Folliculitis is a bacterial infection that can develop if your dog creates sores out of scratches, bug bites or other minor open or irritating wounds. They can also make you feel more stressed or irritable in situations that normally do not affect you. ive had one of my dogs since he was 8 weeks old and worked from home so i spent a lot of time w him. Don’t exclude your dog from your time with the baby as they may then act up to get your attention.". A dog that is close to labor may experience a slight decrease in body temperature. he slept a lot. You haven't said whether you've decided to keep your baby, and I know that it must be stressful to be a pregnant teenager, especially if your family isn't behind you or if they don't know yet. Maybe I do need to find out if I could be or not. I am 35 weeks pregnant and everytime someone comes over to my house and tries to touch my stomach, my dog snaps at them. Add message ... My big cat keeps trying to lay on my tummy but he's a lump, I'm 25 weeks and it's not comfy. A few days before your dog is about to give birth, you might notice her temperature is lower than normal. These reactions are common since they know that change is coming and are worried this might mean they'll be pushed out of the family or taken to the shelter. As long as they're not jumping straight on your stomach with a lot of force, I wouldn't worry about it. If you're afraid of the actual birth then please don't worry. I'd heard bits and pieces over the years about how animals can sense things that we can't, but then when I was researching this hub I learnt a lot more! He was an abandoned dog and has always been very jealous of other dogs around either my husband or me. Thx. Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us. That's why by mid-pregnancy, most pregnant women are sleeping on their side. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. I always knew animals could sense pregnancy.I kind of had a feeling that I was 3wks ago but in the meantime my 6month puppy was acting out truly using the bathroom in the cage,barking and just completely ignoring my commands.So I decided send her to my friends house until I was able to get myself together.Well this week she came back after I found out I was 5wks along but the sweetest dog ever.She wants to sit on my stomach,lick my face,get her stomach rub extremely strange from my hyper yorkie that left.I had to question my friend and ask what did she do to her lol. At 7 weeks your baby still isn't really outside your pelvic structure yet, so your dog probably just bounced on your bloat. Moon Daisy (author) from London on March 20, 2010: Dog Lover, yes, wouldn't that be amazing if they could talk and we knew what they were thinking? U actually take the time to respond to each n every person that write you. I have been helping people get pregnant too. This increased sensitivity can even seem supernatural—for example, canines seem to predict natural disasters. However when my hubby gets home, he is attached to him and ignores me. I pop him and tell him no but hes just a puppy, I heavy puppy at that. I had 2 miscarriages. I noticed that you post is four weeks old now, so I hope that if you've told your family by now, then their reaction wasn't too harsh. Moon Daisy (author) from London on September 22, 2011: Ashmoore, I don't know for sure, but he probably senses something. Like she has always been a very loving dog but never to this extreme. It was a great comfort since my hubby had to leave me home alone to go to work near the end of my pregnancy. very informative and well written ....Loved reading it .I always thought that somehow dogs knew about pregnancies but this is the first time i have read about it.great hub. He was gentle and a lot calmer, when ususally he was a bit manic and really excitable. Cravings can also start quite early on, and some women crave some very strange things! Dogs are amazing creatures. When pregnant, you have various changes both physically and mentally. It totally depends on your dogs personality of course, but my dog (a golden retriever - known for their gentle nature) was acting really strange on my first pregnancy, following me around everywhere I go(sometimes he even cried when i shut the door to use the toilet) he was sniffing every chair or surface I had sat on immediately after I got the time, I had no idea why he was acting like that! so this is my deal. Dog sperm will reach an ovum on day 4 (48 to 73 hours). Thank you, My boys are grown and Abby has passed by my (she)keplie cross couldn't get her head out of my crotch when i was sitting down in my first trimester ONLY of both pregnanices..She knew i was pregnant FOR sure as never did it when i wasn't pregnant. Typically, canine gestation is around 60-63 days long, beginning on the day of conception. “Within just a few weeks of my pregnancy, the dog’s demeanor changed,” says Oscarson. I am not worried. Moon Daisy (author) from London on June 11, 2010: Thanks for the comment Sam. Is that a reaction dogs usually have when their owner is pregnant. It's also quite common to become a bit forgetful. At first I didn't understand at all and found her actions odd. Hmm... never know. Wow, that's an amazing story. Moon Daisy (author) from London on December 19, 2010: That is very fascinating, what a turnaround! :). She growls and barks at the neighbors, that she knows and at the door when people pass by. now everytime my boyfriend comes home from work he tries to give me a kiss and she comes and gets between us :) now my question is can a 4month old pup tell if a person is pregnant??? It is a time-consuming, messy, expensive, and sometimes heart-breaking enterprise. It would be interesting to know whether your suspicion (and that of your dog?!) Moon Daisy (author) from London on September 17, 2010: I'm not an expert in animal behaviour, I wrote this hub because I was interested in this ability of dogs to sense pregnancy. I hope this scary time turns out well for you. However, yes ! I'm currently 36 almost 37 weeks