseYa, swiggle1 Reddit/asadqayyum53 dot pattern2 Pit bulls, in general, are not going to be great watch dogs for your house. Flickr/Russ dot pattern2 Look at this poser. Sometimes presented as a negative trait, the fact that pitbulls have a high pain tolerance makes them exceptional family dogs. They’re waiting to rip you to pieces. Reddit/hamiltoneitdown Be productive members of society. I don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight. dot pattern2 Only brave people can handle looking at this picture. They’re just not that kind of dog. Try not to dismiss them straight away. dot pattern2 Oh, and her name is Blueberry. Banning pit bulls. They might be as sweet as lambs, but they have a bark as vicious as a lion's roar. They’ll tear it to pieces and you’ll be next…probably. Ewwww! This is a screenshot of the BSL Census map, so it's non-interactive. Most dog laws include all pitbull types as pit bulls. You're not fooling anyone, little missy! Source: Reddit/JiveMonkey, swiggle1 In my opinion, these dogs should be banned. It's all a ruse, he'll snap at any moment. Pitbulls suffer as a result of these preconceptions and often struggle to find a loving family to rehome them if they end up in an animal shelter. The pit bull will have probably stashed it somewhere. Reddit/ludaa Pitbull’s don’t enjoy snuggling in the slightest. “Dogs, for some insurers, are viewed as a higher risk because of the claims experience a company might have with that breed,” says Loretta Worters, vice president of media relations for the Insurance Information Institute. dot pattern2 Source: Flickr/Russ, swiggle1 Those who own one love them and say they’re wonderful animals. There is not an ounce of love in her eyes. Unless you are one of those weirdos who actually enjoys receiving copious amounts of kisses on a daily basis or want a dog who will love you more than you ever thought possible, then don't even consider adopting one of these monsters. Honestly, there is nothing redeeming about them at all. Twitter/@Pitbulls Just be forewarned, this isn’t for the faint of heart. But his face says things are a little bit different now. They’re even what you could call standoffish. dot pattern2 This female Pit Bull needs to get her act together. We’ve all heard about the nasty fights Pit Bulls get into, but maybe you haven’t seen photographic evidence. I hope the owners don’t ever leave this Pit Bull alone with the kitten. Pitbull’s are a hot topic of discussion among dog owners. You will hear so many stories about their wild temper, but this video will show you the truth about it. You especially know this is to be true if you have one of your own. Due to irresponsible owners who do not spay and neuter their dogs, there’s a major over-population issue with Pit Bulls, which often causes entire litters to end up dumped in shelters. Source: Reddit/tkmj75, swiggle1 You’ve probably heard it said, the Pit Bull breed is ugly. This Pit Bull flat out refused to leave the animal shelter without taking the Chihuahua along. This video is for the love of Pit bull dogs, agree with it or not, Pit bull dogs will remain the cutest and most lovable dogs ever. Because it will probably eat you a. The look just doesn't work. They're awful and nothing close to being the best dog/friend you'll ever have. The pitbull has a crazy sense of humor, which it probably does not know it’s doing on purpose. This dog is eyeing the binder like she just can’t wait to rip it to shreds. MUSIC Hurry! Please SHARE this with your friends and family. Marki Smith. © 2021 Shareably Media, LLC. These kittens are quaking in fear whenever they approach this Pit Bull. He’s secretly plotting something nefarious…I can tell. Because they are oh-so vicious and scary and notorious for their bad attitudes, right? Twitter/@GottaRaiseYa Don’t even try to give a Pit Bull a toy. Pit bulls are pretty much the most horrible dogs ever. In this same study the pit bull maxed out at only 235 psi. 24 Reasons Why No One Should Ever Have A Pit Bull As A Pet. Just look at this monster. What gives us the right? Both breeds are similar in many ways, sharing common bloodlines and a common history. I think not. Grabbing And Shaking Style. They easily (and happily) put up with the rough play of children without reacting. #25 reason to not own a pit bull, they will chew up everything, including but not limited to; the trim on your house, shoes, trees, bushes, bricks, concrete blocks, plastic water buckets, pineapple plants, patio furniture, I'm sure I forgot a couple things. by Dave Stopera. Here it is, laid out in blue and orange: A map of all the places in this country where folks with pit bulls are best to avoid. Pit bulls have been used in fights and trained heavily as attack dogs for years. Sure, I know this Pit Bull is giving a hug, but it’s all for show. Or is she just waiting around to bite her arm off? Source: Flickr/Heather Bailey, swiggle1 By the way that he looks at her, all he sees is a snack. Just be forewarned, this isn’t for the faint of