84 Pins • 1.72k Followers. This results from a mixture of the slightly bluish red body color and the purer red fluorescent emission. Most dark rubies were sold in Bombay or Madras, India. Others have defined this still further as the color of the first two drops of blood from the nose of a freshly slain Burmese pigeon. Hughes. It draws its name from the color … By closing this banner or using this site you agree to our revised Privacy Notice, Terms of Service and Cookie Policy. From 1962 onwards, the country embarked on the "Burmese Road to Socialism," which brought further restrictions on gem mining and trading. Brokers not only assist in valuations and sales, but also obtain intelligence about what valuable stones have been recently mined, who the owners are, and, just as importantly, who the stones are being offered to and the prices bid. Pigeon Blood Valley - On the Trail of Mogok's Famed Burmese Ruby by Adolf Peretti and Thierry Falise. During the colonial period, Britain leased out the mines to an ill-fated London syndicate (the Burma Ruby Mines Ltd.); since independence in 1948, the Burmese government has kept a tight rein on the mines. Burmese Pigeon Blood Ruby. Photo: Olivier Galibert. Each broker is equipped with the tools of the trade – a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off, a small brass plate upon which the stones are placed, and, most importantly, a keen eye. Quarrying (tunneling) directly into the host rock to extract rubies and sapphires. In some gem-producing nations such as Sri Lanka, pink colors were always considered ruby, while in many consuming countries it is classified as pink sapphire. “It is not reasonable to disqualify mining areas based … In past decades, myths and fantasies about Mogok were nourished by its many years of forced isolation. Pigeon Blood: Burmese Rubies New York: Gleaming red with a fiery core, rubies have commanded the eye of kings and nobles throughout the centuries, World Health Organization believed within the stone’s power to harbor fortune, passion, and vitality. For better-quality material, slight differences in color can make significant differences in value. Hughes. The border separating Sagaing Division from the Shan State makes a sudden jog to enclose the area at Mogok. My love for rubies eventually developed into a desire to visit their source. Cheikho. Again, his brother found nothing. And everything is fine. Traditionally, the Burmese have referred to the finest hue of ruby as "pigeon's blood" (ko-twe), a term which may be of Chinese … 1 Purer in the sense that the hue position is closer to the center of the red (relative to purple and orange). Other terms for ruby are derived from the word for the seeds of the pomegranate fruit. Pigeon Blood Ruby. These inclusions scatter light, helping to reduce extinction. Consisting of heavily-jungled hills rising to a height of 2347 m above sea level, the Stone Tract covers about 1000 sq km, although only a portion (180 sq km) is gem bearing. The per-carat prices of fine-quality rubies have been rising consistently, many times breaking auction records. Traditional descriptions like these are useful for evoking images and describing color among professionals. In 2018, Richard was named Photographer of the Year by the Gem-A, recognizing his photo of a jade-trading market in China, while in 2020, he was elected to the board of directors of the Accredited Gemologists Association and was appointed to the editorial review board of Gems & Gemology magazine. Explore ruby history, research, quality factors, and more in the GIA Gem Encyclopedia. The color must be neither too dark nor too light to be considered finest quality. Ruby necklace from Cartier, which has boycotted trading in stones from Myanmar for the time being That last bit of wording is particularly noteworthy, as it indicates that while a free-for-all trade policy is now in place, this was not always the case. In the past few years, trading in Burma has undergone a quiet revolution. Pigeon's blood: Chasing the elusive Burmese bird. Pleochroism—the appearance of different colors in different crystal directions—is another factor that influences cut. This ruby stone weighs around 15 carats, and cost about $18.3 million in 2015. Explore the world of diamonds and colored gemstones. But too much silk is not a good thing. In 2016, Richard was awarded a visiting professorship at Shanghai's Tongji University. My Mecca was Mogok. Photo: Wimon Manorotkul. The best Mogok stones actually glow red and appear as though Mother Nature brushed a broad swath of fluorescent red paint across the face of the stone. Burmese Ruby. After dreaming about it for years, in April 1996 I finally made it to Mogok and this piece was the result. Almost inevitably, some gems escape capture and are carried away to the tailings. Eagles carry in their beaks pieces of meat in which gems are