pregnant. When my husbands back would act up she would always become more subdued as if she knew her exciteable behavior was not a good idea. During each contraction, the dog would start panting heavily until each contraction was over. I found this werid that she was showing so much love towards me. I couldn't believe how quick the response was and I thank you. I haven't told my sister yet that I'm pregnant, and she was really confused as to why he was acting so sweet toward me for once. Then when im in bed if my boyfriend enters the room she starts growling at him (which she never did before). was correct. REVIEWED BYDr. Moon Daisy (author) from London on October 25, 2009: Thanks a lot for your nice comments sexy jonty. Interesting. (And often they go on to do it again!) When ever I am sitting on the couch or laying down my dog tends to step on my belly! Now I am having dog issues with him. The cats constantly knock stuff … There's no scientific evidence to explain how they know that you're pregnant, but here are a few theories. She never left me alone. He's a beautiful boy and I guess we spoil him a lot!! And this is why the dog needs to be properly trained so it can relax to make way for the new member of the family. An increased sense of well-being and happiness (from the hormonal changes, and probably also from the excitement of being pregnant). It's almost like she was preparing herself for labor. If they begin acting stressed or jealous, be sure to continue his routine as closely as possible. Apart from perhaps turning a bit green and having to throw up a lot, you may experience some of the following behavioural changes: Of course, not every pregnant woman will experience all (or indeed any) of these things, and sometimes these changes may be so subtle that nobody would notice them. i absolutely love all this comments and experience examples :) thank you Moon Daisy . A big Labrador jumped on my belly yesterday. I take a shower and she is trying to crawl in with me. :), i have had my beautiful dog star 7yr shes 14yrs now and has always been well behaved.i am now 24 weeks pregnant and over the past 5 weeks when shes alone shes started to mess in the house chew my new kitchen,she chewed through live wires and i think shes had electric shock!i have read about seperation anxiety and tried the suggestions on that but nothings midwife said some dogs go back to acting like a mum has to puppysit her now while i go to work.think im going to buy a double buggy!she will always be my baby. Always next to me. If you're used to sleeping on your stomach and want to continue, try using a donut-shaped pillow to support your growing belly. Thanks for commenting, I find that really interesting. Day 16: Dog embryos embed in the uterus lining; Day 22: Dog fetus begins to take shape; Bitch: Sorry, this, again assumes that you're keeping your baby. 17 girl from the south on November 21, 2013: Idk if I am pregnAnt or not but my dog always wants to lay beside me with her head on my belly or lay on my belly so idk if that's a sign. Although its winter, and winter always means a little less exercise for her and shes usually more restless w/o enough exercise but shes never peed on the floor before and definitely not everyday. Stages and Dog Pregnancy Timeline Month 1: Dog Fetus: Days 1 through 4: Pregnancy starts when the dog ovulates, which is called the data of whelping. When I got pregnant with my first I was on the pill and didnt find out until i was 9 weeks along. My dog now sits outside my door, whining until I let him in my room! Although, my lab isn't acting any differently...but then again, we always thought he might be kind of "special." Try to be as relaxed as you can. I am 10 weeks pregnant and my pomeranian is now attached to my hip it seems. He will not let my hubby walk into a room that I am in without barking/growling at him. Daphne Blair from Canada on December 12, 2009: Hi Moon Daisy, thanks for the follow! I know about this change from personal experience, as my newly sunny disposition alerted my (rather observant) boss to my pregnancy! :), im very much happy about the topic as it helps me and my family to know things as fast. I would not worry if I were you. This is completely normal for some women. I just found out I was pregnant today! Her and my dog (1 yr old wolf mix) are very well behaved, kennel trained and potty trained just awesome dogs. However, even if you're not showing during that time, you may unconsciously be giving off signals. For instance, there are many accounts of animals (including dogs) acting strangely before a tsunamis in Southern Asia, as if they knew that it was about to happen. When I got pregnant with my first I was on the pill and didnt find out until i was 9 weeks along. Even though her parents were furious at first and didn't talk to her for a while, when it came down to it nothing would stand in the way of them being a part of their grand-daughter's life, and now they completely dote on her and really can't imagine life without her. When I came home she wouldn't stop smelling me or leaving my side, as if something was different. Strange that he's then attaching to your husband, but he's obviously getting jealous of something when he kisses you, and showing some changes in the way that he acts. Is your dog not eating? After about 3 months she started drinking out of our toilets - she'd never done this before! Dogs may be able to smell the hormonal changes: Firstly, it's possible that, with their heightened senses, dogs can smell the changes in hormones and pheromones that occur in a … And my dog is pregnant, which is a little ironic. If you have a puppy, it might be a good idea to enroll them in puppy classes to get them socialized and to teach them basic commands. I'm just trying to second-guess what your fears may be about and trying to help you not be so terrified. Just shows how truly amazing dogs are, and we shouldn't underestimate what they know. But even if somebody did suspect that you were pregnant, they would be unlikely to ask you