This paper will discuss the genesis of the Vancouver project. restorative justice programs for reintegration after prison to prevent recidivism. Evaluation of the Aboriginal Justice Strategy PDF Version. Finally, the report asserts the need for collective education on Indigenous history and colonialism to truly begin dismantling the long legacy of discrimination which fuels Indigenous over-incarceration. Drawing on their shared experiences working with Indigenous communities, Jane Dickson-Gilmore and Carol LaPrairie examine the outcomes of restorative justice projects, paying special attention to such prominent programs as conferencing, sentencing circles, and healing circles. Restorative justice: What is it, and the rationale What exactly is restorative justice? Contribution Funds for Non-Governmental Organizations, a Handbook. Rarely is there atonement to the person or persons injured. Steps to Reconciliation In the Aboriginal justice system, once the atonement had been made and the offence recognized, the matter was forgotten and harmony within the community was considered restored. The Indigenous Guidance Partner is a dedicated position that supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims and those responsible for an offence and their supporters to understand the restorative justice process. 'Will the Circle be Unbroken?' Aboriginal Restorative Justice Program opened its doors in the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre . explores and confronts the potential and pitfalls of restorative justice. A related eForum article, “The Wet’suwet’en Unlocking Aboriginal Justice Program: Restorative Practices in British Columbia, Canada,” can be read here. Other Publications and Resources. 2. In the European justice system, the offender "pays his debt" to society, usually by going to jail. The Restorative Justice Unit provides support and guidance to Aboriginal Torres Strait Islanders referred to and involved in restorative justice. 1. This guide is designed as a reference tool to help funding recipients better understand and comply with the financial requirements described in contribution agreements. Returning to the Teachings: Exploring Aboriginal Justice Canada; available in the U.S. from Living Justice Press). 1, May 2007, pp. Restorative Justice Week Bible Studies These Bible Study guides were originally used during Restorative Justice Week, but can be used at any time. 20, No. To address the issue, Dr Anderson worked with Aboriginal/Noongar Elders and prisoners to design and deliver an Aboriginal in-prison restorative justice program in a regional prison. on East Hastings Street. A restorative justice program designed and delivered in partnership with Aboriginal elders and prisoners has led to a reduction in reoffending. 168-169. It is argued that restorative justice holds great promise but there are significant challenges to ensuring that violence is effectively confronted and women protected. Aboriginal Communities, Restorative Justice, and the Challenges of Conflict and Change ; First and Other Nations top Roy Todd British Journal of Canadian Studies , Vol.