Try not to overload yourself with bags or other items and avoid wearing shoes that could restrict your movements. Don’t wait for conference night, volunteer. college campuses are safer than their surrounding towns, An Effort To Help Guide Best Practice on Social Media, Recognizing the Work of Our University Police to Create a Safe Environment, A Comprehensive Policy Comes to Light to Battle Sexual Assault, Advancing Safety On Campus for All Students. It also means implementing a few important changes and rules that ensure your kid’s well-being. There are many things to learn about when you are at home and in school. For the most part, general public health guidelines apply to schools, too: Wear masks indoors at all times (and outside when in groups or lines) … Another school year begins, and parents ask, “Will my children be safe at school?” But as Simon Robers argues, in this blog post, highly publicized school attacks and media reports of school violence skew the picture of how safe our nation’s schools really are. Try not to overload yourself with bags or other items and avoid wearing shoes that could restrict your movements. Use the following tips to help keep you stay safe at school: Here are some great teacher resources for learning more about home and school safety: Here are some great kid resources for learning more about home and school safety: Would like to have a fire truck and firemen come to our preschool. It is a program for principals, teachers and school communities. Staying Safe at School : A short social story about how to stay safe at school! The best way to stay up to date on the school’s safety policy and follow up with any safety issues is to speak with teachers and administrators on a regular basis. Do not answer the telephone or door when you are home alone. Safe at School is committed to protecting families and defending the rights of parents to be the primary educators of their children in matters relating to personal relationships, marriage, family life and the dignity of human life. I will stop when I see a stop sign. 17. Bullying Prevention 2. Bullying Prevention Course for Educators. There should be a specific area to separate or isolate students who don't feel well. When you have concerns about safety and well-being, you might first think to ask questions specific to your own child, like what the school is doing to discipline the student who’s harassing your child. You can safely assume you'll be accepted. Kids in school tend to judge a book by its cover, and being smelly is a one-way ticket to get rejected. While there are no infallible plans, there are precautions schools can take to keep our students safe. Returning to school has taken on new meaning and a new set of worries for parents and other caregivers during the age of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Also keep your keys separate from your purse or book bag. There is still time for you and your colleagues to make every school safe, and every school community informed and on board with what needs to be done. As schools mirror the communities, curbing drug use in schools will in turn prevent drug use within the communities and render them safe for all citizens. Although for the most part college campuses are safer than their surrounding towns, it is still a good idea to be cautious of your surroundings just in case. Learn and make sure your child knows your school’s emergency response protocols. Especially at night, stick to those well lit areas, and avoid shortcuts through isolated areas whenever possible. Learn where the Blue Light emergency phones are on your campus and how to use them. School safety has always been important, but the recent advent of campus violence has brought the issue into the media spotlight, increasing scrutiny on campus security practices.So what should we be doing to make our schools as safe as possible? Equity and Inclusive Education (focus on homophobia, racism and sexism) 3. These might include signing in when visiting the school, being escorted when walking through the building, or wearing a visitor pass. Use the following tips to help keep you stay safe at school: Always walk or ride your bicycle on the sidewalk. Establish clear school policies and reinforce goals Be on the lookout for more tips that will be coming soon! Students who don't feel safe or included at school cannot learn effectively and reach their full potential. Safe Schools is not a subject taught in the classroom and it is not a part of the curriculum. Make sure children are familiar with basic safety guidelines as well, so you can go about your life confidently and as safely as possible. Consider in-state public colleges that are safety school options. Watch Queue Queue Being safe at home means you understand what to do if someone comes to the door and you are home by yourself. SoundFinder & Other Tools; Clip Art; Sharing Center; Your LessonPix; Home Learn More Tutorials Articles Pricing & Benefits Request a Picture Symbol Builder New. Schools must be places where students feel safe, supported and respected, especially in these challenging times. You'll look more attractive, whether you're a guy or a girl, too. Try to note the appearance of the person following you as well. Make sure that you are familiar with your college campus, especially routes that you will be taking frequently so you know which areas are well lit and well secured. 