anyway, as it's difficult to be 100 percent sure. Do you think he knows we are having a baby? I really think they know, in my apartment our walls are very thin and they heard our neighbors go into their house. If he kisses me or touches me he becames very verbal and starts barking for his attention! Most pregnant women themselves experience emotional stress, and it will be likely “rub off on” the dog. :). I just found out that I am five Weeks pregnant. However, if you have done your research and are happy to proceed, this guide will help you to recognise some of the problems that can occur during and after whelping. This is all supposition based on nothing more than the wishful thinking of dog freaks. Before, you could sleep with any position you like. Moon Daisy (author) from London on February 08, 2010: Wow Beatriz, I'm glad I could help to shed some light on your dog's behaviour! I would only be 1 1/2 weeks now, about 3 1/2 weeks by the way the Dr's determine your due date. She always layed near my … Providing your dog with a a balanced, healthy and nutrient-rich diet during her pregnancy is crucial to her health and that of the developing puppies. well Chloe has started to sleep next to me now for the past four days and she gets on my lap and moves her brother out of the way . As a mother, this author has firsthand experience with pregnancy symptoms and loves to share her research on all aspects of pregnancy. In general, the kinds of pain you’ll experience in your belly or lower abdomen in early pregnancy are related to: Nausea — usually happens between two and eight weeks after conception 2 Cramping — these can feel similar to pre-menstrual cramps and can be a sign of implantation 2 Bloating and abdominal discomfort — similar to PMS symptoms Dr. Barrack also adds some rules to enforce when you bring the baby home. Such a clever dog, he sounds so gentle and sensitive. My friend who was a young mother had this experience. Needless to say it took a couple years before she liked him and now they are inseparable. As you get further along in your pregnancy, your dog will start to see and smell all over the new things for the baby–crib, stroller, new paint in the baby's room, diapers, etc. Keep on reading to find out just how exactly a dog can sense your pregnancy and the ways they will react to it. When we fi to bed she has to be right against me. Could I be pregnant? I had a Sheltie that insisted on laying on my stomach, but then again, she weighed a lot less that a Bulldog. Oh it's so so true!! "Greet your dog separate from the baby when first arriving home so they don’t inadvertently jump on the baby in their excitement. So here lately every time my dog sniffs me she drools tremendously! Great observations. I was wondering what the outcome was? dogs are my favorite pet. A human’s maximum sound range is only 20,000 cycles per second. I'm on #3 and my daughter was all over me when I was pregnant with my son. Moon Daisy (author) from London on January 27, 2012: Thanks for reading my hub lylah, and for commenting. I just had the feeling I was pregnant on day one since we didn't have any protection. I go to the bathroom and she is sitting at my feet. I love reading about them. 0 0. thanks. ive missed my period completely and ive been having breast tenderness,back pain, increased urination, fatigue, mood swings, increased hunger, headaches and a pull/ cramping in my belly. Those changes require you to adjust your old habits to make yourself comfortable. It is great! My 2 year old DD seems to spends her life jumping on my heavily pregnant stomach and baby is fine, and a cat weighs a lot less than that. Moon Daisy (author) from London on June 09, 2010: Wow, thanks for all these real-life examples! ), but because of the way you behave. I am pregnant and my dog keep licking my side my back and my belly button what that mean. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. there has been no change in the dogs reaction and they don't know i am pregnant. First of all, (and I don't mean to be hurtful in any way), but are you sure that you're pregnant? This is usually normal, but any bleeding in pregnancy should be checked with your doctor, just to be sure. Omg yes. While it's unlikely that your dog knows that in nine months there will be a new addition to the family, they can sense a change. Hope you're doing well. The funny part is we visited my DH's uncle recently and his 12 year old boxer wouldn't leave my side. He never had a problem with anyone touching me or anything before I became pregnant. When I was only 7 weeks pregnant my pitbull was acting different around me. I am completely pleased with the quick response that I received in our time of need for our dog, Jasmine. About 5 weeks before I found out my cat (who normally is pretty nice, but didnt like being held) started following me everywhere. I sat on the couch and they all 3 piled on my lap and absolutely REFUSED to move! My dog is 64 days pregnant she has been laying down all day and been licking her private part. You can lie flat on your back, lie on your right or left side, or even lie flat on your belly. As long as they're not jumping straight on your stomach with a lot of force, I wouldn't worry about it. would this be the case or is it something else. So I believe im pregnant, My pitbull also became overly affectionate. She is always calm and collected and her bubs just seem to know what she wants them to do. I've always attested my dog knew I was pregnant before I did. When we are on the couch she is either in my lap beside me or sitting upright (guard position) at my feet. When those boys came out she was such a mum to them. This is slightly unusual behavior for her. Always by my side, lying next to me womb at 23 weeks the massive hormonal changes can also quite. You like whining until I let them out they went crazy barking around the house cleaning she follows me head! The body when cancer is present was different which can make it difficult to.. 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