embedded, illustrating an Indian legend that appears in the tale of Sinbad the Sailor in the Thousand and One Arabian Nights. There are also cultural differences in the interpretation of ruby versus pink sapphire. A ruby’s crystal shape dictates its suitability for certain cuts. A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the … Miners at Inn Chauk, just north of Mogok, are dwarfed by massive limestone boulders as they hunt for rubies. Hughes. Therefore, it is essential … The red hue comes from traces of the mineral chromium. In fact, this is the premier desired color of historic rubies from this famous "Valley of Rubies" and pieces of this color … No, it was something else entirely, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. This red fluorescence is one of the keys to a fine ruby's appearance, for it covers up the dark areas of the stone caused by extinction from cutting. It was first published in Colored Stone (1996: Renaissance in Rubyland, Vol. [return to article]. But they can be subject to misinterpretation when used to describe a ruby’s … When one considers that today probably 90% or more of newly-mined rubies owe a good measure of their clarity and color to heat treatment, this statement does not seem so outlandish (unfortunately, most Burmese rubies are today also heat treated). This has an interesting derivation for it means literally either "crying-Indian quality" or "even an Indian would cry," so termed because it was even darker than an Indian's skin. This is the carbuncle of the ancients, a term derived from the glowing embers of a fire. A single source never yields gems that are all the same color and quality. In fact, the descriptive trade term might represent only a small, yet highly desired percentage of stones from that source. For top-color ruby that’s also free of eye-visible inclusions, the price rises even more. 2.33ct Burmese Ruby … Cette couleur magnifique est fondée fidèle aux plus beaux rubis de BURMA et est un indicateur clé de son origine. When two brothers bought property near Yadanar Kaday Kadar, in Burma's Mogok Stone Tract, their love for each other was so strong they purchased adjoining lots, all the better to visit, raise families together, grow rich together. It must be stressed that the true pigeon's-blood red is extremely rare, more a color of the mind than the material world. See it here. Then, something caught my eye. Its special color is the art of nature, with no thermal treatment. The centerpiece is surrounded by 10 petals of brilliant white diamonds. The industry's nadir was reached in 1969, when the Ministry of Mines banned private exploration and mining of gems, effectively nationalizing the entire trade in precious stones. Photo: R.W. I first began traveling the world as a teenager, and those travels eventually brought me to Burma, at age 19. Made in 18K white gold. The author of several books and over 170 articles, his writings and photographs have appeared in a diverse range of publications, and he has received numerous industry awards. One of the most interesting is the late-afternoon market at Myintada, where colorfully-clad women can be seen haggling over all kinds of small rough rubies. The Term: "Pigeon Blood" The term “Pigeon blood” has originated in Myanmar. Below Daw Nann Gyi Taung, a veritable carpet of tin sprawls across the valley. Co-winner of the 2004 Edward J. Gübelin Most Valuable Article Award from Gems & Gemology magazine, the following year he was awarded a Richard T. Liddicoat Journalism Award from the American Gem Society. Today, the government operates a central washing plant, but most mechanized mines have their own washing plants. In 1597 AD, when the Burmese monarch, Nuha-Thura Maha Dhama-Yaza tired of getting his rubies second-hand, he simply annexed the district, exchanging a small piece of his territory to the hapless Shan saopha (prince), who was powerless to stop him. That said, pink sapphires enjoy a following, at a far more competitive prices than rubies. All rights reserved. Several factors affect the cut and proportion of rubies on the market. Once again, it is raining in Rubyland. Jun 12, 2018 - Explore Alain Truong's board "Ruby", followed by 1711 people on Pinterest. The way it works is thus: a dishonest workman may catch sight of a stone. Under the British Company, however, this was later restricted to women only; any man who so much as bent down to touch a stone on the ground, unless a worker or license holder, was subject to imprisonment. 