heart. But be forewarned, these pictures might make you want to go cuddle one right now. While Pit Bulls are not good guard dogs because they just love people so much, they may intercede if someone threatens “their” humans. They are way too busy being scary and mean to do anything fun. I mean, it’s obvious they’re selfish monsters that could never help humans out, right? dot pattern2 Most Pit Bulls don’t get along with other dogs, right? Apr 25, 2016. dot pattern2 BuzzFeed Staff, by Rachel Zarrell. You’ve probably heard it said that Pit Bulls can’t be trusted when it comes to children. Always monitor children when they’re around dogs, particularly pets you don’t know very well. Seriously not worth it. dot pattern2 dot pattern2 Source: Twitter/@girlbitesback, swiggle1 I know that I was a little blunt in this blog, but I’m tired of all the pit haters out there. Honestly, there is nothing redeeming about them at all. Reddit/sh1994b I promise I don't want to hug it at all. Look, we all need to accept that Pit Bulls are vicious monsters and they’re not good with anyone. It's not like they are total loafer dogs or anything. dot pattern2 Gross! Source: Reddit/pward1, swiggle1 dot pattern2 Is this Pit Bull snuggling her owner? Pit Bulls on a whole can be dog aggressive and while this is perfectly normal, why invite the possibility of long term trouble into your home? No dog breed is universally bad or good. What kind of a dog gives kisses like that? No one; so go ahead and mark this one down on your list of reasons you do not want this dog in your life. They're just so scary. Source: Reddit/hamiltoneitdown, swiggle1 Source: Reddit/noshadsi, swiggle1 Look at these lazy dogs, doing nothing but laying around. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Most dogs will let you dress them up and they enjoy being silly with you. If you see one in the street you should run away fast! Though this one isn’t looking too ferocious. Though this one is looking pretty sweet after all. This dog’s planning to destroy his penguin. Learn how to judge dogs by their body language, not by size or stereotypes. There is not a single shred of proof that the American Pit Bull Terrier is a vicious, dangerous breed. Reddit/jetesaw They know she’s getting ready to swallow them whole. You’ve heard people say Pit bulls will always think of themselves as separate from their human pack. Reddit/melodymine420 Reddit/nadiamamacita The World's Most Entertaining Car Website, 19 Reasons Why You Should Never Own a Pit Bull, 10 Celebs Who Married Young...And Stayed Married, High School Musical vs Camp Rock: 5 Similarities & 5 Differences, 10 Disney Princesses As Modern Day Celebs, Steven Spielberg's Best Movies Ranked According To IMDb, 10 Celebrities Who Hid Their Marriages From The World, 5 Best Boy Bands In History (& 5 Best Girl Bands), 10 Celebrity Siblings Who Look Nothing Like Each Other, 10 Most Adorable Celebrity Selfies With Their Kids, Halsey: Little Known Details About Her Music Career & Personal Life, 10 Celebs Who Live Far Away From Los Angeles & New York, 10 Celebrity Couples Who Got Married In Secret, Julie & The Phantoms: What The Cast Has To Say About The Show, 10 Celebs Who Will Break Their Diet For McDonald's, 10 Movie Stars Who Left Hollywood Forever (& Why), 10 Celebs Who Married The Same Person More Than Once. Someone tell this dog he’s never going to be adopted if he keeps looking so unfriendly. They are absolutely terrible all around. Do not Need to Be Groomed Much Lastly, if you are one of those people who fear the work that comes with grooming a dog, then you should think about the pitbull. For these reasons, and many others, both the CDC and the American Veterinary Medical Association do not recommend discriminating based on breed. I mean, probably. They can’t even be bothered to play together like normal pups. Banning Pit Bulls Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breed in the world. Everyone knows this breed is incapable of giving love. You might think this Pitbull’s enjoying a cuddle with his new owner after sitting in a shelter for a year. I don’t really understand how someone can be so hateful. You may have difficulty renting an apartment or obtaining homeowner's insurance if you own a pit bull. They’ll never, say, cuddle with you after you’ve had an epileptic seizure. The dog that attacked someone just happened to be a pit bull, that’s just one pit bull that attacked someone, not all pit bulls attack. Evil, I say. Don’t let that lolling tongue fool you. Pitbull’s are violent dogs, right? Source: Reddit/jetesaw, swiggle1 Source: Reddit/lunalainxx, swiggle1 She’s not even remotely cute. dot pattern2 Reddit/tkmj75 Pit Bulls are a loyal, people-oriented breed that thrive as part of the family. BuzzFeed Staff … dot pattern2 Why not ban humans – humans do stupid things, they kill people – shouldn’t that all make us look bad? Just looking at this vicious dog is enough to fill you with terror. If you see one in the street you should run away fast! What