1. The demographic group most likely to commit or be victimized by crime in the United States is the mass of people who range in age from 18 to 25. To stay safe, school nurses should use PPE (personal protective equipment) such as N95 masks, surgical masks, gloves, and face shields. But physical and emotional safety are school-wide issues. Whether you are at home or in school, staying safe is the top priority. How to Stay Safe at School Most college campuses seem far too idyllic to play host to crime. Take showers regularly, brush your teeth, floss, and use deodorant. In the case that you are being followed, change your direction and go to the nearest business or house and request that someone call the police. Learning about all aspects of proper safety is an important part of education. Thank you! Required fields are marked *, Online Courses Help Business Leaders Learn How to Leverage Data for Decision Making, Log-In and Get Ready To Play – Esports Competition Is Now Official, Non-Traditional Students Prove It’s Never Too Late to Learn, New Local Partnership Is Working to Help Keep a Community Safe and Healthy, Research Explores the Link Between Alzheimer’s and Diabetes, Scientists Show Drive In Their Effort to Beat Breast Cancer, Research is Ready To Lead Us Into The Deep Tech Future, Student Athletes Are Recognized for Excellent Performance In The Game and In The Classroom, Competitive Spirits Created Some Great Moments in 2017-18 SUNY Athletics, Focusing on Perseverance and Winning In a Different Way, SUNY is Going Back To the Winter Olympics, Both On and Off the Field of Competition, Students Learn What Leadership is Made of in New Virtual Academy, A Changed Look For Our Young Change Makers – The Future Of The Girl Scouts Is SUNY-Made, An Ongoing Focus on Mental Health and Wellness During Tough Times, Mental Health Matters – Managing Stress, Anxiety, and Emotions During A Pandemic, Many SUNY Schools Named Among Nation’s Best 386 Colleges by Princeton Review, Many SUNY Schools Named Among Best for Student Success by Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, Many SUNY Schools Rank Among the Nation’s Best in 2020 U.S. News & World Report’s Best College Rankings, CNN/Money and Princeton Review Highlight SUNY Value and Performance in Annual Rankings. Yours, Michael Rosen Topics Atiba was an intern with SUNY's Office of New Media, who became a University at Albany graduate in English with a minor in Communications. Safe, Strong and Free. But they do, for a number of reasons. Parents and … Your email address will not be published. Schools must now balance the educational, social and emotional needs of their students along with the health and safety of students and staff in the midst of the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. Following these procedures also sets a great example for your kids. Get Trained. Symptoms at school. Participate in campus emergency safety programs that are offered at your school. Below are prevention, intervention and education strategies in order to promote inclusive school environments where young people can learn, thrive and become their best selves. Whether you are a freshmen still getting used to the dorms, or a senior moving into an apartment, we rounded up some tips for keeping safe while in school that all students should be familiar with: These are just some of the tips that can be used to improve your safety and awareness in a college environment. Also, so that stranger with bad intentions does not capitalize on that. Talk with your child about safety. 10 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe In School Michelle LaRowe There’s no question that sending the kids off to school for the first time each year is an experience full of mixed emotions. Online Courses. “We’re seeing more and more concussions now that we’re aware of it, and the brain needs time to rest in order to recover.” 3. Talk regularly with teachers and administrators. Schools have been provided with a Guide to Drug Testing in South African Schools. Explain what to do if she doesn't feel safe … How to be safe at school with Coronavirus around. There are many areas within your home that can inflict harm and pose unnecessary accidents. But this is not possible. Despite the extraordinary media coverage of violence in our schools, students are safer there than in any other place except their homes. If a bully is trying to hurt you, tell an adult right away. Keeping your kid safe at all times means constant adult supervision. I bound mine along the top as a full page book, and created a One Page Picture (untitled) for the cover. The parent can keep children safe by finding out whether the school has any method to deal with violence, bullying or disaster or not. These interactive modules were developed using COPA’s unique and inspirational approach to prevention education and are based on the latest research and best practices for creating healthy and safe school environments. Walking or riding your bicycle to school, staying safe on the bus and playground and knowing how to protect yourself from a bully, is all important information to know. If there is a fire or someone is hurt call 911. "There should be no chance for people to wander onto school property." Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and when you expect to return. Be confident that you and your family are safe by taking some simple precautions around the house, following safety guidelines when you go out at night, and being secure when you're surfing the Internet. Teach your child (and yourself) common sense survival skills. If your child plays a school sport, ensure she has the proper protective gear and keep an eye out for injuries. Travel in groups and avoid going out alone at night. Always walk or ride your bicycle on the sidewalk. Despite such efforts and arguments that some of our schools may be “safer” than ever before, anxious parents and students continue to impede learning and trust. With rising popularity and usage of new apps and messaging tools growing regularly that can cause risk, students need to make sure they are mindful of safety in all aspects of their lives. This video is unavailable. It also means that you have a firm grasp on what to do if there was a fire, if someone got hurt, about poisons and chemicals around the house, staying safe on the computer and understanding that drugs, alcohol and tobacco are bad for you. “Parents should be aware of the symptoms of concussions,” warns Mattey. Safe at School. It's also a good idea to wash your face regularly. Terri Yard, i will give you the number to south pierce county fire department 253-847-43333. Walk with a confident stride: keep your head up and look around. Panic usually occurs in response to confusion, so know the plan inside out. 3. These can be very helpful, in the case your own phone dies. If it is a High School / Secondary School or Primary School, Students Should Not Be Allowed to Make Use of Mobile Phones within the School Premises . This is so that they are not discouraged. Planning to take the safest route to your destination will greatly decrease the chances of getting into a harmful situation. Tags: Being Safe at School I will be safe at school. Be specific. A lot can happen on your way to school, you need to know what to do when crossing the road, if a stranger tries to talk to you, if a bully tries to hurt you or you get hurt at the playground before school. I will NOT run away from my teacher or class. Share your class schedule with your parents and trusted friends. Login/Register; Help! How to make school safe for your child and all students. Also give them your phone numbers, so they have a way to reach you in case of emergency. when I am at the cafeteria. Do not put any chemicals or poisons in your mouth. Stay near the curb and avoid shrubbery or other places of potential concealment. When I am walking in line. Be a visible presence. Use the following tips to help keep you safe at home: Staying safe at school is just as important. Be present at your child’s school. Professional Learning Modules provide information and tools for fostering safe, strong and free schools. 2. Ideally, everyone entering your child's school should pass through two sets of locked, monitored doors at the main … Top 10 General Safety Rules For Kids At School: As a parent you may want to always be present near your kid. For students to thrive, they need to be safe and they need to feel safe. Still, school officials recognize the potential threats to the safety of children attending school and school-related activities. Here you can get specific info that relates to your surrounding areas. Read on to know how you can teach safety rules for children. Cyberbullying Prevention Course for Youth. Schools should provide the following: Trained staff to monitor blood sugar (blood glucose) levels and administer insulin and glucagon; Trained staff to provide diabetes care during field trips, extracurricular events and all school-sponsored activities; Capable students permitted to self-manage their diabetes anytime, anywhere; Schools should not: Talk about instinct and paying attention to funny feelings of fear. Keeping Our Kids Safe, Healthy and in School, National Educational Association: School Safety, What Parents Can do to Keep Kids Safe at School, Safety Tips for School Staff ,Parents and the Community, After School Food Safety Tips for Kids Snacking at Home Alone, Preventing Injuries: At Home, at Play and on the Way, Kidnapping Prevention and Stranger Safety, A Game on the Dangers of Chemical Substances in the Home, Play Sara’s Quest: The Science Behind Drug Use. What about if you are walking home from school and someone tries to take you? Hey, just wondering how do you find all this information, students have hard times finding stuff like this? 1. When at the playground sit on the swings and don’t walk up the slide. Identify possible safety schools by consulting websites, ranking lists, and friends. Also keep your keys separate from your purse or book bag. 4. Learn about S@S. Learn more about Safe@School. How to stay safe at work and school Work and school environments may seem particularly daunting in the context of an outbreak, but some simple measures can … These are important concepts to learn. When waiting for the bus make sure you stand far back from the street. The Safe@School website offers teachers and the educational community a repertoire of relevant resources, as well as three different Professional Learning Modules. Know and follow school security and safety measures. It is important to understand the seriousness of personal safety and how to avoid dangerous situations at home or in school. Program emergency numbers into your phone as well as the university police or public safety campus contacts. Use the admissions calculator on the PrepScholar database to determine if a particular school could be a safety school. A safety school is a college to which you have an extremely good chance of gaining admission (above 80%). Our data demonstrates that schools are not the safe havens or silos some believed they would be, and that they in fact contribute to the spread of … Learning how to stay safe when you are on your way to school and at school will help protect you from any harm. The school should ban parents from allowing their wards come to the school environment with phones. 1. My teacher is happy when I am safe at school. These conversations can shed light on any problems your child is facing. When on your way to school, never talk to a stranger or get into a car with someone you don’t know. Often as students we feel invincible when we step foot on a college campus. I will NOT run away When I am on the playground. When on your way to school, never talk to a stranger or get into a car with someone you don’t know. Never talk to a stranger or get into a car with someone you don’t know. All students should be safe from bullying and feel included at school. Moreover, the parent should ask if the school has visitors policy to avoid strangers going on school grounds or in the classroom. Get to know the names of your child’s teachers and the administrators. Do you know what to do if you are home alone and someone knocks on the door? Learning about how to stay safe when you are at home will only benefit you in the future. They are connected directly to the university police on your campus and are easy to spot since they are well lit. Could you please tell me who to contact. Never accept alcohol, drugs or cigarettes from anyone. Keep your young athlete safe. Your email address will not be published. When at the playground sit on the swings and don’t walk up the slide. Stay near the curb and avoid shrubbery or other places of potential concealment. School nurses should take the temperature of anyone who feels ill during the school day. Serving as a superintendent throughout the years, I have been responsible for the safety and wellbeing of a total of 170 schools. I will walk with my teacher and friends in a line. Away from my teacher is happy when i am safe at school with Coronavirus around and use deodorant with. To feel safe a particular school could be a specific area to separate or isolate students who do n't safe... From anyone phone dies response to confusion, so that stranger with bad intentions not! Use them effectively and reach their full potential could be a safety school just. 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