0000044810 00000 n
eCollection 2020. luteus were isolated and their action on jute stems studied. Jute fibre is the second most important fibre next to cotton. Higher pectinolytic bacterial isolates were predominant in the later stage of jute retting. Out of these, 168 isolates have been screened by both semi-quantitative and quantitative pectinase, xylanase and cellulase enzyme assay. It is obtained from the bark of plant through microbial retting process. 0000013682 00000 n
Jute—an important cash crop of eastern India is traditionally grown for extraction of fibre by a natural microbial process known as retting. Mechano-microbial retting of jute involves two distinct operations viz. eCollection 2020. The repeated retting of jute and mesta in the stagnant water of same natural retting tank lead to the production of inferior quality fibre unless the tank is recharged with fresh water after each retting. doi: 10.3923/jm.2012.50.58. The optimum retti Djemiel C, Goulas E, Badalato N, Chabbert B, Hawkins S, Grec S. Front Genet. Front Nutr. 193 0 obj
See this image and copyright information in PMC. 0000003171 00000 n
National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. %PDF-1.5
Abstract BBS.2008. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. Retting process is used for obtaining fibres from stems of flax, hemp, jute etc. This article focusses on the microbial retting of jute bast fibres under aerobic condition using sequencing batch reactor. -. To investigate the presence of microorganisms during the process of jute retting, full-cycle rRNA approach was followed, and two 16S rRNA gene libraries, from jute-retting locations of Krishnanagar and Barrackpore, were constructed. Retting is facilitated by anaerobic butyric acid bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium tetani and Clostridium perfringens. Relative distribution of 14 species found in the 16S rRNA gene sequences analysis of jute-retting water. These bacteria primarily decompose the plant pectin thus, freeing the fibres. The optimum retti Retting time reduced from 18-22 days to 12-14 days with about 10% higher fibre recovery. 0000008804 00000 n
polymyxa, five strains ofB. startxref
Usually mature stems of harvested jute plants are allowed to ret in pond or ditch water. Haque MS, Zakaria A, Adhir KB, Firoza A. 0000075446 00000 n
ISRN Biotechnol. It involves microbial decomposition of the unwanted material. Retting of jute is done by Clostridium butyricum. Retting operation was carried out for varying time period namely 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 days respectively. h�b```b``Y��d�32 � P��������q`2ad`蔁�o��p�������C\��Ɯ)���,�y0�&�qK�h5�t���U�� �å�j�t�1�a��� �7�+�:^�4yk��Tݶ+&�Se��BV�&�����_jcF�R��Z�ʔ�SW-�0�c�Ѹ��)�f9�Q�iu�ĦWM3Rf8$67z�,����c#ᰚ���M��uaBB�Z�
��v�߷�@Uɣ��CH��� � i) Mechanical extraction of green ribbons through either power operated bast fibre extractor suitable for jute, mesta, sunnhemp and ramie or manually operated jute fibre extractor and ii) Retting of green ribbons with microbial consortium. 0000087915 00000 n
They are possibly the world's largest source of lignocellulosic bast fibre which is extracted from plants by a natural microbial process known as retting. 2013 Jan 1;442:247-54. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.09.071. | However, bacterial communities associated with the retting of jute are not well characterized. 0000000016 00000 n
To investigate the presence of microorganisms during the process of jute retting, full-cycle rRNA approach was followed, and two 16S rRNA gene libraries, from jute-retting locations of Krishnanagar and Barrackpore, were constructed. 0000005741 00000 n
Breakthrough in Jute Retting by ICAR – CRIJAF through Genome Sequencing of Microbes of Microbial Retting Consortium India is the largest producer of raw jute and jute goods in the world, contributing about 60% of the global production and providing livelihood support to about 5 million people in farming, trade and industry. Basic methods include dew retting and water retting. FAO Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, pp 1–5 (1985). megatherium, one strain ofMicrococcus caseolyticus and one strain ofM. 0000078054 00000 n
HHS Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Mechanical Extraction of Fibre As the conventional whole plant retting does not suit the farmers in the water crisis situation, mechano-microbial retting technology has been developed which needs some more studies for commercialization.