9, No. Courtesy: Tommy Wu, Shire Trading Ltd., Hong Kong. Courtesy: Hussain Rezayee, Rare Gems & Minerals. Needles that intersect can also cause the star effect, called asterism, when the stone is cut with a curved upper surface, called a cabochon cut. The mixture of these untreated and heat-treated rubies show a range of darker and brighter red colors. Pondering ruby in the Mogok Stone Tract's Kyatpyin valley. Fine-quality rubies over one carat are very rare, but commercial-quality rubies are commonly available in a wide range of sizes. Add to Cart. 18–21). For the eldest brother, every spade brought forth gems. Daw Nann Gyi Taung, above Burma's valley of rubies, is perhaps a fitting place to sit and ponder that question. In fact, in 2008, the United States set up a ban on the import of jade and rubies from … After 1597 AD, the Mogok Stone Tract was operated as the private province of whoever had the strongest army. Quick View. Photo: John I. Koivula, GIA. Photo: R.W. Brotherly love knows no bounds, as the following tale shows. Second, the best stones have high color intensity. It’s still possible that lower-temperature heat treatment might have occurred. I was told of a cave near Yadana Kaday-kadar with a room the size of a football field, while another lu-dwin near Chaunggyi was said to be 2.4 km long. Noticing a crack that split the piece neatly in two, he presented one half to the King, and secretly sent the other half to Calcutta for sale. The faceted stone weighs 11.55 carats and the rough stones weigh between 16.65 carats and 278.50 carats. Hughes. People often mistake Pigeon Blood ruby either as a different variety or assume that it is by default a Burmese ruby. Unfortunately the roof caved in, putting an ignoble halt to the proceedings. To retrieve rubies, men would cast lumps of meat into the valley via catapults. But brotherly love is stronger than any artificial line in the dirt. Ring size US 5.75 (resizable). Pigeon’s blood is the term applied to the most highly saturated colour and natural red fluorescence possible in a ruby. Historically, the term “pigeon’s blood” described the red to slightly purplish or pinkish red color of rubies with a soft, glowing, red fluorescence. Rare map of Myanmar's Mogok Stone Tract. Since the majority of Pigeon blood-red ruby comes from the mines of Burma, people usually misunderstand Pigeon Blood ruby gemstone as Old Burma or Burmese Ruby or vice-versa. Ruby from Mozambique with considerable fluorescence is described as previously indicated by the descriptor GRS-type Pigeon’s Blood, owing to a similarity in color with its Burmese counterpart. The brief period between the annexation and arrival of British troops represented the first time in centuries that miners were able to operate independent of state control. Due to one of those glorious accidents of nature, ruby has both a red body color and red fluorescence. Richard Hughes exploring the Royal Lu near Bawpadan in Myanmar's Mogok Stone Tract. Photo: R.W. Examining rubies in one of Mogok's many markets. Photo: R.W. Vihari Jewels has worked with some truly spectacular Burmese pigeon’s blood rubies, like the breathtaking 20-carat pigeon’s blood ruby, which can be a pendant on the Maharajah’s Necklace or mounted on ring in the Nur Jahan ring. Pigeon blood is the most desirable and sophisticated color in rubies. As for the Nga Mauk Ruby, the second half was eventually purchased and returned to Burma. These consist of Burmese and Shan (Buddhist), Nepalese Gurkhas (Hindu), Lisu (Christian and Animist), along with a smattering of Muslims, Sikhs and those of Eurasian origin. Rare natural pigeon blood Burmese ruby. GIA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. This gives the color a velvety softness, as well as spreading it across a greater part of the gem's face. The most expensive ruby ever sold was the Crimson Flame Ruby (as seen below). Ruby rough is very expensive, so many cutters try to conserve as much weight as possible. I was home. For the first time in many decades, tomorrow looks better than today. Mostly, this was the Burmese kings, who decreed that all stones above the value of Rs2000 were property of the crown. The color of a fine Mogok ruby is due to a combination of two factors. The Burmese … One Burmese trader expressed it best when he said: "…asking to see the pigeon's blood is like asking to see the face of God. It was there that I saw my first Burmese ruby. Pain. The AGL system, popular in the 1980s, was purely visual and, to its … Add to Cart. Keep in mind, though, that the purchase of gems in source countries such as Burma or Sri Lanka is strictly for professionals. This was the favorite color of the famous Mogok gem dealer, A.C.D. This created ruby and sapphire deposits from Afghanistan and Tajikistan through Pakistan, northern India, Nepal and … This is what I found. This is because a majority of Pigeon blood ruby stones come from the mines of Burma (now Myanmar) and are addressed as Burmese These rubies were all mined in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). A Kokang Chinese miner emerges from a lu-dwin at Kyauk Saung, near Mogok. The ring is made in 18 karat gold. 2017 saw the publication of Richard and his wife and daughter's Ruby & Sapphire: A Gemologist's Guide, arguably the most complete book ever published on a single gem species and the culmination of nearly four decades of work in gemology. Concealing them was punishable by torture and death. In short, if you're not an expert, stay away. Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA. The captivating allure of this ring stems from its floral motif featuring a five-carat, unheated Pigeon Blood red ruby from Burma. Demand for gem quality Burma Ruby has always been strong with mining records from Burma dating back almost 500 years. - Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA. The Burmese term for ruby is padamya ('plenty of mercury'). There on the ground before me lay a tiny fragment – all of creation bundled up into one tiny pebble. 1 made the ultimate sacrifice. Both pieces disappeared when the British annexed upper Burma in 1885. Graff Daimonds bracelet from the Biennale 2014 collection. Burmese Pigeon Blood Ruby. But according to local legend, the origins of the ruby mines were as follows: This is the legendary Valley of Rubies, impenetrable due to the deadly serpents which covered its floor. I had just seen the face of God. During my second visit to Mogok (May, 1996), I spent an entirely enjoyable afternoon scurrying through the long-abandoned crevices of Bawpadan's Royal Lu. While rubies have been scraped out of the dirt at Mogok since prehistoric times, this underground wealth has not always enriched those living directly above. ‘Top-quality Burmese rubies are rare, especially ones that are more than 5 carats in size,’ explains Hong Kong Jewellery specialist May Lim. Furthermore, most rubies will actually fluoresce to visible light. The price per carat goes up significantly for ruby as it increases in size. Weighing an impressive 10.05 carats, the Ratnaraj is a wonder of the natural world. In gemstone trade, an old Burma ruby by default means, a high quality ruby displaying pigeon blood, dark red or deep pink color, which are considered to be most desirable colors. Thus the combination of fine color (body color plus fluorescence) and facetable material (i.e., internally clean) has put the Burmese ruby squarely atop the crimson mountain. The role of brokers is important, both at Mogok and further north at the Hpakan jade mines. Even so, it’s not always possible to orient a ruby for ideal color return because the potential loss of weight would be too great. 29–33) and Momentum magazines (1996, Vol. People in the trade expect rubies to have at least some inclusions because inclusion-free rubies are practically nonexistent. Just four years ago, private gem trading was illegal; today, both rough and cut stones can be freely purchased by foreigners with dollars from licensed traders, with only a 10% export tax to be paid. Ruby can also contain needles composed of other minerals, small crystals, zones of color variation, or inclusions that resemble fingerprints. Most Burmese rubies have a bluish-red body color which gives the stones a saturated, vivid appearance. Open cast, which has been performed since the time of the British Burma Ruby Mines Ltd. Akfani (1908) [Treatise on precious stones], translated by P.L. Alas, Lady Luck doesn't kiss all the boys. See more ideas about ruby, diamond, jewelry. Hughes. The British Company went to great lengths to prevent the theft of stones, enclosing the sorting areas, requiring workers to wear steel masks so that stones could not be swallowed, etc. Like so many others seekers before me, I had come to this remote valley looking for the red stone, trying to get a little closer to this magnificent gem, perhaps to find an answer to that question. This superb 10.05-carat Burmese ‘pigeon blood’ ruby ring was created by Faidee, a brand synonymous with the rarest and most sought-after gemstones. Traditionally, the Burmese have referred to the finest hue of ruby as "pigeon's blood" (ko-twe), a term which may be of Chinese or Arab origin. By the sixth century, local inhabitants were paying two viss (about 3.2 kg) of stones yearly to the central government. In the gem trade, though, pinpointing the dominant hue is subject to personal perception. If large and prominent inclusions are located under the table facet, they greatly diminish the transparency, brilliance, and value of the stone. Pigeon blood Burmese Ruby oval shape of 1.26ct Eye clean videos on demand Additional illustrations have been added to this web version. Photo: R.W. The rain had just uncovered a flash of crimson. Over time and years of experience trade terms can conjure up perceptions of certain colors and qualities that are associated with a stone’s source. When they are intact, they prove the ruby was not heat-treated at very high temperatures. Today, the people of Mogok smile because, for the first time in decades, tomorrow looks better than today. US $60/ct, Natural Ruby 106.7 carat lot loose gemstone . Legitimate goods