they won’t do is put on a Santa hat and celebrate Christmas. In conclusion, not all pit bulls are vicious dogs.For example, my aunt and uncle own two pit bulls, Jaycee( girl) and Scout(boy) and they are very friendly and have never attacked anyone and never hurt anything. Source: Reddit/asadqayyum53, swiggle1 The American Kennel Club does not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier as one of its registerable breeds. Source: Reddit/ludaa, swiggle1 Pfft. But not Pit Bulls. Source: Reddit/sh1994b, swiggle1 If you see one in the street you should run away fast! In fact, out of a study that included a pit bull, a Rottweiler, and a German Shepherd, the pit bull had the weakest jaw. dot pattern2 2. This Pit Bull thought he was the toughest dog at the dog park. Here are 19 of the many reasons why pit bulls are such horrible pets and why you should never own one! If you’re going to get a dog, get one that’s cuter than a Pit Bull. Just look at this fierce monster. In this funny compilation, you will see the 10 reasons why you should own a Pit bull dog right now. Those are my 8 reasons not to ban the pitbull. They’re Not Flexible. The myths and stereotypes surrounding the breed lead to local legislation. The supposed purpose is to use them to protect homes, businesses, and the like. dot pattern2 They’ll just bite your arm off. dot pattern2 Pit Bulls Aren’t Just … Reddit/warros by. 1. From the moment they are born they are just terrifying… Not cute at all ! Those who don’t will probably tell you they’re violent dogs that can’t be trained nor do they ever fully adapt to a human family. dot pattern2 Don't be tempted by their sweet, beckoning eyes. Never leave them along with a child. Source: Reddit/nadiamamacita, swiggle1 Reddit/duuuh98 Reddit/JiveMonkey Forget about trying to bring a newborn into a home with a Pit Bull. On the BSL Census website itself , clicking on a state brings you to a page listing all the instances of BSL in that state. 10 Reasons To Own A Pit Bull Pit bulls deserve love too. They live up to every stereotype they are given, and they truly are some of the worst dogs. Don't be fooled by their friendly, Zen-like demeanor. Who the hell do they think they are? 35 Silly Reasons To Not Have A Pit Bull For A Pet. Source: Reddit/warros, swiggle1 But I’m sure this is an anomaly. I once saw a grown man faint in terror at the sight of this face. It’s just too scary. Reddit/Narya9 It's definitely a trap. Pit bulls do not have the strongest jaws of all dog breeds. Pitbull’s will always be wild animals, no matter how hard you try to train them. Someone should tell him Pitbull’s aren’t cool so he should stop trying so hard. They don’t know how to be silly and have fun with their owners. But that’s not the case. Don’t even try to give a Pit Bull a belly rub. This one is living proof – though he certainly did allow them to use him as a coloring book. Source: Reddit/duuuh98, swiggle1 Reddit/lunalainxx Avoiding dog bites is a matter of reading individual personality, not breed. As a result, a pit bull’s … Any dog can bite or attack another animal or human, but pit bulls top the list when it comes to the number of attacks, the severity of injuries inflicted on people and animals, and the number of human fatalities in the United States from dog mauling. It's probably a sign that they're going to attack. I’m just saying, you NEVER KNOW. dot pattern2 Source: Reddit/orkenbjorken, swiggle1 Source: Reddit/melodymine420, swiggle1 Who likes eyes that look like they're glowing from the inside anyway? dot pattern2 He obviously despises all the attention he's getting. Let’s face it, any dog can turn violent if they’ve been improperly trained or badly treated. Source: Reddit/Narya9, swiggle1 Source: Imgur/TOPHthegreatestearthbender, swiggle1 We’ve already mentioned that Pitbull’s can’t be trusted when it comes to kids. When people hear the name pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking.Pit bulls refers to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog.People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog.Because of this, some areas do not allow pit bulls and breeds like them. Reddit/Pawnbrake Who wants a dog that’s rigid and not fun? Her goal is to terrify everyone who crosses her path. Reddit/Combat_Panda91 dot pattern2 dot pattern2 Feast your eyes on this one. 19 Reasons Why You Should Never Own a Pit Bull Pit bulls are pretty much the most horrible dogs ever. Source: Reddit/Combat_Panda91, swiggle1 You might think this is a face of love, but it’s really a face of pure evil. Reddit/Pooklet When we have a party, we kennel our pit bulls in my office at the front of the house (because see #2). Source: Twitter/@Pitbulls. dot pattern2 Reddit/pward1 Indiana University. Come on, guys. Pit Bulls are great with children. They would never, say, let you put them in a baby onesie. 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The Chihuahua along that can force 320 psi of pressure little bit different now sometimes presented as a book!