may also be offered in this way, being represented as stolen in the hope that this would increase the buyer's feeling that he is getting a steal of a deal. Needles might be short or long and slender, and they might appear to be woven tightly together. Comprehensive CAD/CAM For Jewelry Certificate, Advanced Laboratory-Grown Diamond Seminar. The following image is is an especially fine ruby: the eye-clean, Burmese pigeon blood, and impeccably well-cut. Countless fortunes have been made, but for some, the crimson stones have brought only grief. Pigeon blood ruby gemstone is one of the most exclusive and uncommonly rare varieties of ruby gemstones. Rough and unpolished rubies in Myanmar Old Burma ruby (or Burmese Ruby) … The total diamond weight is 0.86 carat. Typical ruby clarity characteristics include thin mineral inclusions called needles. The ruby is gracefully set in between four "Eagle Claw" prongs… Ruby Jewelry Jewelry Rings Jewelery Fine Jewelry Ruby Diamond Rings Pear Shaped Diamond Yellow Gold Rings White Gold. They might fashion flattened ruby rough into shallow stones, even though light escapes through flattened pavilions, causing an unattractive see-through area in the stone called a window. The Association Française de Gemmologie (AFG) in 2013 named Richard as one of the fifty most important figures that have shaped the history of gems since antiquity. Thai/Cambodian rubies may possess a purer red body color, but the lack of red fluorescence and silk leaves them dull by comparison. Hughes. Long mineral inclusions that intersect can create the star effect when stones are cut as cabochons. 4, No. Each dealer employs them to act as his eyes and ears. Five traditional types of mines exist in Mogok: Some of the richest ruby finds have been made within lu-dwin caverns and crevices. Une couleur rouge sang de pigeon exceptionnelle peut être notée dans cette pierre spectaculaire avec une clarté transparente (propre pour les yeux). Ultimately, the most desirable color of ruby is the one you prefer the most. Lady Luck doesn't kiss all the boys. Rubies are commonly cut into oval and cushion shapes. The exact date when rubies were first discovered at Mogok is unknown. A number of gem markets operate in the Mogok area, each specializing in a particular type of stone. However, all this was to no avail because of the kanasé custom. An Oriental miniature dated 1582, representing the Valley of Serpents, guarded by snakes. The most common shape is a flat tabular hexagonal shape, but ruby crystals from some sources can be elongated. Photo: Robert E. Kane/GIA. Thus, today is largely women and children who mine in this way. What is it that draws us to ruby? My pilgrimage was at an end. Nga Mauk, a poor miner, uncovered a fine ruby weighing about 560 ct during the reign of one of the Burmese monarchs. Thus Brother No. If it was value, I would just go out and get a few kilos of gold. The Mogok door cracked open. Some gem dealers debate the borderline between ruby and pink sapphire. The GIA Laboratory uses a controlled set of comparison stones called masterstones to determine if corundum is ruby The laboratory grades its masterstones on the principle that red must be the dominant hue before a stone can be called a ruby. Mogok (1500 m) is located some 210 km and seven hours by road northeast of Mandalay. Official ruby … Rubies would become attached to the meat, which was then carried out of the valley by large birds of prey. In 2010, he received the Antonio C. Bonanno Award for Excellence in Gemology from the Accredited Gemologists Association. In historic terms, Mogok rubies are in a class by themselves. Significant surface-reaching fractures can pose durability threats. As knowledge of the crimson stones spread, more powerful rulers from outside the area levied tribute, payable in rubies. ... Made in 18K white gold. But the pièce de résistance of pigeon's-blood research has to be that of James Nelson, who finally put the question to rest: After that, the only question remaining is whether or not "spectrophotometered" is a genuine English verb. Until the discoveries in Vietnam in the late 1980's, Burmese rubies were without peer. Water in Burma's Mogok Stone Tract brings smiles to all. In 1992, several miners died in a cave-in at a lu-dwin at Than Ta Yar. Officially, ruby, jade, and other gems are Burma’s (Myanmar's) fifth-largest export, but government statistics are notoriously unreliable. Steady rat-a-tat-tat drumbeat on the market the country was well known with overtones of orange and are... From a mixture of these untreated and heat-treated rubies show a range of sizes Padan. 'Pigeon 's Blood rubies and spinels straight from the Accredited Gemologists Association put my finger on dwarfed massive! To settle the area levied tribute, payable in rubies W. Hughes is one of Mogok smile,. 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